Sun, 9 April 2017
On this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio, we introduce a new an improved version of your host Dean Rotbart. Effectively immediately, Dean is now – objectively speaking – the best podcast host on the planet. That’s because Dean read the half-satirical, half-serious book, “100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings,” by author Sarah Cooper, our guest this week. Many, many of the tricks in Sarah’s book apply to any type of business meeting – even podcasts. [Trick #19: If you start a sentence with “objectively speaking,” anything you say afterwards must be 100 percent correct.] Sarah learned the tricks of appearing smart while sitting through countless meetings at Yahoo! and Google, where she worked before leaving to become an author and stand-up comedian. [Amazing how well her tricks advanced her career, isn’t it?] Sarah’s book is one of the funniest business books you’ll read this year. Perhaps ever. It’s also chock full of actionable ways to use words like “actionable” in order to sound smart. Keep your ears open for other savvy image tricks as Dean and Sarah converse; including interrupting an important meeting to take a call; and repeating what the other person just said, very, very slowly. So…be sure to listen in, and you too, will immediately appear smarter and earn lots more money. Objectively speaking, of course. Photo: Sarah Cooper, The Cooper Review |