Monday Morning Radio (Authors and Experts)


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After publishing her book, Carla Moore quit her job as an executive at HBO and launched her own successful business consultancy. Charlie Epstein wrote “Paychecks for Life” and soon earned the moniker, “The Betty Crocker of 401 (K) Advisors.” Shelly Henderson used her book to promote her and her husband’s Charlotte, North Carolina real estate firm. It worked.

What Carla, Charlie, and Shelly have in common is that they are three of the well over 1,300 authors who Adam Witty and his companies have helped leverage their influence and authority by publishing books.

Adam is the founder and CEO of Advantage Media Group, which now supports authors in business, finance, medicine, and other professions in more than 40 U.S. states and 13 countries. Host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, who first interviewed Adam in February 2018, notes that unlike conventional publishers, Adam’s core product is not ink on paper, or even digital ink, but raw, impactful influence.

A Best of Monday Morning Radio encore.

Photo: Adam Witty, Advantage Media Group
Originally Posted: February 17, 2018
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: May 24, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 48:46

Direct download: BOMMR_052421.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 11:02am MST

Many people get the concept of motivation all wrong. They think it involves willpower and sacrifice. They either offer themselves a reward to achieve their goals or they threaten themselves with penalties if they don’t.

Susan Fowler says that science and practice proves otherwise. Fowler, whose book on the topic is titled — Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work...and What Does — previously co-authored three books with none other than management guru Ken Blanchard.

As she told host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart in May 2015, motivation is a skill that anyone can learn, practice and master. A Best of Monday Morning Radio encore.

Photo: Susan Fowler, Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work...and What Does
Originally Posted: May 15, 2015
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: May 17, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 36:05

Direct download: BOMMR_051721.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:01pm MST

For those of us who make our livings relying on effective communications, the correct choice of words is essential.

Dr. Per-Olof Hasselgren, a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, has studied the relationship between human anatomy and English-language phraseology. It’s extensive.

In his book, “Body Language — From Head to Toe,” Dr. Hasselgren dissects 2,000 idioms, words, and expressions containing body parts.

Host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, who interviewed Dr. Hasselgren in March 2016, says his amusing book is not only eye-opening, it will also give creatives a head start on becoming superior wordsmiths. A Best of Monday Morning Radio encore.

Photo: Dr. Per-Olof Hasselgren, “Body Language — From Head to Toe
Originally Posted: March 27, 2016
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: May 10, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 25:10

Direct download: BOMMR_051021.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:22pm MST

Does the name Beth Harmon sound familiar? The fictional Beth, an orphan, is a chess prodigy who captures the hearts of viewers and earns the world chess championship crown in the incredibly popular 2020 Netflix miniseries, “The Queen’s Gambit.”

Elliott Neff is a real-life Chess Federation National Master, who helps others, especially young and disadvantaged people, discover valuable life lessons through the game of chess.

In October 2018, two years before America fell in love with Beth Harmon, Elliott schooled host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart on the ways in which chess teaches sportsmanship, good decision-making, patience, planning, and how to learn from mistakes. Listening to this week’s Best of Monday Morning Radio episode is a smart opening move for any entrepreneur who aims to checkmate the competition.

Photo: Elliott Neff, Chess4Life
Originally Posted: October 15, 2018
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: April 5, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 50:18

Coming in August 2021 from TJFR Press: September Twelfth: Ground Zero on 9/11 with The Wall Street Journal by Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart.

On September 11, 2001, The Wall Street Journal's main newsroom, located just across West Street from the World Trade Center - was obliterated by falling debris and flaming smoke.

This is the true story of how the traumatized men and women of the Journal and Dow Jones - journalists, graphic designers, technicians, administrative assistants, compositors, and delivery truck drivers - overcame their personal anguish and confusion to publish a Pulitzer Prize-winning edition on September 12th.

To reserve your autographed copy, email Dean @ MondayMorningRadio . com with your name, mailing address, and daytime phone number.

Direct download: BOMMR_Chess.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:14pm MST

Did you know that older entrepreneurs are more successful than younger ones? Or that many of the best entrepreneurs never set out to launch independent businesses?

Syracuse University Professor Carl J. Schramm knows both from personal experience, and because he has spent a lifetime as an evangelist for entrepreneurship, including heading a $2 billion private foundation dedicated to helping business owners succeed.

When host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart interviewed Professor Schramm in June 2018, the “Entrepreneurial Evangelist” and author of Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do, dismissed the notion that earning an MBA is the surest ticket to success. The proven path, the professor says, is paved with passion, determination, and a willingness to experiment and innovate.

Photo: Carl Schramm, “Burn the Business Plan
Originally Posted: June 17, 2018
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: March 29, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:19

Coming in August 2021 from TJFR Press: September Twelfth: Ground Zero on 9/11 with The Wall Street Journal by Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart.

On September 11, 2001, The Wall Street Journal's main newsroom, located just across West Street from the World Trade Center - was obliterated by falling debris and flaming smoke.

This is the true story of how the traumatized men and women of the Journal and Dow Jones - journalists, graphic designers, technicians, administrative assistants, compositors, and delivery truck drivers - overcame their personal anguish and confusion to publish a Pulitzer Prize-winning edition on September 12th.

To reserve your autographed copy, email Dean @ MondayMorningRadio . com with your name, mailing address, and daytime phone number.

Direct download: BOMMR_Schramm.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:32pm MST

Daniel Burrus has 1.2 million followers on LinkedIn, which named the technology futurist one of the world’s Top 10 influencers.

Burrus is the originator of the Anticipatory Organization model, which allows business owners and entrepreneurs to accurately foresee new opportunities, spot growing problems, and understand ever-changing customer needs.

Host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart asked Burrus to forecast some future trends when he interviewed him in October 2017. This week, discover just how accurate a soothsayer Burrus really is.

Photo: Daniel Burrus, The Anticipatory Organization
Originally Posted: October 16, 2017
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: March 22, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 32:15

Direct download: BOMMR_Burrus.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:09pm MST

Which of the following sentences do you think conveys costly, erroneous “business think”?

  1. This is the way we’ve always done it; no reason to change now.
  2. You get what you pay for.
  3. We can probably do that ourselves.
  4. The customer is always right.

The correct answer is “E” – all of the above.

As business consultant Jack Quarles first explained to host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart in March 2017, American companies pay a massive penalty for buying into outdated thinking. Jack’s book, “Expensive Sentences,” is an international bestseller and will make you think twice about bogus business aphorisms.

Photo: Jack Quarles, “Expensive Sentences
Originally Posted: March 13, 2017
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: February 15, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 43:52

Direct download: BOMMR_Jack_Quarles.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:29pm MST

Sarah Cooper has become a TikTok superstar. Her hilarious video lip-syncs to the voice of former President Donald Trump made her a national celebrity, even serving as a substitute host for Jimmy Kimmel on his late-night ABC talk show.

Host Dean Rotbart knew Sarah was special when he interviewed her four years ago about her half-serious, half-humorous book, “100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings.” Sarah was inspired to write the book after sitting through boring meetings at her previous employers, Yahoo! and Google.

This week on a Best of Monday Morning Radio episode, Dean reprises his 2017 conversation with Sarah, and “objectively speaking” – as you’ll hear [Trick #19], he’s still the best podcast host on the planet.

Photo: Sarah Cooper, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings
Originally Posted: April 10, 2017
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: February 8, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 30:06

Direct download: BOMMR_Cooper.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:35pm MST

The global office real estate market – both for tenants and landlords – is in total chaos. Even after the Covid-19 pandemic has passed, America’s workplaces will never return to the old normal.

Chris Kane, a former senior real estate executive with The Walt Disney Company and the BBC, has reimagined tomorrow’s workplace. In his new book, Where is My Office? Chris spells out what it will take to make the office an attractive place to work and serve as a means of invigorating employee productivity.

Where will you and your employees be working in the years ahead? Chris shares his forecast with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart.

[Pick up your own copy of “Where is My Office?” here.]

Photo: Chris Kane, Six Ideas
Posted: January 25, 2021
Monday Morning Run Time: 53:38

Direct download: Chris_Kane.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:48pm MST

How do you say “One Thing” in Chinese? Or Spanish. Or Russian?

Since Jay Papasan first spoke with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart in April 2013, Jay’s mega-bestseller, The One Thing, co-authored with Gary Keller, has been translated into 40 foreign languages. The wisdom contained in their book, obviously, is universal.

Jay’s premise is that everyone should decide on what matters most in their personal and work lives, and then focus their energy on one thing at a time.

Voted one of the Top 100 Business Books of all time, The One Thing, from the incomparable Bard Press, is one life-changing concept that you can’t afford to miss.

[Pick up your own copy of “The One Thing” here.]

Photo: Jay Papasan, “The One Thing”
Originally Posted: April 29, 2013
Best of Monday Morning Radio Update: January 11, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 26:42

Direct download: One_Thing.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:23pm MST

After a year in which all of our lives have been turned topsy-turvy, the notion that we can be in full command of our lives going forward may seem fanciful.

But Dr. Paul Napper, a renowned psychology expert and business consultant, has developed a science-based approach to living life on our own terms.

In his latest book, “The Power of Agency,” co-authored with Dr. Anthony Rao, Dr. Napper outlines seven empowering steps that anyone can use to take charge of their life.

Of the seven principles, Dr. Napper tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, one that is particularly important during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is to associate yourself with supportive positive people who you can learn from. Hear all seven of Dr. Napper’s steps now and start off 2021 fresh; ready to succeed regardless of what life throws your way.

[Resolve to purchase your own copy of “The Power of Agency” here.]

Photo: Dr. Paul Napper, Performance Psychology Consulting
Posted: December 21, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 51:16

Direct download: Paul_Napper.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:37pm MST

Bill Fox is helping businesses in the United States design the workplaces of the future, from, of all places, his base in Estonia.

American-born and educated, Fox is co-founder of Forward-Thinking Workplaces and the author of The Future of the Workplace. With more than three decades of experience in project management and leading successful transformations, he’s now focused on helping organizations get more done with fewer people.

In addition to his own leadership experience, Fox tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart that to formulate his “Forward-Thinking Workplaces” approach, he interviewed more than 100 top global business leaders and executives.

To learn how your workplace can become forward-thinking, and to discover why Fox runs his operations out of Estonia, you’ll have to listen in for yourself, right now.

[Pick up your own copy of Bill's book, The Future of the Workplace: Insights and Advice from 31 Pioneering Business and Thought Leaders, here.]

Photo: Bill Fox, Forward-Thinking Workplaces
Posted: December 14, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 44:53

Direct download: Bill_Fox.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 11:42am MST

Charles Duhigg is the mega-bestselling author of The Power of Habit and Smarter Faster Better. His books use masterful storytelling and real-life examples to help readers be more productive, and improve all aspects of their lives.

Shortly after The Power of Habit was first published in 2012, host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart interviewed him for this podcast. Earlier this month, Dean caught up with Charles again to discuss both books and how he applies the lessons of his writing to his own life.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, peel back the covers and delve into the mind of one of this decade’s most successful business authors.

