Monday Morning Radio (Successful Entrepreneurs)


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This Undercover Boss Uncovered the Formula for Franchising Success


Ever wonder what happens after the cameras stop rolling on the CBS hit show, Undercover Boss? For Gina Rivera, who along with her company, Phenix Salon Suites were featured on Undercover Boss two years ago, her appearance launched enormous revenue growth and new opportunities.

In fact, with a boost from Undercover Boss, Phenix Salon Suites has become the fastest growing salon suite franchise in the U.S., zeroing in on 200 nationwide locations, and soon to enter the Chinese market.

This week, Gina regales host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart with the story of her exploding franchise business; her expansion into multiple beauty products lines; and her budding film career.

Photo: Gina Rivera, Phenix Salon Suites
Posted: February 13, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 05 seconds 


Direct download: Gina_Rivera.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 10:24pm MDT

Right This Minute, There Is a Criminal Scouting Your Company for Vulnerabilities


Brian O’Shea is in the business of stopping corporate spies and vandals from doing harm to businesses and professional practices. For every company, regardless of its size, Brian says there’s a criminal just salivating at the prospect of exploiting your security gaps.

Brian founded Striker Pierce Private Investigations in 2009, and has since conducted more than 3,000 investigations. Striker Pierce not only catches the bad guys, it also trains owners and executives how to prevent criminals from doing damage in the first place. 

This week, Brian tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart what every business executive, owner, and entrepreneur must know about crime prevention. 

Photo: Brian O'Shea, Striker Pierce Investigations
Posted: February 6, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 38 minutes 22 seconds 

Direct download: Striker-Pierce.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:23pm MDT

It Took This Entrepreneur More Than a Decade to Prove Her Concept

Nancy Rosborough is a modern-day gold miner; only the nuggets she mines are wonderfully fragrant white truffles that despite their $500-a-pound price tag, are in great demand by gourmet chefs around the world.

Nancy’s company, Mycorrhiza Biotech, spent more than a decade figuring out how to successfully grow genuine Bianchetto truffles on loblolly pine trees – the only company in all of North America that’s cracked the code.

This week, our truffle sniffing host Dean Rotbart, not only shares Nancy’s story of perseverance and success, he reveals how other entrepreneurs can stake their own gilded truffle harvesting claims.

Photo: Nancy Rosborough, Mycorrhiza Biotech
Posted: January 30, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 34 minutes 

Direct download: Nancy_Rosborough.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:16am MDT

The Power a Single Word Holds to Transform Your Business…and Your Life

Can a single, solitary word change the nature and success of your business? Evan Carmichael says it can. His special word, unique to him, has transformed his young entrepreneurial life into that of a widely acknowledged social networking guru, not to mention a Toronto salsa-dancing legend. 

In his new book, Your One Word, Evan spells out what he says is the “powerful secret to creating a business and life that matters.”

This week, Evan reveals his “one word” and shows our hoofing host, Dean Rotbart, how he and his listeners can find and utilize their own special life-changing term.

Photo: Evan Carmichael, Your One Word
Posted: January 16, 2017
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 19 seconds 


Direct download: Evan_Carmichael.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:20pm MDT

Defying Conventional Business Wisdom and Succeeding

If Russ DiGilio pitched his business concept to you, chances are you run from it as fast as your legs could carry you:

A new donut chain (just what the world is lacking); named Duck Donuts (who doesn’t associate tasty fresh donuts with ducks?); that defies health food advocates (not even a gluten-free variety); and requires customers to come into the donut shop to buy the product (online retailing, what’s that?).

So much for conventional business wisdom.

DiGilio’s Duck Donuts are a mega-success, rapidly spreading across 13 states and more than 100 stores.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, DiGilio demonstrates to our donut-loving host Dean Rotbart, why there is always hope for the entrepreneurial iconoclasts of the world.   

Photo: Russ DiGilio
Posted: November 28, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 36 minutes 52 seconds



Direct download: Duck_Donuts.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:22pm MDT

The Never-Ending Marketing Appeal of “Free”

As small business success stories go, it’s hard to do much better than David Erickson and his service.

Launched 15 years ago, David has amassed an amazing record of success that includes serving millions of global users daily; adding more than 100,000 new customers a month; counting 800,000 other businesses as customers; processing more than 1.5 billion total calls; and doing it all without taking on one cent of debt.

David had one secret weapon since day one, the word “free,” which he swears is the best marketing word in the universe.


On this edition, David shares many of his best entrepreneurial insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. Like, this podcast is coming to you for FREE. 

Photo: David Erickson
Posted: November 21, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 34 minutes 33 seconds

Direct download: Free_Conference_Call.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:57pm MDT

How Lovely Beards Made the Leap From Blog to Product Line

Let’s face it, beards are in vogue. Bushy beards, long beards, well-coiffed beards, wild beards – sprouting on men in all walks of life – music, sports, film, business, even politics.

It’s no coincidence that sales at Lovely Beards, a San Francisco-based online seller targeting facial hair aficionados are waxing in response.

Rip Bains, the cofounder of Lovely Beards, shares his company’s transformation from an Irish blog for hirsute men into a “Content & Commerce” retailer that is quickly emerging as one of America’s premiere male grooming companies.

Listen in this week on Monday Morning Radio and hear what Rip tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart about the journey from content maker to product maker.

Photo: Rip Bains, Lovely Beards
Posted: October 31, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 32 minutes 12 seconds



Direct download: Lovely_Beards.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:12pm MDT

Cultivating Big Profits in a Small Market

Ken Lain is a master at cultivating profits from a small business in a small market. Along with his wife, Lisa, Ken owns Watters Garden Center in Prescott, Arizona – a city of about 42,000 residents located in the mountainous area of central Arizona.

Ken, a graduate of host Dean Rotbart’s “Reputation Tool Chest” course at Wizard Academy, relies on a rich bouquet of marketing tools – including over-the-air radio programs, YouTube videos, on-site courses, and rock ‘em, sock ‘em customer service to beat back the predatory tactics and pricing of nearby Big Box competitors.

Ken definitely has a green thumb – both for gardening and profit-making. Ken shares his proven financial seeding and growth tips this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Ken Lain, Watters Garden Center
Posted: September 26, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 38 minutes 20 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for October and November 2016.

