Sun, 15 August 2021
Host Dean Rotbart recently conducted an informal poll of business owners and his social network friends. What, he asked, is the one thing they would most desire more of? About 40% of those who responded answered “money.” Another 40%, however, replied that they wish they had more energy. Dr. Amy Novotny, founder of the PABR Institute, which stands for Pain Awareness Breathing and Relief, says that over the past dozen years she’s helped countless clients — without caffeine, medication or surgery — address a wide variety of restrictive conditions, including a lack of energy. More money, Dr. Novotny points out, may or may not buy you more energy. But more energy is very likely to help owners and professionals earn lots more money and check off other high-priority items on their wish lists. [Listeners to Monday Morning Radio can now pre-order a copy of Dean Rotbart’s new book, “September Twelfth: An American Comeback Story.” Visit Gutenberg’s Store.] Photo: Dr. Amy Novotny, PABR Institute |