Photo: Charles Duhigg, Author
Posted: November 30, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 43:06

Direct download: Charles_Duhigg.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:09pm MST

Tim Ringo has some unconventional ideas about how owners and CEOs can inspire greater productivity from their employees and turbocharge their companies’ profitability.

Among these: hire people on the Autism spectrum, forget about requiring a college degree for job candidates, and use robots to replace employees who hold repetitive, mundane jobs — retraining the displaced workers for better, higher-paying positions.

Tim, with more than 30 years in the Human Resources field, is the author of the newly published book, “Solving the Productivity Puzzle: How to engage, motivate and develop employees to improve individual and business performance.”

This week, Tim shares with host Dean Rotbart why he believes America is entering a “perfect storm” of new opportunities for employees and organizations.

Photo: Tim Ringo, Solving the Productivity Puzzle
Posted: November 23, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 42:06

Direct download: Tim_Ringo.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:12pm MST

Four-time Olympic athlete Ruben Gonzalez likes to recite the Proverb “Iron sharpens iron,” in explaining the philosophy of his new Facebook group, the Goal Achievers Club.

Launched earlier this month, the group not only relies on Ruben himself for success and leadership tips, it draws on its growing roster of accomplished owners and entrepreneurs to share the wisdom of their experiences.

Host Dean Rotbart first interviewed Ruben — a much-in-demand corporate speaker and author — four years ago, when the two discussed how he overcame a lack of athletic talent to become the first Olympian ever to compete in four Olympic games in four different decades.

This go-around, Ruben shares the formula he’s using to attract and grow a quality membership to his Goal Achievers Club and why other ambitious entrepreneurs might want to sign up (it’s free, of course).

[Note: Listeners can register as a member of Ruben’s Goal Achievers Club and get a free copy of his popular e-book at]

Photo: By TimeinaBottlePhotography
Posted: November 16, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 44:42

Direct download: Goal_Achievers.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:14pm MST

When McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Chick-fil-A, and the Green Bay Packers were searching for ways to turn their managers into leaders who employees would want to follow, they turned to Jill Ratliff, an executive coach with more than 25 years of Fortune 100 human resources management experience.

By making surprisingly few and modest changes, as Jill outlines in her new book — Leadership Through Trust and Collaboration — owners and managers can become results-driven leaders who not only inspire their colleagues but also get much greater satisfaction from their work.

“Let’s just end the debate; leaders are not born, they’re made,” Jill tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart. Hear her proven formula for success exclusively on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Purchase your own copy of Leadership Through Trust & Collaboration here.

Photo: Jill Ratliff, Jill Ratliff Leadership
Posted: October 19, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 49:36

Direct download: Ratliff.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:54pm MST

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the massive number of people who’ve lost their jobs, it should come as no surprise that America is in the midst of a small business startup boom.

The Wall Street Journal reports that applications for new employer identification numbers — an indicator of new business launches — are up by 18.5% over 2019, and growing at the fastest rate since 2007.

Which is perfect timing for authors Jonathan Littman and Susana Camp, whose recently released book, The Entrepreneur’s Faces, relies on real-life profiles of small business founders to help owners find their individual innovation style and edge.

The good news, Littman and Camp tell host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, is that people from all backgrounds and walks of life can master the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Purchase your own copy of The Entrepreneur’s Faces here.

Photo: Susanna Camp and Jonathan Littman, The Entrepreneur’s Faces
Posted: October 12, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 54:19

Direct download: Littman_Camp.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:16pm MST

Imagine a professional baseball league with teams located in Small Town America, such as Garden City, Kansas; Roswell, New Mexico; Trinidad, Colorado; and Tucson, Arizona.

Now imagine you’re tapped to manage one of these independent league teams — featuring a squad of not-ready-for-prime-time players — and trying to win a national championship. 

Finally, ask yourself, if such a challenge existed in real life (it does), what lessons might you discover about competing, recruiting, and marketing your team that also apply to small businesses?

Bill Rogan, the 2019 rookie manager of the Tucson Saguaros, joins host Dean Rotbart this week to share the thrills of victory and the agonies of defeat managing a team far from the big city.

Pick up your own copy of Bill Rogan’s “Life Ain’t the Same in the Pecos League” here.

To add your name to the list of those who would like more information about joining Bill and Dean at a Pecos League game next season, email and be sure to include your name and phone number.

Photo: Bill Rogan, Manager, Santa Fe Fuego
Posted: October 5, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 51:42

Direct download: Bill_Rogan.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 12:37pm MST

In 1996, Dave Nassaney’s wife, Charlene, suffered a massive stroke that left her severely speech impaired and paralyzed on her right side. 

Dave, a USC graduate, entrepreneur, and service station owner, had no one to turn to and few resources to help him handle the tricky navigation he faced.

Like that of thousands of other entrepreneurs who each year find themselves in similar situations, Dave’s challenge was not merely how to manage for a couple of weeks or even months. That’s hard enough.

He soon realized his new family responsibilities would be with him for years, even decades to come. Indeed, it’s now nearly 25 years later, and Dave remains Charlene’s primary caregiver.

Dave turned his family’s misfortune into a business,, that instructs other caregivers — especially entrepreneurs — how to handle unexpected caregiving duties.

Dave is the author of “It’s My Life Too: Thrive and Stay Alive as a Caregiver.” He is also a much-in-demand public speaker, a radio host, and a frequent media guest.

Dave’s insights, says host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, are especially valuable as we continue to struggle with COVID-19, which has spawned more first-time caregivers over the past six months than in any era since the scourge of polio.

“Even if such a crisis never comes knocking at your door, there are some valuable lessons that we can all learn from how Dave was dealt a truly awful hand, and yet, using ingenuity, dedication, determination, and persistence converted his experience into an invaluable service for others,” Dean notes.

Photo: David Nassaney,
Posted: September 28, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 36:30

Direct download: caregiverdave.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:55pm MST

Women entrepreneurs are starting and running businesses in record numbers. Today, the number of women-owned firms in the United States is more than double what it was in 2000.

Yet, as Madeline Pratt knows from first-hand experience, women in business face unique obstacles on the path to success. So Madeline, founder of the “female-forward” consultancy, Fearless in Training, specializes in helping other women level the playing field when it comes to technology, accounting, and business in general.

For those who have XY chromosomes (i.e., Men), host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart says Madeline is a great model for creating a business concept with a mission and targeted audience. Her entrepreneurial insights, he adds, are universal.

[Note: Did you know that Monday Morning Radio is now available to stream or download from Amazon Music Podcasts? Also, subscribe for free at Apple Podcasts.]

Photo: Madeline Pratt, Fearless in Training
Posted: September 21, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes

Direct download: Fearless.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:53pm MST

Sandi Masori is a small business alchemist, turning doctors, real estate agents, insurance salespeople, financial planners, and all variety of entrepreneurs into authors.

Sandi, owner of, has leveraged her experience writing books about decorating with balloons into a lucrative business and a platform for coaching others on how to follow in her footsteps.

Not to burst your balloon, but as Sandi tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, her method is more likely to help you grow your business, practice, or sales than it is to land you a megabucks book advance. The good news, Sandi says, is that if you start today, your “business authority” book will be available from before the year is out.

Book It! by Sandi Masori is available now from

Are you already a self-published author or do you plan to be? You can sell your book at, and receive a better cut of sales than Amazon offers. Contact host Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200 for details.

Photo: Sandi Masori,
Posted: September 14, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 53:05

Direct download: Sandi_Masori.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:14pm MST

Carrie Melissa Jones is a master-builder of so-called “Brand Communities,” which go way beyond common social networking and online forums to cement a life-long sense of belonging among core customers, employees, and even vendors.

Done right, brand communities can dramatically enrich the success of both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. The devil, of course, is in the details.

Carrie is co-author of “Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging.” As important as who successful brand communities seek to attract, she tells host Dean Rotbart, are who they consciously choose to alienate. 

Pick up your own copy of Carrie’s book here.

Photo: Carrie Melissa Jones, Gather Community Consulting
Posted: August 24, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 49:22

Direct download: Building_Communities.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:23pm MST

You're sitting at an outdoor café and an important client of yours spots you. He comes over and extends his hand in greeting. Do you shake it or do you risk offending him by saying that you’re adhering to social distancing rules?

Likewise, you’ve scheduled a video conference with a prospective customer. You’re both working from home. What do you wear? Business casual? Business dress? Shorts and a t-shirt?

The rules of business etiquette in the coronavirus era have had to be rewritten, which is just fine with etiquette expert Maryanne Parker, who observes that since the days of Louis XIV of France, what is and isn’t appropriate has been an ever-evolving standard.

Maryanne, an author and owner of Manor of Manners, joins host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart to address a variety of common, modern etiquette dilemmas that business owners face.

Be sure to pick up a copy of Maryanne’s latest book, Posh Overnight: The 10 Pillars of Social Etiquette.

Photo: Maryanne Parker, Manor of Manners
Posted: August 17, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: One-hour, one-minute, and 37-seconds

Direct download: Maryanne_Parker.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:24pm MST

“I believe that capitalism is the most significant man-made invention ever.”

So declares this week’s guest Dan Bruder, a respected author, business strategist, and educator.

Dan is fully aware that his viewpoint isn’t politically correct. Indeed, it conflicts

with millions of dissatisfied Americans and protestors who blame the economic and political system that vests our country’s trade and industry in private hands society’s many ills.

But rather than turn to socialism, or even Marxism, as some people advocate, Dan says capitalism can be refocused to best address its failures and the inequalities that have arisen over the past 50 years.

Dan’s book, “The Blendification System: Activating Potential by Connecting Culture, Strategy, and Execution,” teaches capitalism as a means of not only generating profits for owners and shareholders, but also for enriching the lives of employees and customers. And, importantly, of building better communities as a result.

More than a philosophical treatise on private ownership and the good it can do, Blendification is also a “roll-up-your-sleeves and take these steps” playbook that shows readers how to transform theory into reality.

Listen in as Dan and host Dean Rotbart, an award-winning financial journalist, discuss the merits of making better applications of capitalism to ensure it works well for everyone.

To order your copy of “The Blendification System,” click here.

Photo: Daniel M. Bruder, The Blendification System
Posted: July 27, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 51:02

Direct download: Blendification.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:06pm MST

Why be an ordinary entrepreneur when you can become a “Celebrity Entrepreneur” and watch your bottom line grow along with your reputation?

Clint Arthur, a Wizard Academy alumnus, trains business owners on his “scientific formula” to land TV interviews, paid speaking engagements, VIP invitations, and book contracts. As their visibility grows, so do their bank balances.

Join Clint and host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart as they pull back the curtain on how reputations are manufactured, and reveal why merit alone has very little to do with modern celebrity status.

Register here for Clint Arthur’s “Medical Marketing Miracle Conference” in Atlanta, featuring Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, Jocelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General, and astronaut Mike Massimino.

Purchase a copy of Clint’s “Celebrity Entrepreneurship” book here.

