Sun, 27 October 2024
Duane Scott Cerny is an expert on dead people. Or, more precisely, marketing and selling their possessions after they’ve passed to the afterlife. He is the author of the bestselling book Selling Dead People's Things: Inexplicably True Tales, Vintage Fails & Objects of Objectionable Estates and Vintage Confidential: Retro Rattled, Tales Tattled—Confessions of the World’s Third Oldest Profession. Duane co-owns Chicago’s largest multi-dealer antique mall, Broadway Antique Market. As you’ll hear, he is also quite the sage when it comes to understanding the formula for business success. Thanks to his ability to adapt to ever-changing tastes and listen closely to his customers, Duane is celebrating his mall’s 34th anniversary this year. Not only is Duane business savvy, but he is also a born entertainer and storyteller — truly a treat to listen to. Happy Halloween. [Watch Jordan Phelps’s music video tribute to Broadway Antique Market, which opens this week’s episode, on YouTube here. Read Duane’s columns in The Village View here.] Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart. Photo: Duane Scott Cerny, Broadway Antique Market RELATED EPISODES: |
Sun, 20 October 2024
Mo Bunnell and his colleagues at Bunnell Idea Group have trained more than 50,000 high-end professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs on the remarkable effectiveness of gifting their expertise to create and maximize client relationships. Mo’s new book, Give to Grow: Invest in Relationships to Build Your Business and Your Career, from elite business book publisher Bard Press, is the bible of strategic giving. “The real magic to this approach: It’s always your move, and there’s always a way to be helpful,” Mo writes. “When you focus on giving, you will remove your own mental roadblocks. You’ll be centered on solving the client’s problems and investing in their success. And you can build a system to consistently integrate the right moves into your busy work life.” Walking his talk, Mo is offering — for free and with zero obligation — a suite of Give to Grow resources, including videos, a team launch guide, top lead generation methods worksheet, and 50-plus go-to questions to fast-track your meeting preparation. As Mo says, “A great deal might make your year, but a great relationship can make your entire career.” Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart. Photo: Mo Bunnell, Bunnell Idea Group RELATED EPISODES: |
Sun, 13 October 2024
Peter H. Spitz is an MIT-trained chemical engineer and renowned petrochemical industry expert with seven patents. He is also an author and entrepreneur, having started a company that grew to $20 million in annual sales before being acquired by IBM. This past June, Peter published his most recent book, Reflecting on History: How The Industrial Revolution Created Our Way of Life. When we turn on a television, use a computer, heat dinner in a microwave oven, open a refrigerator, drive a car, or take an antibiotic, Peter explains that we are utilizing technologies with roots dating back to the Industrial Revolution in England 300 years ago. Peter wasn’t around back then, but with a razor-sharp mind at 98 years of age, he has plenty of actionable insights to share on what makes for successful inventions and how to build and run a successful business. Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart. Photo: Peter H. Spitz, Author RELATED EPISODES: |
Sun, 6 October 2024
As a Walt Disney Imagineer, Brian Collins, helped create the stories and magic for some of the world’s most beloved theme park attractions. While Walt died in late 1966, the company he founded and many of his disciples continue to practice the gospel of Disney. Brian is one the most successful and sought-after adherents. Brian is the founder of The Brainstorm Institute. Working from Orlando, and frequently exploring Disney World with his clients, Brian teaches innovation, brainstorming, and technology cross-pollination to companies of all sizes. As Walt used to say, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” You’ll have fun this week listening to what Brian Collins has to say. And, oh yeah, if you’ve got Mouse Ears lying around, feel free to wear them while you listen. Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart. Photo: Brian Collins, The Brainstorm Institute RELATED EPISODES:
Schedule your free 30-minute reputation consultation with Monday Morning Radio founding host Dean Rotbart. |