Direct download: Watters_Garden.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:32pm MDT

Businessman Dave Chandler is Running (Belt) Circles Around the Competition

Dave Chandler is the consummate do-it-yourself entrepreneur. The creator of Running Belt Max, a popular Lycra waist belt that appeals to athletes and non-athletes alike, Dave has no employees.

The Atlanta native serves as Running Belt Max’s designer, marketer, distributor, PR guy, and webmaster. Moreover, he’s orchestrating all of this from Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he relocated four years ago.

Although Running Belt Max is less than a year old, it is already selling better than 97% of all sports waist belts on It's first production run sold out in only ten weeks.

This week, via Skype, Dave shares secrets from his one-man-band entrepreneurial playbook with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, exclusively right now on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Dave Chandler, Running Belt Max
Posted: September 19, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 59 seconds

For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire,Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required), visit

Direct download: Running_Belt_Max.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 4:21pm MDT

Grab Your Slice of the $45 Billion Apps Marketplace

If you love sports, or have customers, friends, and family who do, this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio may offer you a low-risk way to earn some extra income – and really enjoy it.

My guests – John Zehr and Robb Lewis, say they’ve developed an opportunity to leverage your existing customer base and social networks to grab a slice of the $45 billion apps industry. 

Robb Lewis is an executive with Utah-based United Games, which has created a live, interactive sports app that promises to let sports fans – in the stadium, on their televisions, or using their smart phones – experience and interact with live sporting events like no game app ever before.

John Zehr, an early adopter, is one of thousands of affiliate hopefuls who plan to use word-of-mouth buzz to attract players to the free app – and profit when those players buy tokens, or watch commercials embedded into the game.

The opportunity intrigued host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart enough that he not only invited John and Robb on the program, he agreed to pay the rather minimal upfront fee and small monthly retainer to try his hand at becoming a games app mogul.

[Email Dean at and he can provide you an official invitation to become an affiliate as well.]

To paraphrase President Reagan, Dean says, “I plan to trust United Games, but verify. I encourage my listeners to do likewise.”

Photo: Robb Lewis (l) and John Zehr
Posted: August 22, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 58 seconds


For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire, Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required), visit and enter Promo Code: Dean.

Direct download: United_Games_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:42pm MDT

How to Schedule Your Private Lunch with an Olympian

Reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart recently bought an unusual gift for himself: lunch with Mark Jackson, a three-time Super Bowl wide receiver for the Denver Broncos.

Dean was able to arrange the tête–à–tête through, a new web service and app that offers entrepreneurs and fans hundreds of one-on-one celebrity experiences, including workouts, golf games, concert-going, and private dining.

Steven Ogunro, a one-time investment banker and co-founder of, joins Dean this week on Monday Morning Radio to talk about how small business owners and entrepreneurs can harness to impress customers and prospects, to glean practical lessons from successful athletes and public figures, and to meet some personal heroes.

Photo: Mark Jackson, Celebrity
Posted: August 15, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 49 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Thursday August 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.

Direct download: Steven_Ogunro_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:33pm MDT

She May Be a Pig Farmer, But She's Also One Savvy Entrepreneur

You may think you have little in common with a pig farmer and butcher in upstate New York, and you’d be right, unless you value great customer service, superior products, passion, perseverance, and profits.

Heather Sandford has carefully packaged each of those qualities into her store, The Piggery, which helps explain why there are often lines of customers snaking out the door of her farm-to-table butcher shop.

Heather joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week on Monday Morning Radio, where he huffs, and puffs, and blows away the notion that so-called dirty businesses can’t be great businesses and role models.

Read about Heather's recipe for success, and Dean's observations on what other entrepreneurs can learn from The Piggery's success here.

[Join Monday Morning Radio's Inner Circle for exclusive, bonus materials not available anywhere else, including invitations to private members-only teleconferences and workshops. Click on the illustration below.] # Reputation#Marketing#Entrepreneurs

Posted: May 2,, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 51 seconds

Direct download: The_Piggery_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:36pm MDT

School Teacher Turned Entrepreneur Collars Celebrities and Their Canines

Sarah Hassenger is a successful entrepreneur, making and selling quality handcrafted bowties that are so popular they’ve been included in the swag gift bags distributed at the Primetime Emmys and MTV Movie Awards.

Celebs who proudly own Sarah’s products include Ryan Gosling (and George), Amanda Seyfried (and Finn), Rachel Ray (and Isaboo), and Alison Sweeney (and Jorge and Winky).

Oh…. Yes…. did we forget to mention that Sarah’s company, Four Black Paws, makes bowties and a full range of stylish designer collars and accessories for dogs, not humans?

Join host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week on Monday Morning Radio as he showcases Sarah and the lessons she offers other entrepreneurs. When it comes to identifying a market ripe for original, playful, and useful products, Sarah is definitely barking up the right tree.

Photo: Sarah Hassenger and her dog, Leila - Four Black Paws

Posted: April 25, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 12 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for May and June 2016. 

Direct download: Sarah_Hassenger_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 11:42am MDT

“Hello” From the Other Side of the Customer Service Line

It’s been almost exactly 140 years since Alexander Graham Bell first phoned his assistant, beckoning, “Mr. Watston – come here – I want to see you.”

While the telephone is decidedly old-school, it is still one of the most prominent and important conduits for business. Charlie Fusco specializes in turning each and every call from, or to, a business prospect into a brand-building exercise.

Charlie, founder and CEO of Synergixx, chats this week with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart about the best – and worst – ways for a business to communicate by phone. Listen in on their call right now - and profit.

Photo: Charlie Fusco, Synergixx

Posted: April 4, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 53 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for April and May 2016. 

Direct download: Synergixx_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 12:40pm MDT

You’re Not Too Small or Too New to Profit From (And Afford) a Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity endorsements are not just for giant consumer-products brands anymore. Many small businesses are discovering the sales magnetism of celebrities who talk up their products – whether in advertisements or social media posts.

Evan Morgenstein, president and CEO of CelebExperts, specializes in matching celebrities with businesses – including startups and not-ready-for-prime-time companies. His results have been nothing short of amazing.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Morgenstein shares with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart the ins-and-outs celebrity endorsements.

Photo: Evan Morgenstein, Celeb Experts

Posted: March 7, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 51 minutes 52 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for March and April 2016. 


Direct download: Evan_Morgenstein_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:55pm MDT

Mark Grisafe's Blueprint for Making His Clients Success Partners

For a residential and commercial architect, Mark Grisafe has an unusual business motto: Advise, Advocate & Collaborate. It’s an unconventional approach that over the past decade has helped him grow his Long Beach, California, firm – M. Grisafe Architect – into a thriving business.