Photo: Clint Arthur, Celebrity Entrepreneurship
Posted: July 20, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 1 hour 3 minutes

Direct download: Clint_Arthur.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:52pm MST

Former British Prime Minister and global diplomat Tony Blair credits Cheryl Strauss Einhorn, founder of CSE Consulting, with developing “the science of decision-making” and helping him resolve tough choices.

Einhorn, a master problem-solver, business consultant, author, and public speaker, is the developer behind the AREA Method, an increasingly popular framework that allows executives, politicians, and even investors to make better choices, especially when the stakes are high.

When you’re trying to answer significant business or personal questions, those with large and long-term repercussions, Cheryl tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart that her proprietary method will lead to better outcomes and a more efficient, less-stressful, decision-making process.

One high-impact decision that is actually easy to make, is not to miss this week’s valuable edition of Monday Morning Radio.

To order your copy of Cheryl Strauss Einhorn’s Problem Solved: A Powerful System for Making Complex Decisions with Confidence and Conviction, click here.

To order your copy of Investing in Financial Research: A Decision-Making System for Better Results, click here.

Photo: Cheryl Strauss Einhorn, CSE Consulting
Posted: July 6, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 54:25

Direct download: Area_Method.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:10pm MST

After scrutinizing Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon daily for more than five years, Alex Kantrowitz decoded the single secret they all share: No matter how large these and other successful tech giants grow or how established they become, they still run their companies with the mentality and risk-taking attitudes of a startup.

Alex, who earlier this month launched his own independent newsletter and podcast called "Big Technology," recently published “Always Day One: How the Tech Titans Plan to Stay on Top Forever.”

To successfully compete with the Amazons and Googles of the world, Alex tells host and award-winning reporter Dean Rotbart, today’s companies of all sizes not only have to adopt an “Always Day One” approach, they have to execute it better than the tech titans themselves.

The alternative, he warns, is “Day Two,” or stasis, where most once-profitable companies operate, leading inevitably to irrelevance, followed by a gradual decline culminating in total failure.

Did you miss Monday Morning Radio’s live panel, “Understanding TikTok and How It Can Turbocharge Your Sales”? Download the replay at

Discover how you can put TikTok to work for your brand, and why it’s better than other social media platforms.

Photo: Alex Kantrowitz, Always Day One
Posted: June 29, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 49:13

Direct download: Always_Day_One.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:16pm MST

Working from home? Stealing from your employers at home?

In the new COVID-19 era, ripping off employers is easier and more common than you might imagine.

The coronavirus outbreak has been a boon to employees who are willing to steal from their companies, as fraud and embezzlement are harder to prevent and detect when a company’s workforce is able to cheat remotely.

In addition, when employees must rely on video teleconferences and personal email accounts and cell phones, it increases the vulnerability of their employers to cyber-crime and theft of sensitive intellectual property.

Doug E. Cash and Trent L. Leavitt are white-collar crime specialists with Eide Bailly, one of the country’s most respected and most trusted CPA firms.

Doug is one part crime fighter and one part prevention expert. Trent is a cyber-detective, providing computer forensics, cell phone forensics, and eDiscover.

This week, Doug and Trent join host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart to inform business owners how to prevent their companies from falling victim to coronavirus-inspired criminals, and how to detect small problems before they grow into financial nightmares.

Download a free Eide Bailly special report, “How to Deal with Fraud Risk in a COVID-19 World,” prepared by guest Doug E. Cash, here.

Hear our January 2020 episode, Who’s in Your Wallet? How to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Dishonest Workers, featuring Doug Cash and two other distinguished panel members, here.


This episode marks the beginning of our 9th year producing this podcast, which launched in June 2012. 

Since our first episode, more than 750,000 listeners — most of them owners of small businesses and professional practices — have tuned in to gather actionable insights from their peers and from a who’s who of small business coaches and consultants.

A complete archive of this podcast, featuring nearly 400 full episodes, is available for free here. Subscribe to Monday Morning Radio on Apple Music here.

Photo: Doug E. Cash (l) and Trent L. Leavitt, Eide Bailly
Posted: June 22, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 61 Minutes

Direct download: Work_at_Home_Fraud.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 11:21am MST

Todd Sattersten is an author, literary agent, editor, blogger, and since January 2019, deputy publisher at Bard Press, the boutique house responsible for the success of The Little Red Book of Selling, The Gift of Struggle, The One Thing, and, of course, the incomparable Wizard of Ads Trilogy by Roy H. Williams.

Todd makes his living, in part, by trying to forecast where consumer taste in reading — specifically in business books — will be a year or two down the road. He is an acute observer of the industry; what’s hot, what’s not, and what’s likely to be the next in-demand topic.

Whether you’re already an author, a would-be author, or an avid reader, as host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart explains on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio, Todd’s analysis of current trends in the book industry and what’s driving them is intelligence that every owner and professional can profit from. 

Click here to hear a preview of Monday Morning Radio’s free, live, panel “Understanding TikTok and How It Can Turbocharge Your Sales.” Co-Hosted by Dean Rotbart and Evan Morgenstein, founder of The Digital Renegades, the panel takes place on June 18th at 11:30 am EDT. Registration is now open at

Preview our new Monday Morning Radio community, Small Business Paramedics, featuring expert advice on how to buttress your business and reach your goals. Coming Summer 2020.


Photo: Todd Sattersten
Posted: June 8, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 1 hour, 7 minutes

Direct download: Bard_Press.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:13pm MST

When Kevin Vallely isn’t working his “day job” as an architect, he can be found on one of many adventures, such as breaking the world record for the fastest unsupported trek to the geographic South Pole.

When Amy Posey, a management consultant and former leadership expert with Deloitte, isn’t at her desk, she’s might be found paragliding, or joining Kevin in crossing Baffin Island in the Canadian High Arctic in winter, on foot.

Both Kevin and Amy describe themselves as extreme adventures, and in their new book Wild Success, both offer seven key lessons business leaders can learn from their experiences pushing themselves to do the seemingly impossible.

Although host Dean Rotbart has never raced to the South Pole or soared hundreds of feet off the ground in a harness below a fabric wing, this week he quizzes both Kevin and Amy on the extreme adventure of entrepreneurship.

Photo: Kevin Vallely and Amy Posey, Wild Success
Posted: May 25, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 51:21

Direct download: Wild_Success.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:15pm MST

When you think of today’s entrepreneurs, who comes to mind: Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, or Jeff Bezos?


Today’s entrepreneurs are the owners of hair salons, restaurants, car washes, jewelry stories, and tens of thousands of other small businesses and professional practices that comprise the modern economy.

In his new book, “The Soul of an Entrepreneur,” author David Sax debunks just about every stereotype people have about founders, including their backgrounds, motivations, and measures of success.

“David has his finger on the pulse of today’s entrepreneur, much as author Studs Terkel did in his seminal 1974 book, ‘Working,’ says host Dean Rotbart. “Genuine entrepreneurs who hear this podcast will take comfort in knowing their dreams and struggles are shared by so many others, while nine-to-five workers will discover the truth behind the entrepreneurial myth.”

To order your own copy of "The Soul of an Entrepreneur," click here.

Photo: David Sax, The Soul of an Entrepreneur
Posted: May 4, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 47:31

Direct download: David_Sax.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:13pm MST

Wayne B. Titus III, a CPA whose Plymouth, Michigan, financial advisory firm, AMDG Financial, has assets of more than $150 million, digested all 800-plus pages of the $2 trillion CARES Act legislation to help his clients take full advantage of the various government programs aimed at helping employers and employees weather the COVID-19 shutdown tsunami.

CARES is complex, and without a guide such as Titus, many owners and entrepreneurs stand to overlook aspects of the mammoth government program that could make the difference between survival and bankruptcy.

One step, in particular, is critical for all employers, Titus explains to host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, who dubs Titus, “a small business paramedic.” Discover Titus’s #1 recommendation this week exclusively on Monday Morning Radio.

Pick up a copy of Wayne Titus’s small business primer, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial Well Being, here.

Photo: Wayne B. Titus III, AMDG Financial
Posted: April 20, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:11

Direct download: Understanding_CARES.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:29pm MST

More than a decade ago, Robbie Kellman Baxter – a graduate of both Harvard University and the Stanford Graduate School of Business who worked as a strategy consultant at Booz-Allen & Hamilton – coined the phrase “The Membership Economy” to describe the trend of consumers to embrace subscription-based products and services.

Popular examples include: Stitch Fix, Dollar Shave Club, Netflix, BarkBox, and Freshly.

Now, in her just published book, The Forever Transaction: How to Build a Subscription Model So Compelling, Your Customers Will Never Want to Leave, Baxter details how any business – big or small – can create and attract membership clients and keep them for a lifetime.

Especially as people hunker down in response to COVID-19, Baxter, founder of the consulting firm, Peninsula Strategies, tells host and award-winning reporter Dean Rotbart that subscription-based business models are proving invaluable.

To purchase a copy of The Forever Transaction, click here.To order fresh-roasted coffee from Creature Coffee, click here.

Photo: Robbie Kellman Baxter, Peninsula Strategies
Posted: April 6, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 47:41

Direct download: Forever_Transaction.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:08pm MST

The coronavirus is wreaking havoc on businesses large and small, curtailing travel, sporting events, and gatherings of all manner; even weddings.

For many owners and entrepreneurs, it portends financial disaster.

But this week’s guest this week, Evan Morgenstein, a veteran talent agent who specializes in representing social media mega-stars, sees a path for companies to not only survive coronavirus but to thrive.

As Evan points, all the people who are confined to their homes, working from home, or planned to attend now-canceled conferences and entertainment events, will almost certainly be surfing the internet and watching more television than ever.

That makes this the perfect time, Evan contends, for companies to use strategic influencer programs to bolster their brands and their revenues in ways that will continue to serve them long after the current health crisis passes.

Join host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart for a timely examination of influencer marketing.

Photo: Evan Morgenstein, CelebExperts
Posted: March 16, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 50:52

Direct download: Evan_Morgensteiin.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:52pm MST

Nearly two-thirds of all employers now offer a work-from-home option, at least for some of their employees.

But few employers provide their staff instructions on how to be most productive and satisfied working remotely, and most employers don’t know how best to manage their far-flung team members.

Teresa Douglas, who has worked from home since 2010, recently co-wrote a book, “Working Remotely,” to help employees and employers alike navigate the shoals of off-site workers. She shares her best insights this week with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart.   

Photo: Teresa Douglas, Working Remotely
Posted: February 17, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 34:15

Direct download: Working_Remotely.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:08pm MST

Some of the most entrenched business problems that owners face have nothing to do with sales, marketing, employees, venders, or regulations. They have to do with “Mom.”

Unresolved childhood issues often creep, surreptitiously, into adult decision-making and can be a huge hindrance to successful goal-setting.

Dr. Patti Ashley, a psychotherapist, international speaker, and author calls her approach to resolving lingering childhood and adolescent problems, Authenticity Architecture. Only by casting off the misguided vestiges of our upbringing, Dr. Ashley tells host and award-winning reporter Dean Rotbart, can entrepreneurs realize their most heartfelt business goals.

