Sun, 14 October 2012
This week’s guest on Monday Morning Radio, produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, is Dawn Miracle, owner and founder of Hot Straw. Dawn’s 8-month-old company, Hot Straw, is one of thousands of small businesses across the country that are bypassing bankers, Wall Street and so-called angel investors, preferring to appeal directly to the public at large to raise the money they need to grow their businesses. Miracle is interviewed by Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. Dawn is using a popular crowdfunding website,, to alert prospective supporters throughout the country to her current fundraising campaign. On IndieGoGo, Dawn is asking the public to “donate” a minimum of $10 to her company, in exchange for getting a sampling of her products and the satisfaction of knowing that they are helping an up-and-coming entrepreneur succeed. As of Sunday evening, October 14th, she has only reached about 40% of her goal. [Read more about Dawn and her crowdfunding campaign in Dean Rotbart's column:] Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 20 min 53 sec |