While many professionals shun taking advice from their clients – think lawyers and accountants, for example – Mark actually cultivates his clients’ involvement at every step of the way. In turn, they consistently reward him with repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

This week on Monday Morning Radio with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, Mark shares his unique blueprint for building a professional practice in close cooperation with his clients.

Photo: Mark Grisafe, M. Grisafe Architects
Posted: December 28, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 10 seconds

Dean Rotbart will next present his popular Reputation Tool Chest Workshop at Wizard Academy on February 16th and 17th. Let Dean teach you to how to build an unparalleled online reputation for you or your business. Registration is limited, so don't delay.


Direct download: Grisafe_122815.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 11:37pm MDT

This is YOUR Blind Voice (Speaking) Audition: Do You Have What It Takes?

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain! Perhaps. But Audrey Hepburn’s My Fair Lady transformation from a lowly Cockney flower girl to a gentile society lady with impeccable speech is anything but authentic.

It’s not that such a speech makeover isn’t possible, it’s just that the fictional professor of phonetics Henry Higgins doesn’t use the correct methodology.

Ita M. Olsen, this week’s guest on Monday Morning Radio, has spent more than two decades honing the right methods to correct speech and empower speakers. Ita is one of the world’s leading speech coaches. 

Whether you’re addressing an auditorium with thousands of listeners, a bank lending committee, a radio interviewer, or your own employees, how you deliver the message can actually be more important than what you say.

Ita and her company, Convey Clearly, have trained executives at American Express, JP Morgan, New York Life Insurance and many other leading global companies on ways to effectively deliver messages so that they have the desired impact.

This week Ita shares her top insights – both on how you can speak more clearly, and why you should.

Monday Morning Radio is produced and hosted by noted reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

Photo: Ita M. Olsen, Convey Clearly, and Audrey Hepburn, My Fair Lady
Posted: December 14, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 41 seconds

Dean Rotbart will next present his popular Reputation Tool Chest Workshop at Wizard Academy on February 16th and 17th. Let Dean teach you to how to build an unparalleled online reputation for you or your business. Registration is limited, so don't delay.

Direct download: Ita_Olsen.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:10pm MDT

The Sharks Were Brutal, But The Owners of Switch Witch Remain Resolute

A few days after Lara Spear Riley and Rob Bouley were guests on Monday Morning Radio this past October, they appeared on ABC-TV’s Shark Tank, asking $55,000 for a 25% equity stake in their company, Switch Witch. Instead of funding, Lara and Rob got ridicule and left empty-handed.

Shark Kevin O’Leary was blunt: “If I were you, I’d take this behind the barn and burn it. Because I think it sucks.”

This week, Lara and Rob return to Monday Morning Radio to reflect on their Shark Tank experience and offer other entrepreneurs some surprising advice about whether or not to follow them into the Shark Tank.

As you'll hear, Lara and Rob are troopers. Despite getting slammed on air - with family, friends, and customers watching, they report that 2015 Halloween sales were strong and they are marching ahead. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to have a fighting spirit and get back up even when you've been knocked to the ground.

Be sure to also listen to our first interview with Lara and Rob. Although they couldn't tell anyone when they spoke to us back in October, they already knew that the Sharks had taken a big bite out of them. Nonetheless, their comments on the judges and the program were - and continue to be - nothing but classy.

To hear the October 19th interview, click here.

Photo: Rob Bouley and Lara Spear Riley, Switch Witch
Posted: December 7, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 31 minutes 05 seconds

Visit Switch Witch and pick up a truly special treat for the children in your life:




Direct download: Switch_Witch2.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:24pm MDT

Everyone is a Salesperson, and Anyone Can Be a Better Salesperson

Wes Schaeffer has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and salespeople sell more goods and services, and amazingly, actually come to enjoy the sales process that so many people dread.

Wes, a Wizard Academy alumnus who is known as The Sales Whisperer, not only teaches others how to electrify their sales, he demonstrates the process – (walks the talk) - daily on his website, in his sales newsletter, his weekly podcast, and via his free online mini course.

Anyone, Wes believes, can become a better, more satisfied, salesperson. He explains how this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Monday Morning Radio is produced and hosted by noted reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

Photo: Wes Schaeffer, The Jury Whisperer
Posted: November 30, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 15 seconds


Dean Rotbart will next present his popular Reputation Tool Chest Workshop at Wizard Academy on February 16th and 17th. Let Dean teach you to how to build an unparalleled online reputation for you or your business. Registration is limited, so don't delay.

Direct download: SalesWhisperer_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 12:56pm MDT

Behind the Scenes at ABC-TV’s Shark Tank

Business partners Lara Spear Riley and Rob Bouley are the co-creators of Switch Witch, a Halloween-themed plush doll, cauldron, and accompanying storybook. Come Halloween, children dress up and still go trick-or-treating. Only when the kids get home, they deposit a portion of their candy stash with their Switch Witch, and in the morning – Presto, Change-o – the candy has been transformed into a special switch gift.

The real magic is how this unlikely product and duo caught the attention of the producers at ABC-TV’s Shark Tank. Riley and Bouley will face off against the notorious panel of sharks on Friday, October 23, 2015, at 9 pm Eastern Day Time.

But first, Riley and Bouley share their own entrepreneurial tale - and the steps they took to earn a spot on Shark Tank - with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart - our resident guppy. 

Posted: October 19, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 32 minutes 45 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour FREE phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for November and December 2015. 

Direct download: Switch-Witch.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:55pm MDT

Janelle and Matt’s Wedding and the Marketing Lessons it Offers

On October 8th, in Ogden, Utah, Janelle Page and Matt Misbach will seal their love by exchanging wedding vows in front of a large gathering of family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

Theirs is not only a story of romance, it’s also a valuable lesson in personal branding and video marketing. Divorced and the mother of four, Janelle was having no luck attracting eligible suitors last year when she decided to apply her business experience - using video testimonials to help her clients generate more leads and make more sales - to the dating game.

Her 8 ½ minute autobiographical YouTube video, #ManHunt, spelled out exactly who she is, who she is looking for, and who need not apply. It worked.