[Pick up a copy of Dr. Ashley’s new book, Living in the Shadow of the Too-Good Mother Archetype.]

Photo: Dr. Patti Ashley, Authenticity Architecture
Posted: January 27, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 40:22

Direct download: Patti_Ashley.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 10:40pm MST

When Jackie Jenkins-Scott was appointed president of the historic Dimock Community Health Center, whose roots in Boston date to 1857, the bankrupt institution was shopping its architecturally magnificent campus to real estate investors for redevelopment.

Instead, Jackie revived Dimock, as she did 21 years later when she stepped in as president of failing Wheelock College.

Jackie believes that many dying businesses and nonprofits can turn their fortunes around if their leaders will embrace the approach she dubs, “Responsive Leadership.”

Jackie boils down her method of turning around troubled organizations to seven secrets. She shares them with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Order a copy of Jackie’s new book: The 7 Secrets of Responsive Leadership: Drive Change, Manage Transitions, and Help Any Organization Turn Around 

Photo: Jackie Jenkins-Scott, JJS Advising
Posted: January 20, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 33:45

Direct download: Responsive_Leadership.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:20pm MST

Some of the most important decisions in history, from President Abraham Lincoln’s bold move to publish the Emancipation Proclamation to Harry Truman’s order to drop the atomic bomb, offer all of us lessons about how to make the tough choices that inevitably face us.

In his new book, Decisions, historian, author, and strategic public relations counselor Robert L. Dilenschneider gleans practical advice on how to make the best decisions from 23 men and women who shaped the world, including Henry Ford, Howard Johnson, and A.P. Giannini.

When life demanded it, each of the 23 individuals profiled in Decisions followed a path that Dilenschneider admires in order to reach their conclusions and subsequently act upon them.

What all of his profile subjects have in common, Dilenschneider tells host Dean Rotbart, is a sense of purpose. “They all knew who they were, and they constantly moved toward who they were.”

Each of us eventually has a Rubicon to cross. Knowing how others have faced their biggest challenges can help us make the best choices in our own lives, Rotbart says.

Dilenschneider is the founder of The Dilenschneider Group, a corporate strategic counseling and public relations firm based in Manhattan. In that capacity, he has advised numerous Global 500 corporations and CEOs.

In addition to Decisions, he is the author of several other popular books, including Power and Influence, and 50 Plus! Decisions will be turned into a PBS television series later this year.

Photo: Robert L. Dilenschneider, Decisions
Posted: January 6, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 58:19

Direct download: Decisions.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 12:57pm MST

Jeffrey Gitomer is the all-time, best-selling author of sales books; better even than Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, and Napoleon Hill.

Gitomer’s “Little Red Book of Selling” is a classic, not only for dedicated salespeople, but for anyone seeking to sell a product, service, idea, or even to market themselves.

Dean Rotbart, host of Monday Morning Radio, previously hosted a live weekly radio show - Newsroom Confidential - on KRLA 870 AM radio in Los Angeles. Back in 2006, when Gitomer had just published his second book – “Little Black Book of Connections,” Dean interviewed him about his methods and how they apply to everyone – not just professional salespeople.

This week, as an audio stocking stuffer, Dean plumbs the Newsroom Confidential archives to replay his actionable interview with Jeffrey Gitomer.

Photo: Jeffrey Gitomer, Little Red Book of Selling
Posted: December 23, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 27:31

Direct download: Gitomer_Replay.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 12:30am MST

Whether in business or your personal life, if you have a dream, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s impossible.

In fact, Jason Caldwell, this week’s guest on Monday Morning Radio, makes his living by teaching people how to move beyond the normal bounds of possibility and shatter all expectations.

Jason – an adventure racer who set a world record in 2017 for rowing across the Atlantic in 35 days, 14 hours, and 3 minutes – is the founder of Latitude 35 Racing, a global leadership training firm whose clients include Nike,, and Santander Bank.

This week, Jason shares many of his hard-earned insights, and excerpts from his new book, Navigating The Impossible, with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart.

Photo: Jason Caldwell, Latitude 35 Racing
Posted: December 16, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 38:56

Direct download: Jason_Caldwell.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 11:00pm MST

On the rollercoaster of life, Ken D. Foster has seen the peaks and the valleys, working his way up from gas station attendant to head of a $200 million securities business, and back to the very bottom.

Ken finally found stability, and success, when he cleaned his slate of beliefs and behaviors and began anew. Now a best-selling author of five books, a podcaster, and an empowerment coach, Ken has released his newest book, The Courage to Change Everything, which provides daily strategies to overcome life’s greatest challenges.

As Ken explains to host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, his approach to success is a hybrid of ancient and modern wisdom, Eastern and Western philosophies.

Photo: Ken D. Foster, Author
Posted: December 9, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 43:44

Direct download: Change_Everything.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:27pm MST

Karen Wickre has worked in Silicon Valley for more than 30 years, including stints as the editorial director of Twitter and a senior global communicator at Google, which she joined when there were only 500 employees. By the time she left, there were 50,000 people on the payroll.

During that time she became globally recognized as an über networker - connecting with the world’s elite and harnessing the power of her contacts.

A self-described introvert, Karen shares with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart steps anyone can take to build and fill their own business network with meaningful connections.

[Be sure to pick up a copy of Karen’s book, “Taking the Work Out of Networking: Your Guide to Making and Keeping Great Connections,” available here.]

Photo: Karen Wickre
Posted: November 25, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes and 5 seconds

Direct download: KAREN_WICKRE.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:39pm MST

Mary Fran Bontempo, an award-winning speaker, author, and humorist, just came out with a crisis management book called, “The 15 Minute Master.” The book promises to teach readers “how to make everything better 15 minutes at a time.”

With no advance warning, host Dean Rotbart decided to test the premise on Mary Fran, herself, using his stopwatch to give her exactly 15 minutes to explain her method, why it works, and how business people can apply her lessons both at work and in their personal lives.

“15 minutes could save you more than just car insurance premiums,” Rotbart says. “In a crisis, it could save your backside.”

Click here to hear Mary Fran Bontempo’s July 2017 interview on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Mary Fran Bontempo, The 15 Minute Master
Posted: November 11, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 22 minutes 32 seconds

Direct download: 15_Minutes.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:14pm MST

Everyone knows the unprecedented journey that propelled Jeff Bezos from the owner of a tiny online bookstore that he launched in July 1994, to the head of Amazon, the fastest company ever to surpass $100 billion in annual sales; making him the richest man in the world.

What few people know are the 14 principles that Bezos followed to accomplish the unimaginable feat. In The Bezos Letters, author Steve Anderson dissects the 21 annual letters that the Amazon founder has written to shareholders to glean the essence of Bezos’s business philosophy.

Most amazingly, Anderson tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, Bezos is relying on those same 14 principles not only to continue to grow Amazon at a rapid clip, but also, soon, through his privately-owned Blue Origin aerospace company, to revolutionize space travel and manufacturing.

Photo: Steve Anderson, The Bezos Letters
Posted: September 30, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 51 minutes and 40 seconds

Direct download: bezos_letters.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:03pm MST

Following a serious ski accident and two failed spinal surgeries, Gina Gardiner had to relearn to walk. Not once, but twice.

The experience led Gina to segue from her role as a school principal in the UK to a motivation coach, helping a large and growing flock of international followers find greater happiness, success, and fulfillment.

From Colchester, England, Gina shares with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart her five secret pathways to “thriving, not simply surviving.” Gina’s mission now, she says, is to help one million people discover their “Genuine Selves” within the next five years.

Photo: Gina Gardiner, Genuinely You
Posted: September 16, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 54 seconds

Direct download: Gina_Gardiner.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:37pm MST

It’s been more than 50 years since Walter Elias Disney departed for the great amusement park in the sky, yet his legacy consistently inspires new generations of business owners and creators.

Michael Goldsby and Rob Mathews, two professors of entrepreneurship at Ball Street University, have encapsulated Disney’s magic rules of success into a must-read book, Entrepreneurship the Disney Way.

As Goldsby tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, two traits that Disney embodied that to this day are hard-wired into The Walt Disney Company are an obsessive commitment to product quality and a refusal to stop innovating and creating. 

For businesses owners who wish upon a star that they could emulate the success of the Disney and the Magic Kingdom, Goldsby says the pixie dust is simple: Just ask yourself time and again, “What would Walt do?”

Photo: Michael Goldsby, Ball State University
Posted: September 2, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 42 minutes 42 seconds


Direct download: Ask_Walt.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:36pm MST

Owning a business while raising a family is challenging enough. Mix in caring for one or both aging parents, and the complexities of life expand exponentially.

That’s especially true for women, who comprise a majority of the 44 million unpaid eldercare providers in the United States.

Liz O’Donnell, who enjoyed a fast-paced career in marketing, can speak from experience. She was already juggling her job and two children when both her parents were diagnosed with terminal illnesses on the same day.

Liz, author of Working Daughter: A Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents While Making a Living, not only shares her advice with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart for coping with the added responsibilities of eldercare, she also spells out ways that aging Baby Boomers can lessen the burden on their kids when they cross the Rubicon into old age.

[Be sure to pick up a copy of Liz O’Donnell’s new book, Working Daughter: A Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents While Making a Living.]


Photo: Liz O’Donnell, Working Daughter
Posted: August 19, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 23 seconds

Direct download: Working_Daughter.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:29pm MST

Rudy Schmid is a veteran accountant and first-time author who’s written a book – America’s Guide to Starting Your Own Company – that’s helping large numbers of young adults launch their own side hustles free of the flaws that too often hobble new businesses.

The concise book is also helpful for established businesses, especially when it comes to hiring and managing people, and sizing up banking relationships.

Rudy seems a bit embarrassed that he waited so long to share the lessons he learned from his own accounting practice with today’s eager young entrepreneurs.

"Nonsense," replies host Dean Rotbart, “At 86 years of age, Rudy is an inspiration to every would-be author who thinks he or she is ‘too old’ to start.”

By the way, the Guide has been so well-received that Rudy is already working on a sequel, “How to Build Your Company for Success.”

Photo: Rudy Schmid, author
Posted: August 5, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 24 minutes 46 seconds

Direct download: Rudy_Schmid.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:50pm MST

Jordan Goodman is one of the country’s best-known personal finance journalists and authors, appearing frequently on national radio and television call-in shows to answer consumer questions on how to save and invest wisely. 

With 13 books under his belt, including the encyclopedic 992-page Everyone’s Money Book, he joins host Dean Rotbart this week to dispense insightful personal finance recommendations with a special emphasis on the finances of small business owners and entrepreneurs.

If you’ve got solid financial assets, Jordan will share his advice on how to generate even more of them. If you’ve got too much debt, he’s got a lot to say about how to offload it.

Visit Jordan’s website:

Everyone’s Money Book

Master Your Debt

Photo: Jordan E. Goodman, Author and Journalist

Posted: July 29, 2019

Monday Morning Run Time: 52 minutes 57 seconds

Direct download: Money_Answers.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 3:49pm MST

When seemingly every path to funding is closed to business owners, entrepreneurs, and inventors, Kedma Ough – a national award-winning small business champion – helps them find the money and resources they seek.

