Sun, 13 May 2018
June 12th has been set as the date when President Donald Trump will meet in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. With so much at stake, President Trump and his entourage most certainly will get lots of advice from the State Department and CIA concerning what cultural landmines to avoid. For companies and organizations that engage in important cross-cultural interactions, Dean Foster serves as a one-man State Department/CIA. Foster – who is the founder of DFA Intercultural Global Solutions, hosts a series on the subject for CNN, and has written the “Culture Wise” column for National Geographic – is an expert on training Americans on the intricate nuances in cross-cultural communications, foreign negotiation best practices, and global etiquette. Foster will share his own advice with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart regarding the President’s upcoming trip, as well as what every American who does international business – even in nearby Canada – must do so as not to sabotage relationships before they’re even formed. Photo: Dean Foster, |