Janelle and Matt share their tale this week on Monday Morning Radio with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. As Dean points out, mass marketing is great, but sometimes superfluous. “Whether you’re looking for a spouse, an employee, an investor, or a few new clients, laser-targeted marketing might just prove a perfect match for you as well,” Rotbart observes.

Janelle is the CEO of KickFire, based in Kaysville, UT. Her firm specializes in customized, laser-beam focused marketing campaigns.

Photo: Janelle Page of KickFire, and her husband-to-be, Matt Misbach

Posted: September 21, 2015

Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 43 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for October and November 2015. 


Direct download: Kick-Fire2.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:00pm MDT

Heidi Ganahl Shares Some of Her Favorite Entrepreneurial Treats

Heidi Ganahl has lived a dog’s life. And a lucky dog at that. She is the founder of Camp Bow Wow, which she grew from one doggy day care center into the largest pet-care franchiser in North America.

When Heidi sold her company in 2014 (she remains CEO), it had about 3,500 employees and generated system-wide sales of $71 million. Want to know how you can follow in her paw-steps?  Heidi shares her favorite entrepreneur treats this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Heidi Ganahl, Camp Bow Wow
Posted: August 17, 2015
Run Time: 31 minutes and 41 seconds


Dean will be teaching his amazing 2-Day Mile High Reputation Tool Chest Workshop in Denver on September 3rd and 4th. The workshop will provide registrants with all the knowledge and training they need to rocket launch their local, national, and even global reputations. For more information or to register, visit

Direct download: Heidi_Ganahl.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:52pm MDT

Dr. Bill Dorfman: From Dental School to Multi-Millionaire Business Owner

To kickoff our 4th year of weekly podcasts, Monday Morning Radio is honored to welcome Dr. Bill Dorfman, television personality, best-selling author, inventor, entrepreneur, and world-class philanthropist. 

Dr. Dorfman, whose dental patients include a who’s who of Hollywood’s brightest stars, has previously been a guest on Oprah, The Tonight Show, The Today Show, Dr. Phil, and many other national programs. He is currently a featured dentist and occasional host on the CBS award-winning daytime show, The Doctors.

This week, Dr. Dorfman explains how he made the journey from a fresh dental school graduate to a multi-millionaire business owner and celebrity. Open wide and let the wisdom in.

Dr. Dorfman interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning journalist and veteran broadcaster. 

Dean will be teaching his amazing 2-Day Mile High Reputation Tool Chest Workshop in Denver on September 3rd and 4th. The workshop will provide registrants with all the knowledge and training they need to rocket launch their local, national, and even global reputations. For more information or to register, visit


Photo: Dr. Bill Dorfman
: June 15, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 30 minutes 56 seconds

Direct download: Dorfman.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:41pm MDT

Mermaid Mania: Swimtails Aims to Ride the Global Wave

Little mermaids are big business. Spurred, in part, by the hit Australian TV show, “H2O: Just Add Water”  - which airs in more than 120 countries - we are in the midst of a bona fide mermaid feeding frenzy. Among the more popular items making waves are mermaid tails, such as the children and adult swimming fins being marketed nationally by Swimtails, a company that recently surfaced to meet the burgeoning demand.


Husband-and-wife team Kristie Foster and Ryan Newman share their entrepreneurial tale this week on Monday Morning Radio and disclose their blueprint for making a business splash from mermaid mania.


Kristie and Ryan are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning journalist and veteran broadcaster.


Dean will be teaching his amazing 2-Day Mile High Reputation Tool Chest Workshop in Denver on September 3rd and 4th. The workshop will provide registrants with all the knowledge and training they need to rocket launch their local, national, and even global reputations. For more information or to register, visit


Posted: June 1, 2015

Monday Morning Run Time: 21 minutes 25 seconds


Direct download: Swimtail_Mermaids.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:29pm MDT

Dr. Bo Knows: Podcasts Deliver an Audience and Results

Is podcasting an effective marketing tool? 

Bo Bennett sure thinks so. The serial entrepreneur just launched his 7th podcast – The Dr. Bo Show. “Dr. Bo” – who has a Ph.D. in social psychology – finds that podcasts deliver a steady stream of customers for his various ventures, including online courses, public speaking, and ebooks. 

Why? Dr. Bo says many people have brains that are hardwired to be more receptive to audio input than reading or videos. (Where have we heard that before?) Join in this week on Monday Morning Radio and be counted among the audio cognoscenti.

Photo: Dr. Bo Bennett, The Dr. Bo Show
Posted: May 4, 2015
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 44 seconds

Spend Labor Day weekend in gorgeous Colorado after having completed Dean Rotbart’s amazing 2-Day Mile High Reputation Tool Chest Workshop. You’ll leave with all the knowledge and training you need to rocket launch your own profitable local, national, even global reputation. To register or for more information, visit

Direct download: drboshow.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:16pm MDT

She'll Tell You How She Built A Community of 70,000 Active Members

In fewer than eight years, Sharon Vinderine has built a North American network of more than 70,000 families who help her company evaluate toys, baby goods, and other consumer products. Sharon is founder of PTPA Media – Parent Tested, Parent Approved – and her Toronto, Ontario-based company and its PTPA Seal of Approval have become the gold standard when it comes to certifying family-friendly products.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Sharon opens her playbook to share her magic formula for building large virtual communities and mobilizing them. She is interviewed by host and award-winning journalist, Dean Rotbart.

Discover why you MUST have your own Wikipedia profile and how to generate one. Read Dean Rotbart's groundbreaking series here.

Direct download: Vinderine_PTPA.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:46pm MDT

This 'Electrician' Can Show You How To Electrify Your Profits

Mike Agugliaro was an electrician so busy working in his business he had no time to work on his business. Finally, Mike and his partner took the time to rethink their business category. The result is Gold Medal Service, the largest home service provider in Central New Jersey, generating $23 million a year and climbing. Listen in on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio as Mike tells host Dean Rotbart his story of transformation and shares the secrets of market domination. Mike says it will work for any business.

Direct download: Agugliaro.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:22pm MDT

Senior Care is a Hot Industry, IF You Know How to do it Right

You’d be hard-pressed to find any American industry riper with entrepreneurial opportunity than senior care. But knowing there is a bundle to be made and actually doing it are two entirely separate matters. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Porsha Vogt shares her strategy to build Golden Care – a concierge elder care provider in Southern California – into a model of both quality and profitability. Listen in right now and discover her unique prescription for success in the senior care space.