Kedma, a fifth generation entrepreneur, learned the secrets of business funding the hard way – by having countless doors slammed in her face. Now, after helping more than 10,000 individuals to get the funding they thought they could never qualify for, she’s written a book – Target Funding: A Proven System to Get the Money and Resources You Need to Start or Grow Your Business – detailing a wide range of alternative funding options.

Too many great concepts never see the light of day, Kedma explains to host, author, and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, because they can’t find the necessary funding. She’s on a mission to change that.

Photo: Kedma Ough, Target Funding
Posted: July 1, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 49:19

Direct download: Target_Funding.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:35pm MST

Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart confesses that he doesn’t know who his guest is on this week’s podcast. 

It’s not that Dean doesn’t have a fascinating guest, or that the guest’s book – “Undistrupted: How Highly-Effective People Deal with Disruptions” – isn’t a valuable business read; it’s just that Dean literally does not know who wrote the book.

The author, who lives in The Netherlands [Dean phoned him there], uses the pseudonym John Vespasian and has written ten books.

What Dean also knows is that this week’s mystery guest is a well-read student of global history [think Russian industrialist Savva Mamontov (1841-1918), and 12th-century French statesman, Abbot Suger], and draws excellent insights from bygone eras that we all can apply to our lives today.

So Dean assures us that his guest has plenty of good advice to dispense; he just doesn’t know who he’s talking to.


Illustration: The author known as John Vespasian
Posted: May 6, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 32:45

Direct download: Disruptions.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:31pm MST

Christina DeBusk spent 15 years working in law enforcement before, in 2012, she caught the writing bug. Without formal journalism training, she took anything and everything that she could get, grinding out content 16 hours a day.

Well, it paid off. Today Christina is an Olympic-caliber writer, having completed six books – including How to Earn a Comfortable Living as a Freelance Writer

and I’ve Always Wanted to Write a Book! – 10 Easy-to-Follow Steps to Becoming a First Time Author; ghost-written a handful of others; and generated a whopping 5,000-plus paid content projects.

She both teaches and personifies the notion that anyone can be a successful writer. This week, Christina shares the secret of her phenomenal output with host Dean Rotbart, who readily confesses his envy of her productivity.

Photo: Christina DeBusk, Freelance Olympiad 
Posted: April 8, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:27

Direct download: Christina_DeBusk.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:17pm MST

If you want to learn how to do it right, a great place tobegin is by studying what not to do.

Skip Prichard, a successful CEO and former head of publishing giant, Ingram Content Group, is a leading scholar of missteps and miscalculations.

For his Wall Street Journal bestseller – The Book of Mistakes – he’s condensed the hard-earned lessons he gleaned from interviewing more than 1,000 successful people – from Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice – down to nine common errors.

Avoid these nine missteps, Skip tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, and you will achieve greater success than you ever imagined possible.

Photo: Skip Prichard, Book of Mistakes
Posted: April 1, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 33:47

Direct download: Book_of_Mistakes.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:32pm MST

Since he co-wrote The One Minute Manager in 1982, Ken Blanchard has rarely been off the bestsellers list, having authored or co-authored 60 books and landed a spot in’s  Hall of Fame, as one of the 25 top revenue generators of all time.

One of Dr. Blanchard’s favorite topics over the years has been customer service and how businesses can excel at it. He recently reissued his 2005 book, The Simple Truths of Service, which has sold more than 5 million copies. This week he joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart to share some of the common-sense wisdom that the book imparts.

By the way, Dean, who teaches the Reputation Tool Chest workshop at Wizard Academy, took the opportunity with Dr. Blanchard to make a couple of his own reputation recommendations to the legendary author. No one ever said that Dean, a former investigative reporter, isn’t dogged.

Photo: Dr. Ken Blanchard, Author
Posted: March 18, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 28:44

Direct download: Ken_Blanchard_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:40pm MST

For a business to be truly successful, it requires executives who excel at managing their employees and, according to Andy Singer, employees who excel at managing their executives.

Andy is the founder and CEO of Singer Executive Development, a Florida consultancy that trains both executives and employees on ways to maximize their performance, including managing each other well.

As Andy tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, employees who “manage up” are not suck ups – they’re savvy career strategists who understand that when their bosses look good, their career prospects look even better.


Photo: Andy Singer, Singer Executive Development
Posted: March 4, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 36:11

Direct download: Andy_Singer.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:32pm MST

In her 1957 classic, Atlas Shrugged, author Ayn Rand argued that the business of business is to make money – nothing more.

In her new book, The Conscious Professional: Transform Your Life at Work, due out next month, Jennifer Hartung pointedly disagrees.

There is much more to business than pursuing profits and earning a paycheck, Jessica argues. Founder and CEO of Integrated Work, a Boulder, Colorado-based consulting firm, Jessica is an evangelist for purpose-driven workplaces, where owners and employees alike strive to integrate their personal values into their workday.

In fact, Jessica believes that professionals who embrace a mission that goes beyond making money are more influential, effective, and fulfilled on the job.

As Jessica tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio, even those with the most mundane jobs can find meaning in their everyday tasks.

Photo: Jessica Hartung, Integrated Work
Posted: December 10, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 41:43



Direct download: Integrated_Work.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:35pm MST

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart is talking trash this week, but even those with delicate ears will want to listen in.

His guest is Patty Penke, the CEO of an Omaha estate sales company who has been selling collectibles and antiques for more than 20 years. Patty is the author of “Stop Throwing Cash in the Trash,” a book that shines a spot light on the hidden treasures that so many people, literally, dump in the trash – especially when disposing of the estate assets of a loved one who has recently died.

Beyond recognizing your family’s own undiscovered heirlooms, Patty and Rotbart talk about the abundant money-making opportunities that arise by discovering hidden treasures at garage sales, flea markets, neighborhood auctions, and in your own attic. 

Photo: Patty Penke, Stop Throwing Cash in the Trash
Posted: November 12, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 38:47

Direct download: talking_trash.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:40pm MST

Most people hope the day will never come when the SWAT team arrives at the door of their business, school, or house of worship.

But calling in the Calvary – before they are actually needed – could very well prevent, or at the very least mitigate, the kind of massacre of innocent lives that occurred on October 27th at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and just last Friday at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida.

Tom Czyz is a SWAT team operator and former homicide detective who launched his company, Armoured One, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack in 2012. Joining him in advising business and community leaders on security measures are homeland security active shooter experts, a former Navy Seal Master Chief, a Delta Force team leader, and former FBI and CIA agents.

Tom has personally has investigated what happened at more than 50 gun attacks – including the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas mass shooting that killed 58 people and injured more than 850 others. His goal: how to protect more people in the future.

As Tom tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, there are steps everyone can take to prepare for the unlikely event of a live shooter at your facility, as well as life-saving instructions to follow if an attack is actually in progress.

You won’t want to miss this week’s episode of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Tom Czyz, Armoured One
Posted: November 5, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 31:41

Direct download: Armoured_One.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:23pm MST

There are plenty of lessons to be gleaned from the bankruptcy filing of Sears last week, and Steven D. Goldstein is just the expert to articulate them.

Steve, a one-time chairman of Sears Financial and member of the company’s executive committee, is an expert on management disengagement and the problems that ensue. He is currently president of Engaged Leadership Advisors, advising corporate leaders on ways to drive change, accelerate innovation, and assemble highly effective teams.


You may recall that in 2016, Steve was featured on Monday Morning Radio after he wrote the book, Why Are There Snowblowers in Miami?, which detailed how Sears continued to stock snowblowers in its Florida garden centers even though it hasn’t snowed in Miami since 1977.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart caught up with Steve to get his advice for other retailers and businesses that seek practical recommendations on how they can avoid Sears’ missteps. 

Photo: Steven D. Goldstein, Engaged Leadership Advisors
Posted: October 22, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 24:01

Direct download: Sears_Bankruptcy.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:04pm MST

Michael Diamond is an expert when it comes to building, motivating, and growing business teams.

He honed his skills in war zones – first fighting Iraq in Operation Desert Storm – and more recently, battling the fierce competition in the highly competitive mobile products marketplace.

Michael is currently general manager of payments for Mitek Systems. If you’ve ever deposited a check by taking a picture of it with your mobile phone, then you’ve probably used the technology that Michael and his team oversee.

Michael is passionate about leadership, and innovation, and this week he reveals to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart the most valuable – and actionable – lessons he’s learned along his life’s journey.

Photo: Michael Diamond, Mitek Systems
Posted: September 24, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:45

Direct download: MIchael_Diamond.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:12pm MST

Millions of small business owners stand to realize big savings on their 2018 taxes, thanks to revisions of the federal tax code that were signed into law in late 2017.

Only in the past few weeks, however, has the IRS fully explained who stands to profit from the so-called Section 199A deduction for qualified business income – and who will be left out.

Rachel Sawyer, a partner in Denver-based TaxOps, a respected business tax specialty and advisory firm, joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week to delve into the nuances of the new tax code and what entrepreneurs can do to take maximum advantage of the savings it offers. If you qualify, Section 199A could mean tens of thousands of dollars of extra cash in your pocket come next year.

Photo: Rachel Sawyer, TaxOps
Posted: September 3, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 26:41

Direct download: Tax_Savings.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:10pm MST

[Note: Our guest on last week’s podcast, was Dr. Nate Regier, who discussed harvesting conflicts in your life, rather than fearing them. However, due to a mix up, some listeners instead were treated to an advance airing of this week’s podcast, featuring Alex Vorobieff.]

If you already heard what Alex had to say last week, we encourage you this week to go back and hear our conversation with Dr. Regier. In both instances, you’ll profit from priceless business insights.]

When the wheels on a car are out of alignment, it impacts the car’s steering and suspension, not to mention the durability of the tires and all the parts that control them.

When a business is out of alignment, its path also faces uneven friction and greater resistance. Eventually, it drives off the road altogether.

Alex Vorobieff, founder and CEO of The Vorobieff Company, is a business alignment expert. Sometimes hired as a stand-in CEO or CFO, Alex uses a suite of alignment tools to get a poorly operating business back on track.

The secret to fixing most ailing businesses, Alex tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, rests with remediating its core, NOT focusing on the surface where the issues are most visible. 

BRING YOUR BUSINESS INTO FOCUS: Pick up a copy of Alex’s well-reviewed book: Transform Your Company: Escape Frustration, Align Your Business, and Get Your Life Back.

If you own a small business and would like to be a guest on this podcast – and get some free reputation advice from me – I invite you to contact me at You can also phone me at 303-800-6081.


Photo: Alex Vorobieff, The Vorobieff Company
Posted: August 27, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:36

Direct download: Business_Alignment.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:55pm MST

It sounds like an oxymoron: Positive Conflict

But Dr. Nate Regier, a former practicing psychologist, has built a successful second career as an author, business coach, and popular keynote speaker teaching business people how to fight productively – both on the job and at home.

