Sat, 17 December 2016
Every business owner has blind spots. It’s just the downside of being talented. Gene Naftulyev is a business seeing-eye dog, sniffing out ways for small business owners to significantly increase productivity, reduce expenses, and eliminate problems. Frustrations go down. Profits go up. And the owners join the chorus of entrepreneurs who sing Gene’s praises. Gene, author of Business Growth Roadblocks: How to Use Uncommon Sense to Surpass $5 Million, hangs his shingle at This week he joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart to guide him and our listeners around the major obstacles that stymy so many business owners. You can pick up your copy of Business Growth Roadblock by Gene Naftulyev from our all-new Monday Morning Radio book club: Discover how your business can blast through the $5 million glass ceiling at: Photo: Gene Naftulyev, offers same-day and next-day copyediting services, from a staff of veteran editors. Visit or call 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 7. Founded by Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart, is a service of NewsBios. |
Sat, 17 December 2016
David Hoffeld, CEO and Chief Sales Trainer at Minnesota-based Hoffeld Group, has made a career of studying the science of selling, and he’s discovered that the number of common misconceptions – often peddled by highly respected sales gurus – is off the charts. Based on extensive research into a variety of disciplines – including cognitive psychology, social psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics – David has compiled a new book, The Science of Selling, that is rewriting decades of erroneous sales advice. As certain as two parts hydrogen combined with one-part oxygen will produce water, David tells Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart that those who master the scientific formula of selling will produce a veritable cloudburst of record sales. You can pick up your copy of "The Science of Selling" from our all-new Monday Morning Radio Book Club: You’ll find plenty of scientifically proven sales formulas at Photo: David Hoffeld, The Science of Selling offers same-day and next-day copyediting services, from a staff of veteran editors. Visit or call 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 7. Founded by Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart, is a service of NewsBios.