Porsha is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, co-host of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow Dean on Twitter@RepToolChest and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Porsh Vogh, Golden Care

Posted: February 23, 2015

Monday Morning Run Time: 21 minutes  54 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots now booking for March and April 2015. 

Direct download: Porsha_Vogt_Golden_Care.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:56pm MDT's Julian Flores on Executing Complex Business Operations

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”

When Lawrence of Arabia wrote those words, he could easily have been speaking of Julian Flores of Julian’s dream was that skiers from anywhere in the world would be able to rent all their ski gear with just a few clicks on a website – clothing, goggles, skis, boots and even action cameras – and have it delivered to their mountain lodge to await their arrival. 

To make this dream happen by the light of day is a logistical ballet worthy of NASA or If your dream requires that you execute complex operations with incredible precision, you’ll definitely want to be wide awake when you listen to Julian Flores tell Dean Rotbart how his dream came alive – and went skiing – at

Photo: Julian Flores, Founder,
: December 15, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes  43 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots now booking for January 2015. 

Direct download: 121514_GetOutfitted.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:36pm MDT

The Doyle Family Launched Bag Tags at the Kitchen Table - Now It's Huge

Tom Doyle, his wife, and seven kids started their business around their kitchen table 16 years ago. Basically, they laminated cards that allowed high school swimmers to track their progress without getting soggy.

Today, Evanston, Illinois-based Bag Tags is one of the premier event credentials and baggage tags companies in the United States, punching out more than 1 million tags annually for clients that include the NCAA, Nike, American Cruise Lines and Genworth Financial.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Tom has words of wisdom and encouragement for all entrepreneurs who dream of starting small and growing large and successful.

Tom is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year.  

Photo: Thomas Doyle, Bag Tags
Posted: December 1, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 20 minutes  26 seconds

Direct download: 120114_BagTags.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:28pm MDT

Kosher Foods: Ancient Recipe, But Modern Business Opportunities

You don't have to be Jewish to love Kosher food…or to profit handsomely from it.


Thousands of business owners from around the world turned out earlier this month for the 26th annual Kosherfest trade show, a showcase of kosher food and beverage industry. This week on Monday Morning Radio the event's founder, Menachem Lubinsky, explains why so many non-Jewish business owners are hopping aboard the Kosher bandwagon and how you can come aboard.

Menachem, who is President & CEO of LUBICOM Marketing Consulting, is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year.  


Photo: Menachem Lubinsky, Lubicom Marketing Consulting
Posted: November 24, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 minutes  30 seconds

Direct download: Kosher.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:54pm MDT

How To Build Content and Monetize A High-Value Domain -

What would you do if you controlled a high-value URL such as

This week's guests on Monday Morning Radio share a thick slice of their plans to grow their newly launched site into an Internet force and profit generator. 

Kyle Cox, founder and CEO of Grateful Ventures, which runs, is the former president and founder of the phenomenally successful site,  He is joined by Kristin Bustamante, editor-in-chief.

Kyle and Kristin aim to build into a smooth flying bird that generates $1 million a year in revenues for at least the next 50 years. Listen in to discover how and you'll be grateful that you did.

Kyle and Kristin are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year.  

Photo: Kristin Bustamante and Kyle Cox, THANKSGIVING.COM
Posted: November 17, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 minutes  02 seconds

Direct download: ThanksgivingDotCom.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:19am MDT

ONTRAPORT Is One of the Best Small Businesses in America - Here's Why

Two times every workday, for 90 minutes, employees at Santa Barbara-based ONTRAPORT go radio silent. That means no phone calls. No incoming or outgoing email. No staff meetings. And no socializing.  

How do ONTRAPORT's employees react to being unplugged so frequently?  They absolutely LOVE it. In fact, the company's "Time Block" is one of several unique aspects of ONTRAPORT's culture that has fueled its incredible growth - allowing all employees to focus on the Big Picture and long-term projects.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Landon Ray, ONTRAPORT's founder and CEO, demonstrates how even small companies can go giant when it comes to creating profitable corporate cultures.

Landon is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 


Photo: Landon Ray, ONTRAPORT
Posted: November 10, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  23 minutes  28 seconds

Direct download: 111014_Ontraport_R.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:28pm MDT

Are You A Good Person, A Good Business Leader, Or Both?

There are business owners who are good at what they do but not necessarily good people. And there are good people who own businesses, but are not necessarily good at what they do.

Paul Batz has built a thriving practice coaching clients how to be BOTH good people and savvy business captains.  Paul is the founder & president of Good Leadership Enterprises in Minnesota.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, he discusses the four cornerstones of business goodness - building blocks that he promises can provide any company a powerful competitive edge.

Paul is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veterarn broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 

Photo: Paul Batz, Good Leadership Enterprises
Posted: November 3, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  31 minutes  35 seconds

Direct download: 110314_Paul_Batz.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:35pm MDT

Businessing Magazine Covers Topics That Inc. and Entrepreneur Overlook

Matt Smith is a small business owner who didn't think that magazines such as Inc., Entrepreneur, and Fast Company provide enough valuable information to truly small businesses seeking helpful resources.  So Smith, a Southern California web designer, built and launched Businessing Magazine, a digital publication with a special focus on the 75% of American small businesses that don't have any non-family employees.


This week on Monday Morning Radio, Smith discusses the strategy behind his new publication and how other entrepreneurs can also leverage content marketing to generate rapid growth.  

Matt is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Matt Smith, Businessing Magazine
: October 6, 2014

Monday Morning Run Time:  30 minutes  53 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in October and November. 

Direct download: 100614_MondayMorningRadio_BusinessingMag.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:03pm MDT

No Fiddling Around: Huthmaker Fine Violins Strikes All the Right Business Chords

As graduates of virtually every class offered at Wizard Academy, Anna, Roland and Dixie Huthmaker have learned very well the lessons taught by Roy H. Williams and showcased here each week on Monday Morning Radio. 

Huthmaker Fine Violins is nationally renowned not only for its world-class collection of string instruments, but also for its warm, caring and oh-so-knowledgable customer service.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, the 3 Huthmakers share with us how they fine tuned their retail business and why they purchased an 1880 historic hotel as their brand new headquarters.  Hint: Roy teaches that expensive rent is the best advertising money can buy.

Listen and laugh with joy as your friends, the Huthmakers, tell of their happy journey to fame, fortune and romance.