With endorsements from management gurus including Dan Pink, Ken Blanchard, and Marshall Goldsmith, Nate’s book, Conflict without Casualties, has become must-reading in boardrooms and business schools across the country.

Rather than fear conflict, Nate tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, the smart thing for businesses and organizations to do is channel it.

[Follow Dean’s newest entrepreneurial venture, SpacEnterprise, as he explores out-of-this-world business concepts and realities.]

Photo: Dr. Nate Regier, Next Element
Posted: August 20, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:13

Direct download: Positive_Conflict.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:25pm MST

Ten years from now, 20 years, even 50 years, will anyone remember you or your company?

In a short-term world, too few business leaders contemplate their long-term brand.

Mark Miller and Lucas Conley, authors of the new McGraw-Hill business book, Legacy in the Making, are out to change that. Miller and Conley argue that leaders with long-term ambitions are the best equipped to stand out, get ahead, and make their mark.

Even if your company is just out of the starting gate, as Miller and Conley tell host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, the surest way to be around for decades to come is to start building your legacy right now.

Photo: Mark Miller and Lucas Conley, The Legacy Lab
Posted: July 23, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 38:44

Direct download: Legacy_Making.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:30pm MST

40 million Americans, or roughly one-third of the workforce, have at least two jobs – their fulltime position and what many Millennials have come to call the “side hustle.”

There are advantages for both the primary employer and the secondary employer to bringing aboard side hustlers, but there are also a host of legal landmines that could prove a costly nightmare to employers who are caught unawares.

Mark F. Kluger, founding partner at the New Jersey employment law firm Kluger Healy, is an expert at clearing all types of workplace landmines, and this week Mark walks host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart step-by-step past the explosive, often-hidden, issue of side hustlers.

Photo: Mark F. Kluger, Kluger Healy
Posted: July 16, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 36:25

Direct download: Side_Hustle.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:38pm MST

For just shy of four decades, Mark H. Fowler has helped reengineer companies that are underperforming or outright failing. His Santa Monica consulting firm, Stowe Management Corporation, relies heavily on building enhanced communication between corporate management, employees, and customers to achieve amazing operational turnarounds.

Mark has created a proprietary set of tools to foster what he terms “Revolutionary Conversations.” Hear Mark’s revolutionary interview with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s episode of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Mark H. Fowler, Stowe Management Corporation
Posted: July 2, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:16

Direct download: Mark_Fowler.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:29pm MST

The Economist magazine once described Carl J. Schramm as “The Evangelist of Entrepreneurship.” Professor Schramm earned the moniker during the decade he was the president of the $2 billion Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is among the largest private foundations in America, working to help entrepreneurs succeed.

These days Professor Schramm writes about entrepreneurship and teaches at Syracuse University, one of only 16 members of the faculty since 1870 to be given the prestigious, at-large title of University Professor.

This week Professor Schramm conducts a Master’s Class in entrepreneurship exclusively for host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, using the professor’s new book – Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do – as assigned reading.

Think you need an MBA to be a business success? Think again. Professor Schramm says that the proven path to business success is one of passion, determination, and a willingness to experiment and innovate. Class is starting right now.

Photo: Carl J. Schramm, Burn the Business Plan
Posted: June 18, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:07

Direct download: Carl_Schramm.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:58pm MST

To kick of his 7th year of hosting Monday Morning Radio, award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart invited back one of his most popular all-time guests, Davia Temin, founder & CEO of crisis management firm Temin and Company, to talk about a very hot button issue in America at the moment: sexual harassment.

Davia serves as an advisor to senior executives and boards at the highest levels of American business, and she has emerged as the go-to consultant on what companies and other organizations must do to eradicate sexual harassment in their organizations. 

Featured often for her expertise in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Forbes, Institutional Investor and other respected news outlets, Davia shares with listeners her 15-point plan for business owners, boards, and CEOs to not just respond to the wave of sexual harassment complaints, but to actually get ahead of the issue.

Photo: Davia Temin, Temin and Company
Posted: June 11, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 46:01

Direct download: Sexual_Harassment.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:13am MST

Some people look to Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban for investment wisdom. Timolin Langin looked to Big Mama and Biggie – her grandmother and great-grandmother –  for her financial sensibilities.

Timolin was born and raised in Mississippi to sharecroppers and cooks – none of whom graduated high school. Yet leveraging the wisdom imparted to her by Big Mama and Biggie, she became a school teacher, and then a real estate investor, author, world traveler, and ultimately a millionaire.

In her book, Mind Over Money, Timolin says anyone, on any budget, can live like a millionaire when they dedicate themselves to her wise saving and spending strategies. This week she shares her five-step program for achieving greater financial well-being with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, who may not in fact be a multi-millionaire, but after talking to Timolin already thinks like one.

Photo: Timolin Langin, Mind Over Money
Posted: May 21, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 41:18

Direct download: Timolin_Langin.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:28pm MST

June 12th has been set as the date when President Donald Trump will meet in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

With so much at stake, President Trump and his entourage most certainly will get lots of advice from the State Department and CIA concerning what cultural landmines to avoid. 

For companies and organizations that engage in important cross-cultural interactions, Dean Foster serves as a one-man State Department/CIA. Foster – who is the founder of DFA Intercultural Global Solutions, hosts a series on the subject for CNN, and has written the “Culture Wise” column for National Geographic – is an expert on training Americans on the intricate nuances in cross-cultural communications, foreign negotiation best practices, and global etiquette.

Foster will share his own advice with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart regarding the President’s upcoming trip, as well as what every American who does international business – even in nearby Canada – must do so as not to sabotage relationships before they’re even formed.

Photo: Dean Foster,
Posted: May 14, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 45:55

Direct download: Dean_Foster.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:26am MST

Negotiation expert Elizabeth Suárez says that the secret to being a master negotiator is not outsmarting the other guy or gal, it’s being confident about who you are and what are your goals.

Once you know your own priorities and what you bring to any negotiation, Elizabeth says that reaching agreement is much easier; whether you’re negotiating a corporate acquisition, a pay raise, or the hour of your teenager’s curfew. 

Elizabeth, educated at The Wharton School of Business and the Harvard University Executive Management Program, is the author of “The Art of Getting Everything: How to Negotiate for What You Want and More.”  This week, she shares some of her best negotiating strategies with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. 

[For more on Elizabeth, visit her website at]

Photo: Elizabeth Suárez, Negotiation Unleashed
Posted: April 30, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:37

Direct download: Getting_Everything.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:47pm MST

May McCarthy can explain her success at co-founding and growing seven successful companies in a single word: Gratitude.

In fact, May believes that gratitude is the missing ingredient responsible for the large number of struggling owners and entrepreneurs who have yet to achieve their business goals.

In her new book, The Gratitude Formula, May spells out a 7-Step system that she pioneered – all grounded in gratitude – which she promises will help everyone who follows her system earn more and enjoy it more. Roving reporter Rotbart has the scoop.

Photo: May McCarthy, The Gratitude Formula
Posted: April 16, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:42

Direct download: Gratitude_Formula.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:50pm MST

Brian Harman works in supply chain management for a large multi-national pharmaceutical company. He relies on storytelling, humor, and a splash of vulgarity to instruct lousy business leaders in the art of leadership excellence.

Stepping aside from his day-to-day responsibilities, Brian recruited family and friends to help him write, publish, and promote a book he hopes will inspire a new generation of leaders who aren’t burdened with the bad habits of existing owners and bosses.

Brian’s book, How to Avoid a Leadersh*t, co-written with his cousin, Stephanie M. Taglianetti, uses an expletive in its title, just like the enormously popular bestseller, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uck.

If foul language – or innovative thinking – offends you, host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart suggests you skip this week’s episode. 

Photo: Brian M. Harman, Author
Posted: April 9, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:01


Direct download: Brian_Harman.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:58am MST

When a big time CEO, celebrity, or politician is thrust into an unwanted and unfavorable media spotlight, more than anyone else their first call goes to “The Fixer,” public relations guru Michael Sitrick, founder of Sitrick And Company.

Michael Vick called, as did Roy Disney, Rush Limbaugh, the Church of Scientology, and the Estate of Michael Jackson, among more than 1,000 other high-profile individuals and organizations.

Sitrick earned the nickname “The Fixer,” because like the fictional fixer in the movie Pulp Fiction, his reputation clients look to him to wash away the splatter and gore of their media messes. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Sitrick shares some of his most interesting cases with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, who as an award-winning former investigative reporter undoubtedly drove a fair share of business to Sitrick And Company or similar PR firms.

[To purchase up a copy of Michael’s Sitrick’s new book, The Fixer: Secrets for Saving Your Reputation in the Age of Viral Media, click here.]

Photo: Michael Sitrick, Sitrick And Company
Posted: March 26, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 43:50 

Direct download: The_Fixer.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:47pm MST

Colleen DeBaise, the former small business editor of The Wall Street Journal, says there are seven crucial stages in the life of a startup.  In her new book, Start a Successful Business, Colleen, herself an entrepreneur and podcaster, draws lessons from companies including Warby Parker, Slack, and Lego to help would-be business owners learn how it’s done.


But what about existing small businesses, asks host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart? Not to worry. Colleen notes that what works for startups also offers ways for established businesses to freshen their own success strategies.

Photo: Colleen DeBaise, Start a Successful Business
Posted: March 19, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 42:39 


Direct download: Successful_Startup.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:41pm MST

Andrea Hence Evans is one of the most-respected patent, trademark, and copyright lawyers in the country, specializing in helping small business owners grapple with the mountains of red tape that must be surmounted in order to create and protect all manner of intellectual property rights.

Andrea has been selected by PBS to serve as the on-air legal expert for Season Two of its popular program, Make48, in which teams have 48 hours to plan, prototype, and pitch an idea for an invention.

Want to know if your idea is patentable or if your existing IP rights can withstand a challenge? Andrea shares the answers with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Andrea Hence Evans
Posted: March 12, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:20 

Direct download: Andrea_Hence_Evans.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:32pm MST

Did you read that CVS is buying Aetna and Japan’s Fujifilm is buying Xerox? JAB Holding Co, which already owns Krispy Kreme, Panera, and Keurig, is now snapping up Dr. Pepper Snapple?  And Arbys recently swallowed Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants.

What’s happening here?

Allen Adamson knows: Aetna, Xerox, Dr. Pepper Snapple, Buffalo Wild Wings, and dozens upon dozens of other brand-name companies are failing to stay relevant in our fast-changing world, and are ceasing to survive as independent companies, or worse, like Toys R Us, closing up shop altogether.

Allen, a noted industry expert in all disciplines of branding is a counselor to some of the country’s most successful companies. He is a co-founder and Managing Partner of Metaforce.

Along with Joel Steckel, a vice dean at NYU’s Stern School of Business, Allen has written a compelling new book: Shift Ahead: How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World.

Shift Ahead spells out the warning signs that it’s time for reinvention, and exactly what separates the survivors – and those companies that thrive – from the businesses destined for the corporate graveyard. 

