Sun, 23 December 2012
Do you love classic cars? Entrepreneur Jack Farland earns his living restoring some of the world's greatest automobiles to their original showroom condition: A 1962 Porsche Super 90; a 1960 Ferrari 250 PF Cabriolet; a 1970 Fiat Dino; and a 1941 Cadillac Series 61 - to mention only a few. Farland, owner of Classic Restoration By Country Club - one of the nation's most respected classic restoration shops - discusses the high-end restoration business and the business lessons he's learned from helping make client fantasies come true. Farland is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. Also joining the conversation is Jeff Wilson a small business expert and co-founder of LoomView Enterprises. Wilson is a regular contributor to B. Unconventional. Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 31 min 44 sec
Direct download: 122412_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Farland.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 10:55pm MST |