The Huthmakers are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, and wealth management expert David Biondo. Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Anna, Roland & Dixie Huthmaker
: September 8, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  31 minutes  12 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month. 

Direct download: 090814_MondayMorningRadio_Huthmaker.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:46pm MDT

Bad Backs Are Big Business - The Body Archer

At some point in their lives, 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain, creating ample opportunities for entrepreneurs who can help prevent or address the problem.

An Oscar-nominated film sound mixer with more than 4 decades experience in Hollywood, Robert Wald launched a second career selling The Body Archer stretching chair in 2012.  Handcrafted in the USA, the Body Archer replaces run-of-the-mill ergonomic desk chairs. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Robert shares his experience licensing, manufacturing and marketing The Body Archer.  Even if your back isn't achy, his business insights will make you sit up and take notice.

Robert is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, and wealth management expert David Biondo. Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Robert Wald, The Body Archer
: September 1, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  26 minutes  27 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month. 


Direct download: 090114_MondayMorningRadio_Body_Archer.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:09pm MDT

It's A Grand Old Flag and Business Strategy: Patriotism and The Flag Company

Is patriotism marketable?  Will consumers buy products commensurate with their affinity for their country of origin or residence?


For the past 25 years, Atlanta's The Flag Company has studied the market value of patriotism and discovered quite a bit about what works - and what definitely doesn't.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, Vicki Lawrence, Flag Company's co-founder and CEO, shares some banner ideas for translating love of country into love of your products and services.

Vicki is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  July 14, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 minutes  26 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 071414_MondayMorningRadio_FlagCo.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:28pm MDT

Videos That Jump From Greeting Cards, Stickers & Smartphones To Your Smartphone

This week's guests on Monday Morning Radio, the co-founders of Tap For Message, pose a challenge to the imaginative, courageous and ambitious alumni and friends of Wizard Academy: Take a look at their patent-pending audio and video chip technology, and figure out how your business might utilize it in ways they, themselves, never imagined.


Brothers Kadeer and Ahmer Beg have invented a means for consumers and businesses to easily create customized videos that "jump" from greeting cards, stickers, hang tags and invitations directly to smartphones.  Suddenly, even the most mundane gift or correspondence comes to life.

Listen to this week's audio and view Kadeer's exclusive video message that helps clarify how Tap for Message can turn into Tap for Profits for your business.

[View Kadeer's video at:]

Kadeer and Ahmer are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Ahmer (left) and Kadeer Beg
Posted:  June 30, 2014 
Monday Morning Run Time:  29 minutes 47 seconds 

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 063014_MondayMorningRadio_Tap_for_Message.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:30pm MDT

People want to do business with owners who they know and trust.  But in our digital age - where so much commerce is conducted online - building that personalized relationship can be difficult.

Sunpop Studios and its founder Rex Williams have spent 14 years perfecting the art of "Authentic Business Videos"  - in which you, the owner, is guided to produce a 2-to-3 minute "video conversation" with your customers and prospects that delivers proven results.

This week Monday Morning Radio launches its 3rd year of weekly, informative, small business podcasts with a revealing interview featuring Sunpop's Rex Williams.  And yes, as you'll quickly hear, Rex has been blessed with the creative DNA of his proud parents, Wizard Academy founders Roy and Pennie Williams.

Rex is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

To view a Sunpop video that features Dean Rotbart promoting the Wizard Academy's "How to Make Awesome Sauce" course (September 2011), click here.

Posted:  June 23, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  42 minutes 46 seconds 

Direct download: 062314_MondayMorningRadio_RexWilliams_Sunpop.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 10:57am MDT

Janska Clothing: Beating the Odds and Winning Profits and Acclaim

You're never too old or too inexperienced to succeed in business, if you have a vision and the courage to try.

That's one of the key takeaways from this week's Monday Morning Radio interview with Jan Erickson and Jon Thomas, the husband-and-wife duo who launched Janska Clothing in 2003 - when both of them were already in their 50s.

Since then, Janksa, which specializes in making women's outwear that is both fashionable and comfortable, has beat the odds.  The company will earn nearly $3 million this year and Jan was named a U.S. Small Business Administration "Small Business Person of the Year".

Jan and Jon are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Also participating in this week's interviews is Talya Rotbart, Dean's wife, who also serves as Director of Guest Relations for Business Unconventional.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo:  Talya Rotbart (l) and Jan Erickson

Posted:  June 2, 2014


Monday Morning Run Time: 26 mins 59 secs

Direct download: 060214_MondayMorningRadio_Janksa_Clothing.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:19pm MDT

Making Their Money Where Your Mouth Is:  Jan & Sassa Akervall

As entrepreneurs, the husband-and-wife duo of Jan and Sassa Akervall make their money where your mouth is.  

Dr. Akervall, one of the top ENT physicians in the United States, invented a mouth guard to prevent his patients from having their teeth accidentally chipped or broken during surgery.  Thin and strong, yet pliable, his Sisu mouth guards have now leapt from the operating room to mainstream America, where they are all the rage with professional and amateur athletes alike.  


The Akervalls - both originally from Sweden - are anything but guarded as they share their small business success secrets on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Jan and Sassa are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  May 5, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 mins  20 secs
Photo: Sassa Akervall, Sisu

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 050514_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Sisu.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:17pm MDT

When You Can't File, Can't Pay Or Both - How Larson Financial Helps Small Business Owners Work With The IRS

Jack Larson says that far more small businesses than you might imagine fall behind in filing their tax returns and paying their taxes.  So in 2005, Jack and his brother Ron established Larson Financial to help taxpayers who are in hot water with the IRS.  Business, not surprisingly, has boomed.  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Jack offers some seasoned advice on how to negotiate successfully with the IRS and explains how he and Ron have managed to expand Larson Financial's client base so rapidly to all 50 states.

Jack is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Photo: Jack Larson, Larson Financial
April 14, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 mins 37 secs

Snapden: The Low-Tech Photo Booth Is Enjoying A Resurgence

In the age of ubiquitous cell phone cameras and selfies, Kalvis Jauanarajs and his company, Snapden, have had to rethink and reinvent the low-tech photo booth, which once flourished as a novelty located at F.W. Woolworth and other five-and-dime stores.