That’s true of Blockbuster and Kodak and Toys R Us, Allen tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, and that’s also true of small businesses and professional practices. To learn just how you can stay ahead, hear what Allen has to say on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Allen Adamson, Metaforce
Posted: February 12, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 38 seconds

Direct download: Shift_Ahead.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:15pm MST

For most businesses, routine meetings are mind-numbing experiences that are a black hole of time, energy, and motivation.

Dick and Emily Axelrod, co-founders of The Axelrod Group and authors of Let’s Stop Meeting Like This, advise companies such as Coca Cola, Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, and General Electric, how to transform business meetings into enjoyable, productive, collaborative experiences where meaningful work gets done, better decisions are made, and managers and employees together bring about organizational change.

Hear what Dick and Emily have to tell reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart this week – including their recommendation that attendance at all business meetings be strictly voluntary – then schedule your own staff meeting to share your newfound wisdom.

Photo: Emily and Dick Axelrod, The Axelrod Group
Posted: February 5, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 31 seconds

Direct download: Meetings.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:24pm MST

In the business world, there is leadership, and then there is high-stakes leadership. The skills required to be a good leader day-to-day do not always stand up in a crisis, where an extra dose of courage, judgment, and fortitude is required.

Constance Dierickx, founder of CD Consulting Group, is a crisis leadership consultant; coaching executives at companies including AT&T, IBM, and AAA on the mindset and actions that the best leaders take to guide their companies through the most turbulent of times.

Constance, aka “The Decision Doctor,” has crammed a lifetime of experience and coaching into her new book, High-Stakes Leadership, and on this week’s episode of Monday Morning Radio she shares with us her formula for helping business owners make tough decisions, take decisive stands, and kick aside convention in a crisis.

When the going gets tough, Constance teaches the best CEOs and owners how to get going.

Join host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart as he and Constance explore what it takes to be a High-Stakes Leader.

Photo: Constance Dierickx, CD Consulting Group
Posted: January 29, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 24 seconds

Direct download: Constance_Dierickx.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:16pm MST

“All the world’s a stage,” Shakespeare wrote. But what happens when you find yourself on the “stage” – whether it’s a business meeting, a news conference, an elevator full of colleagues, or even a platform such as Twitter – and no one has handed you a script?



In her new book, Impromptu: Leading in the Moment, Judith Humphrey teaches business leaders, owners, and entrepreneurs how to prepare to speak spontaneously and win over their audiences. But can she talk the talk? 


Host and Reputation Coach Dean Rotbart, a one-time Colorado state high school extemporaneous speakers champ, puts Judith to the test this week, as he probes her ability to ad-lib answers to some of his toughest questions.


Photo: Judith Humphrey, Impromptu
Posted: December 25, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 18 seconds 

Direct download: Impromptu.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:02pm MST

In his new book, When to Jump, Mike Lewis profiles 44* men and women who enjoyed successful careers in one field, and then made the leap to something entirely different. 

There is the journalist who enlisted in the marines; the public relations executive who became a Bishop in the Episcopal Church; the commercial banker who became a brewery owner – and Mike Lewis, himself, a rising star at Bain Capital, who at age 24 walked away to pursue his dream of being a professional squash player.

Mike says that jumping is more about the pursuit of your life’s dream career, than necessarily achieving it. As he confesses to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, his squash dreams didn’t pan out as he’d hoped, but they did lead him to a new career as founder and CEO of When to Jump, a global community of like-minded individuals who share their stories, attend events, take courses, and pursue a variety of other learning opportunities.

On this week’s Monday Morning Radio, Mike details how and when to “Jump.” 

*The 45th Jumper who appears in Mike’s book is Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who jumped from government to Google, before landing happily at a startup run by then 23-year-old Mark Zuckerberg. Sheryl, who writes the book’s preface and has been the keynote at Mike’s When to Jump conferences, is Mike’s second cousin.

Photo: Mike Lewis, When to Jump
Posted: December 18, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 42 minutes 28 seconds 

Direct download: When_to_Jump.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:52pm MST

The final days of 2017 are ticking down and smart business owners and professionals are once angling for any legal strategy they can uncover to cut their tax bill before the ball again drops in Times Square on New Year’s eve.

Rob Eagleston, who along with his brother John, runs Eagleston Financial Group in Mesa, AZ, is both hunting for great ideas to use for their own successful financial planning agency, and dispensing some of the best ideas that Rob has accumulated during his 18-plus-year career serving entrepreneurial clients.

Rob shares his common-sense approach to year-end business tax strategy with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, a fellow entrepreneur, beginning with the first thing every business owner and professional absolutely must do, if they haven’t already. Rob’s advice isn’t flashy or revolutionary. It is, however, bankable.

Photo: Rob Eagleston, Eagleston Financial Group
Posted: December 4, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 19 minutes 34 seconds 

Direct download: Eagleston_Financial.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:58pm MST

This week’s special guest – award-winning journalist Elisabeth Leamy, may know more than anyone else in America about helping people and organizations locate and capture unclaimed money – funds due them from a variety of governmental, banking, insurance, and other organizations. Even refunds for unclaimed gift certificates and gift cards may be there – just waiting for you to ask for your money back.

Many listeners will know Elisabeth from her on-air work for the Dr. Oz Show and Good Morning America. She also writes regular columns in The Washington Post and is the author of two engaging books – The Savvy Consumer and Save Big.

This past June, Elisabeth joined the podcasting universe, launching her own weekly program – Easy Money with Elisabeth Leamy. Her podcast teaches listeners not only how to find unclaimed money – but also how to earn more money and how to save money. You can find Easy Money at or subscribe to it for free from the iTunes store.

Before Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart even spoke to Elisabeth, she found seven different accounts, including ones at Sprint, Charles Schwab, and Citibank, that have money on hold for Dean. Granted, he won’t be able to retire on those recoupable funds. But he should be able to purchase some extra special holiday gifts for his family and friends this year.

Elisabeth estimates it will take Monday Morning Radio listeners less than five minutes to discover what is – or is not – owed to them. Discover all the details on this week’s episode.

Photo: Elisabeth Leamy, Easy Money with Elisabeth Leamy
Posted: November 27, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 minutes 07 seconds 

Direct download: Easy_Money.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:23pm MST

Scott Mautz learned how to motivate employees and managers at Procter & Gamble, where he ran several of the giant’s largest multi-billion dollar businesses. Now, as CEO of his own company, Profound Performance, he helps owners and leaders transform their organizational culture.

In his new book, Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration and Make Work Exciting Again, Scott pinpoints nine forces that block business and personal success.

This week, Scott reveals to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart exactly how to disintegrate the most common obstacles that stand between us and living and working an inspired life. 

Photo: Scott Mautz, Profound Performance
Posted: November 20, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 42 minutes 21 seconds 

Direct download: Find_Fire.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:06pm MST

If you could cross the late, great, sales coach Zig Ziglar – a master of face-to-face relationship selling and networking – with Gary Vaynerchuk, the digital marketing and social-media pioneer – what you’d get would think and act an awful lot like David J.P. Fisher

David, who everyone calls “D. Fish,” is an expert on the convergence of old-school sales skills and 21st Century e-commerce. His “hyper-connected” approach to sales allows businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed by building and leveraging their networks and personal influence.

Fish combines nuanced strategy and real-world tactics to guide individuals and organizations as they navigate and leverage the evolving landscape of sales.

As he tells Monday Morning Radio host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, D. Fish’s home office overlooks a vast cemetery in Evanston, IL. His view serves as a potent daily reminder of what happens to companies that fail to keep up with the times.

MONDAY MORNING RADIO BONUS: To download a free copy of D Fish’s 19 Ways to Immediately Skyrocket Your Sales Network, visit

Photo: David 'D. Fish' Fisher, Hyper-Connected Selling
Posted: November 6, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 27 seconds 

Direct download: Hyper-Connected.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:07pm MST

Will Wise isn’t a journalist, although host and veteran editor Dean Rotbart swears he’d make one fine correspondent. That’s because Wise has mastered the art of asking insightful questions – those designed to reveal truths that often go unspoken.

Wise uses his ample probative skills to help companies - including GE, JetBlue, and Mead – transform their workplaces, by creating authentic connections and building trust with employees through well-thought dialogue.

Ten years in the making, Wise just published his first book, Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter, which not only covers how to ask the right questions, but how to listen to the answers, and what to do with them. 

He and Rotbart cross-examine one another in a battle of the inquisitors on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Will Wise, Ask Powerful Questions
Posted: October 23, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 43 minutes 30 seconds 


Direct download: Wise_Questions.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:24pm MST

This week’s guest, Daniel Burrus is a time-traveler of sorts. He regularly journeys to our collective future and returns with recommendations for companies large and small on how to prepare for what’s to come. 

Having previously written six New York Times bestsellers, including Flash Foresight, Daniel has just published The Anticipatory Organization, a book that teaches we business owners and entrepreneurs how to accurately forecast and shape our  future.

So strap in, as Daniel brings host Dean Rotbart and listeners along for a trip in his time machine, and provides all of us with strategies we can put to work in our businesses today to ensure success tomorrow.

Photo: Daniel Burrus, The Anticipatory Organization
Posted: October 16, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 31 minutes 43 seconds 

Direct download: Anticipatory.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:36pm MST

Fear and perfectionism – not laziness – are two of the leading causes of procrastination. Overcome those two obstacles, and you’ll be amazed at how all of those projects, decisions, and chores you’ve been putting off will quickly get checked off your to-do list.

Eric M. Twiggs is the Anti-Procrastinator.

Author of “The Discipline of Now: 12 Practical Principles to Overcome Procrastination,” Eric has coached more than 28,000 clients on methods to overcome their procrastination habits and unleash their full potential.

This week host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart put the challenge to Eric to share with listeners some specific steps they can take - right now, to stop procrastinating, and Eric did just that. You’ll find his valuable advice when you click on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio. What are you waiting for?

Photo: Eric M. Twiggs, The Discipline of Now
Posted: October 9, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 38 minutes 27 seconds 

Direct download: Procrastination.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:26pm MST

An English aristocrat, a French nobleman, and a future President of the United States were all players during one of the greatest boom-and-bust periods in American history.

Long before Silicon Valley, rollercoaster real estate speculation, and even the American industrial revolution, the cattle barons and cowboys of Wyoming and the Old West, including Teddy Roosevelt, were engaged in an investment mania that rivals any the world has witnessed before or since.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, host Dean Rotbart and Wizard Academy alumnus Lem Lewis, aka The Ranch Broker, jointly interview Christopher Knowlton, a former Fortune magazine staff writer and London bureau chief, about his new book, Cattle Kingdom, detailing the hidden history of the cowboy west.

Saddle up for some eye-opening, mind-boggling insights as to how today’s entrepreneurial stage was set way back in the 1870s.  

Photo: Christopher Knowlton, Cattle Kingdom
Posted: September 4, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 06 seconds 

You can pick up your copy of Christopher Knowlton’s captivating book, Cattle Kingdom: The Hidden History of the Cowboy West, from our exclusive Monday Morning Radio book club.

Travel back in time to an era when Cattle Barons and Cowboys ruled the open range and Cheyenne, Wyoming played host to some of the world’s richest speculators. 

Discover why Cowboys, in their own right, were the forefathers of the American entrepreneur and the pursuit of individual freedom and economic opportunity.


When you purchase your book using this URL, you help sustain Monday Morning Radio as a free podcast. 

This week’s episode is dedicated to Max Rotbart, of blessed memory, founder of Max’s Mobile Market: May 3, 1924 – September 4, 1982.

Direct download: Cattle_Kingdom.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:14pm MST

Over the past three decades Al Zdenek, CEO of Traust Sollus Wealth Management in Manhattan, has honed an approach to managing money that helps those business owners on the brink of financial collapse bounce back – and those with lots of money already in the bank grow it richly.

Apropos a financial wizard, Al is the creator of “The Wealth Building Formula,” an approach to successful money management that he spells out in his Amazon bestselling book, Master Your Cash Flow.

This week, Al brings Monday Morning Radio listeners into his inner sanctum to reveal the magic-like steps that every business owner can take to grow and retain their wealth. Best of all, it’s free.

Photo: Albert J. Zdenek, Jr., Traust Sollus Wealth Management
Posted: August 14, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 34 minutes 47 seconds 


You can pick up your copy of Al Zenek’s Amazon bestseller, Master Your Cash Flow, from our exclusive Monday Morning Radio Book Club:

You’ll discover the key to grow and retain your wealth in this sophisticated, yet easy-to-read and understand volume.

Visit or see the link on our site.  When you purchase your book using this URL, you help sustain Monday Morning Radio as a free podcast.

Direct download: Cash_Flow.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:55pm MST

One of Ray Bard’s favorite quotes in Fired Up! Selling, his compilation of great quotes out today (Monday, August 7th), comes from comedian Steve Martin: “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”



Which, says host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, is an apt description of every book that Ray and his Bard Press publishing house produce, including bestsellers The ONE Thing; The Little Book of Selling; and, of course, The Wizard of Ads Trilogy, by Roy H. Williams.

In asking more than 1,200 quotes judges to help him select the 324 quotes used in Fired Up! Selling, Ray’s intention was to inspire, energize, and help salespeople succeed. But as Rotbart and Ray demonstrate on this week’s special edition of Monday Morning Radio, Fired Up! Selling is overflowing with wise words to motivate us all.

To order your copy of Fired Up! Selling right now, visit


Photo: Ray Bard, Fired Up! Selling 
Posted: August 7, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 42 minutes 42 seconds 

Direct download: Ray_Bard.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 12:07pm MST

Corey Poirier is a big talker.

In fact, by his reckoning, he has given more than 2,000 speeches before a total of more than 200,000 attendees during his career as an award-winning keynote speaker, author, radio host, and speech coach.

Corey specializes in helping business owners and entrepreneurs leverage speeches to grow their companies, brands, and income.   

 This week Corey takes Monday Morning Radio listeners behind the podium to reveal his tricks of the trade.

Corey and host Dean Rotbart will cover Corey’s formula for securing and delivering a world-class TEDx talk; Corey’s storytelling strategy designed specifically for entrepreneurs and business owners; and how even those leaders who aren’t natural-born speakers can learn to hone the craft and wow their audiences.

Corey tells Dean that one of the secrets of being a great speaker is to be a great listener. Well, this week’s podcast is your opportunity to begin testing out your listening skills.

Photo: Corey Poirier 
Posted: July 31, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 36 seconds 

Direct download: Corey_Poirier.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:02pm MST

Forty-five years ago, comedian George Carlin immortalized seven words too profane for the broadcast airways. When you heard them, you knew exactly why the government banned them.

By contrast, the eleven words that are the focus of The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words, by businesswoman Mary Fran Bontempo, seem perfectly innocuous on the surface, including: vacation, dinner, holidays, adventure, and change.

Yet Mary Fran’s premise is that some everyday words, such as these, carry a powerful emotional load – especially for middle-age women like her – that marketers, journalists, and middle-age women themselves seldom recognize as being explosive – but most definitely are.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart says not everyone will agree with Mary Fran’s list of dirty words – but her book is an important reminder of the care that all wordsmiths must take in realizing that what they write and speak may be skewed by the prisms of age, gender, race, nationality, and life experience.

Photo: Mary Fran Bontempo, The Woman's Book of Dirty Words 
Posted: July 24, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 46 seconds 

Direct download: mary_fran_bontempo.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:08pm MST


Renee Lopez spent 14 years coaching college soccer, turning around losing teams, recruiting all-conference talent, and being named by her peers in the NCAA, Coach of the Year

These days, Renee is coaching teams of business owners, entrepreneurs, and their employees on the art of winning, leadership development, and recruiting all-American workplace talent.

Renee, head of Renee Lopez Coaching, says that the competitive fields of college athletics and Corporate America have more in common than most people realize. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Renee shares her insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on ways to properly set business goals and score them.

[One difference between soccer and business that Dean is quick to point out – and Renee readily concedes, is that in business you don’t get to kick your rivals in the shins, as satisfying as that can be.]

Photo: Renee Lopez, RL Academy 
Posted: June 26, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 36 minutes 17 seconds 

Direct download: Renee_Lopez.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:28pm MST


Do you own a business or a job? Perhaps, all you really own is an expensive hobby.

David C. Barnett, an expert on business valuations and how to buy or sell small businesses, meets with many small business owners who are disappointed to learn that their companies have zero market value without them.

To own a genuine business, David tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, you must have systems, procedures, and processes in place that aren’t reliant on any single individual. 

[Visit David's website at]

If one day you plan to sell your business, or you would like to transform your business from one wholly reliant on you to one that will attract serious buyers, you’ll want to hear what David has to say on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: David C. Barnett,
Posted: June 5, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 52 seconds 

Direct download: David_Barnett.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:08pm MST


One of the best untold stories in Silicon Valley has been how Mark Zuckerberg and his talented team of associates, built Facebook from the successful started up depicted in the book – Accidental Billionaire – and its movie version – The Social Network, into the globally dominant corporation that Facebook is today, with more than 2 billion users.

That coming of age story, following Facebook from its IPO to becoming a $300 billion-plus powerhouse, is chronicled in Becoming Facebook, a riveting new book by this week’s guest, Mike Hoefflinger.

From 2008 to 2015, Mike worked in the upper-most echelons of Facebook, not only with Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg, but with other legendary Facebook visionaries including: Chief Product Officer Chris Cox, Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer, and People Vice President Lori Goler.

Becoming Facebook, Mike’s first book, does much more than give readers a seat at the table inside of Facebook.

Subtitled, The 10 Challenges That Defined the Company That’s Disrupting the World, the book takes a big step back to ask – and answer – the question: What it is that has made Facebook such a huge success – and what lessons can everyone in business draw from the Facebook formula.

Mike Hoefflinger now services as entrepreneur-in-residence at XSeed Capital, a Silicon Valley seed stage venture capital fund. His job now, in part, is to try and spot the next Facebook, and the ones after that.

Beyond sharing with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart his Facebook experience, Mike reveals where he’s looking for the next big breakout company and technology. 

Photo: Mike Hoefflinger, Becoming Facebook
Posted: May 29, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 32 seconds 

Direct download: Becoming_Facebook.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:20pm MST

This week is exactly ten years since Mark Moore, a 46-year-old multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur, had back-to-back strokes that nearly killed him.

His recovery was arduous and life-changing. When he could walk again, Mark walked away from the business world and now dedicates all his talents and energies to helping other people rebound from some of life’s most debilitating challenges.

Mark is the author of a just-off-the-presses book titled, A Stroke of Faith: A Stroke Survivor’s Story of a Second Chance at Living a Life of Significance.

The book retells the uplifting story of Mark’s recovery and rebirth, and is an inspiration for anyone – not just stroke survivors – who are faced with what may seem like insurmountable obstacles.

Mark is interviewed on this week's program by host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

Photo: Mark Moore, A Stroke of Faith
Posted: May 8, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 55 seconds 

Direct download: Stroke_of_Faith.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:38pm MST


Our guest this week, Steven Buchwald, founding partner of Manhattan-based Buchwald & Associates, specializes in helping business startups – and those companies seeking capital infusions – to navigate the legal, regulatory, and operational mine fields that await.

Steven is especially experienced in providing valuable legal counsel to tech startups, advising them on the most appropriate legal structure for their companies; non-disclosure agreements and other tools to protect their intellectual property; employee retention and employee equity agreements; and the best ways to prepare for outside investors – be they venture capitalists, crowdfunders, or your retired Uncle Phil. 

Steven defines a startup – his specialty – more broadly than most people.  Whether you’re just now putting together a business plan or whether you’ve been in business for a decade, if you’re moving in a fresh direction – especially one that entails third-party investors – in Steven’s eyes you’re a startup.

On this week’s episode, Steven and host Dean Rotbart will discuss a range of legal issues that face business startups and he’ll cast a spotlight on common mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

Photo: Steven Buchwald, Buchwald & Associates
Posted: April 24, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 minutes 51 seconds 

Direct download: Steven_Buchwald.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:12pm MST

On this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio, we introduce a new an improved version of your host Dean Rotbart.

Effectively immediately, Dean is now – objectively speaking – the best podcast host on the planet.

That’s because Dean read the half-satirical, half-serious book, “100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings,” by author Sarah Cooper, our guest this week. Many, many of the tricks in Sarah’s book apply to any type of business meeting – even podcasts.

[Trick #19: If you start a sentence with “objectively speaking,” anything you say afterwards must be 100 percent correct.]

Sarah learned the tricks of appearing smart while sitting through countless meetings at Yahoo! and Google, where she worked before leaving to become an author and stand-up comedian. [Amazing how well her tricks advanced her career, isn’t it?]

Sarah’s book is one of the funniest business books you’ll read this year. Perhaps ever. It’s also chock full of actionable ways to use words like “actionable” in order to sound smart. 

Keep your ears open for other savvy image tricks as Dean and Sarah converse; including interrupting an important meeting to take a call; and repeating what the other person just said, very, very slowly.

So…be sure to listen in, and you too, will immediately appear smarter and earn lots more money. Objectively speaking, of course.

Photo: Sarah Cooper, The Cooper Review
Posted: April 10, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 minutes 31 seconds 

Direct download: Appear_Smarter.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:17pm MST

They are everyday business-world expressions that we all use and take for granted. But they are costing American companies a fortune in missed opportunities and bad decisions.

For example: 

  • The customer is always right
  • We can probably do that in-house
  • You get what you pay for
  • We’re too swamped for that now

Jack Quarles, an entrepreneur and procurement expert, is author of “Expenses Sentences,” a book that promises to debunk our most common expressions and rewrite the business vernacular.

Tune in this week as Jack not only shares with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart some of the business world’s costliest sentences, he also offers wise ways to reply to the bosses and colleagues who utter them.

Photo: Jack Quarles, Expensive Sentences
Posted: March 13, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 48 minutes 34 seconds 

Direct download: Expensive_Sentences.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 12:16pm MST