In fact, the photo booth business is anything but obsolete. Thanks to savvy design improvements and greater mobility, Snapden photo booths are popping up everywhere from punk rock shows to the dentist's office.  Kalvis provides a close-up snapshot of how he is reinventing the photo booth experience on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Kalvis is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  March 31, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:
 28 mins 40 secs

Direct download: 033114_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Snapden.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:35pm MDT

Goddess Garden: This 'Mompreneur' is Proof Positive that Necessity Really is the Mother of Invention

Just on time for spring, meet Nova Covington, a "mompreneur" whose natural sunscreen products are among the bestselling in the nation.  Nova started her company, Goddess Garden, 10 years ago, when she was searching for a solution to allergies that her newborn daughter had to the chemicals contained in conventional bath and skin care products. Goddess Garden has enjoyed sunny growth almost from day one.

Nova shares her formulation for success on this week's Monday Morning Radio and makes clear that necessity really does remain the mother of invention.

Nova is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Photo: Nova Covington and her daughter, Paige
March 24, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 17 mins 44 secs

An Eclectic Entrepreneur and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Model - Tom Fischer,

Tom Fischer is a Renaissance Man, whose life credentials include being a successful entrepreneur, world-class bourbon connoisseur, Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue model, butler, Oxford professor and - perhaps most importantly, a proud Wizard Academy graduate.

In a wide-ranging interview, Tom, proprietor of, talks about the booming bourbon industry, his eclectic career, and his special connection to Gilligan's Island - all on this week's Monday Morning Radio. 

Tom is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Posted:  March 17, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 mins 09 secs
Photo:  Tom Fischer,

Soybu's 'Of-the-Moment' Apparel for Women Are An Entrepreneurial Success

Jeff and Tina Schmitt work on the cutting edge of the apparel industry and are leaders in producing fashions that help women of all shapes and sizes feel comfortable and confident in their clothing. Their "of-the-moment" lifestyle brand is super hot.

The Schmitts, a small-business duo, founded their company, Soybu, in 1998, and now sell their women's active wear through major retailers, including Sports Authority, REI and CorePower Yoga. Last month, they opened the first of many dedicated retail outlets.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, the Schmitts explain the secret to thriving in the highly competitive women's clothing industry.

The Schmitts are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  March 3, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: mins secs
Photo:  Tina and Jeff Schmitt, Soybu 


Direct download: 030314_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Soybu.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:27pm MDT

ReciProty's Small Size Means Members Are Tight-Knit - An Interview With Founder Renee Wilbur


Compared to weighty LinkedIn, with well over 250 million worldwide users, Renee Wilbur's ReciProty has all the heft of a fleck of dust.

But it's ReciProty's small size, and the tight-knit community that it begets, that makes the Beaverton, Oregon, online resource exchange so valuable to those members who do discover it.

Wilbur reports that her small business members regularly go out of their way to help one another, whether they are searching for client referrals or seeking funds to rebuild after a tragedy or natural disaster. 

Hear Wilbur argue that the best things really can be found in small packages, this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Renee is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.
Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  February 17, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 25 mins 50 secs


Gourmet Grassfed: Can A Mission-Driven, Ethically Minded Business Actually Prosper?

Ben Kramlich has a beef with the way most meat snack-food products are produced in this country.  So the Oshkosh, Wisconsin-based entrepreneur is traveling a different path, producing his Gourmet Grassfed nutritious snacks in an ecologically and economically responsible fashion:  relying on local farms that raise their animals strictly on grass.  No antibiotics.  No hormones. No artificial nitrates, and 100% ethically and sustainably produced.  Oh yes, Ben's legion of growing fans nationwide also report that his Gourmet Grassfed snacks are great tasting.

Can a mission-driven, ethically minded business prosper in today's cutthroat corporate snack world?  Hear what Ben Kramlich has to say on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Ben is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  16 Mins  52 Secs
Photo: Ben Kramlich, Gourmet Grassfed 

Direct download: 011314_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Grassfed2.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:17pm MDT

Janet Sanders and Incom Direct Are Revolutionizing the Way Merchants Process Credit Cards

Janet Sanders, founder and CEO of Incom Direct, is an entrepreneurial rebel with a cause.  

With her last $500 - and working out of the back of her home - Janet set out in 2002 to revolutionize the credit card processing industry.  Her goal was to bring down the price that merchants, such as she, paid for accepting MasterCard and Visa.

Today, Janet's Incom Direct clears more than $2 billion annually in credit card charges and she has rewritten the industry's playbook.  Janet tells the story of her amazing journey - and the important lessons other entrepreneurs can learn from it - on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Janet interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:   17 Mins  31 Secs
Photo: Janet Sander, Incom Direct

Taking Their Own Advice: The Co-Founders of Began By Coaching Other Entrepreneurs

Zach Randall and his partner Nick Yorchak earn their living advising other entrepreneurs how to build online traffic and revenue strategies.

Earlier this year, Zach and Nick decided to take their own advice - launching, a national web retailer that let's men and women purchase premium shaving razors at discounts of as much as 70%.

On this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio, Zach talks about betting on himself and his skills as a digital marketing consultant as he takes on the multi-billion dollar razor industry.  Talk about having "skin in the game!"

Zach is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:   20 Mins  11 Secs
Photo: Zach Randall

Direct download: 121613_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_ShaveMOB.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:55am MDT

Zero to More than 2 Million Members: How John Levisay Used Social Media to Build Powerhouse in Just Over 3 Years

In a little more than three years, has added more than 2 million members who gobble up its online classes, free videos and how-to articles. This week on Monday Morning Radio, founder John Levisay reveals how he and his team crafted their own entrepreneurial success story, relying heavily on social media.

Also appearing on today's show is Wizard Academy alumnus Homer Hudson Hillis, Jr., whose company, HHH Enterprises sells crafts supplies. Feeling crafty?

Monday Morning Radio is produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, the weekly radio news magazine broadcast every Sunday at 8 am (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.  For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  28 mins 01 Secs
Photo:  John Levisay, Founder, 

Direct download: 111713_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Craftsy_2.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:49pm MDT

Nannyshare USA's Melissa Kaye Snyder Brings the Sharing Economy to Childcare

The so-called sharing economy is growing rapidly in the United States as consumers and business owners recognize the value of sharing everything from private jets and cars to vacation homes.  

Entrepreneur Melissa Kaye Snyder reasoned that such sharing services need not be confined to the rich.  So she launched Nannyshare USA, which pairs families who want in-home daycare with one another and provides them a qualified, carefully screened nanny who they share.  The service has proven particularly popular with small business owners who are seeking an alternative to standard daycare for their children.

Joining Melissa this week on Monday Morning Radio is one of her satisfied clients, Chad Davis, who this month opens his new eXtreme Bodyshaping fitness center in Parker, Colorado. 

Melissa talks about the sharing economy and her conviction that it will continue to represent a larger and larger slice of our economy in the years to come.

Direct download: 100713_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Nannyshare.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:34pm MDT

Major Mom Helps Executives Organize Their Personal and Professional Clutter

Angela Cody-Rouget spent 14 years in the U.S. Air Force, where among other lessons she learned the value of systems and processes.  Now Cody-Rouget, who attained the rank of Major, leads an expanding squadron of professional organizers in carpet bombing the piles of clutter and junk that busy executives and entrepreneurs accumulate in their business and personal lives.

Cody-Rouget, whose company is named Major Mom, shares some incredibly useful tips for decluttering both your physical and mental space on this week's Monday Morning Radio

Cody-Rouget is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  30 mins 26 Secs
Photo:  Angela Cody-Rouget, founder, Major Mom

Direct download: 092313_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_MajorMom.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 4:30pm MDT

Exclusive Interview: Dr. Arlen D. Meyers, President, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs

Healthcare may very well represent the largest prospective financial kitty ever dangled in front of risk takers and entrepreneurs.

Medicine, medical services and medical devices are booming profit centers, and not just for those with science or medical degrees. Everyone from accountants to real estate agents stand to claim their stake of the healthcare pie, if they know where the opportunities lie.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Arlen D. Meyers, who holds both an MD and an MBA, talks about the financial rewards available to those who can help accelerate biomedical and healthcare innovation and get ideas to patients faster.  Dr. Meyers is the president of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, a global organization that encourages doctors and others to roll up their sleeves and create profitable businesses.

Though you might not realize it, Dr. Meyers explains why doctors, in particular, make exceptional entrepreneurs. 

Dr. Meyers is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  26 mins 14 Secs
Photo:  Dr. Arlen D. Meyers, President, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs

Direct download: 091613_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_SoPE.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:25pm MDT

Karen Suhaka Knows the Formula for Turning Vast Quantities of Free Government Data into Small Business Gold

Healthcare reform.  Gun control.  Gay Marriage.  Global Warming.

Week in and week out across the country, legislation addressing some of the most contentious issues of our time is produced, debated, revised, and implemented in all 50 states.

Serial database entrepreneur Karen Suhaka recognized that small businesses and average citizens had no easy way to stay informed on the thousands of bills generated across the country each year.  So Karen launched, a comprehensive, online portal that lassos millions of pages of legislative gobbledygook, organizes them, and presents the documents in a logical and easy-to-access manner.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Karen discusses her proven formula for turning vast quantities of free government data into small business gold.

Karen is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 27 mins 11 secs
Photo: Karen Suhaka, BillTrack50

Shatter Buggy Will Speed To Wherever You Are  To Fix Your Shattered iPhone or iPad Glass

When it breaks, fix it immediately.

That is the business strategy behind Benjamin Head’s Shatter Buggy, an iPhone and iPad mobile repair business that uses a fleet of snappy smart cars to draw the public’s attention and make rapid repair calls to your home, your business, coffee shops and even gyms.

Head, a former commercial airline pilot, launched Shatter Buggy in January 2012, realizing that each day, thousands of us -- mere mortals that we are - drop our iDevices or otherwise obliterate our screens and inflict bodily damage on these high-tech marvels.

Apple Inc. expects to sell 200 million iPhones this year, plus another 100 million iPads. Shatter Buggy is counting on the “klutz” in all of us to grow his business nationally.

Benjamin Head, founder of Shatter Buggy, showcases his company on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 13 mins  48 secs
First Broadcast: February 3, 2013
Photo:  Shatter Buggy "Surfing" 

Shane DeRolf: Yesterday's Zoo Aims to Protect Today's Endangered Species

Shane DeRolf is an eleven-time Emmy Award-winning writer, producer, director, narrator, and composer.  

He's also an entrepreneur who recognizes the huge potential market in educating and entertaining young children.

Shane's latest venture, Yesterday's Zoo, is a unique monthly book club designed to teach kids about endangered species, while engaging their imaginations. Can Shane translate his success in television to the highly competitive (and crowded) children's publishing industry?  Listen to this week's Monday Morning Radio and discover Shane's game plan.

Shane is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 23 mins 20 secs
Photo: Shane DeRolf
, CEO and Chief Creative Officer, Yesterday's Zoo

Little Girls Are Big Business: From Securities Law to 'Poppy Drops' Mogul

Little girls can't grow up fast enough and their parents can't keep them little long enough. It's an age-old conundrum. 

So Shelly Coffman, who worked in securities laws for an investment bank, sought out a happy medium for her own daughter who wanted to wear pierced earrings just like the Big Girls do.  Shelly invented Poppy Drops, a temporary tattoo that lets little girls enjoy all the fun of earrings without the complications and responsibility of permanent piercing.

Poppy Drops has grown into a mega retail success, selling removable earrings and tattoos across the country both online and at an impressive and growing number of retail outlets. 

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Shelly shares the story behind her unexpected kid-hit.  As you'll hear, little girls are big business, especially because parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles seem to have almost no self-control when it comes to doting on them.

Shelly is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 28 mins  04 secs
Photo: Shelly Coffman, Poppy Drops

Direct download: 060313_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_PoppyDrops.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:42pm MDT

The Compelling Case for Embracing a Peer-Advisory Board: Featuring Jason P. Zickerman, President & CEO, The Alternative Board

Gaining wisdom and practical solutions from one another is the premise that drives The Alternative Board, a global organization that brings together business owners in small peer-advisory groups that meet monthly to help one another.

Founded in 1990, more than 13,000 business owners from Iowa to Ireland have joined "The Board." 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Jason P. Zickerman, president and CEO of TAB (the business group - not the diet soda), talks about the wisdom of asking business owners, who initially are strangers to one another, to form a functioning, mutual advisory board. 

In Jason's view the equation is quite simple:  If you're the smartest person in your own company, you better look to outsiders if you want your business to demonstrate breakout profitability, productivity and - importantly - to provide you greater personal fulfillment.

Jason is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 41 mins  07 secs
Photo: Jason P. Zickerman, The Alternative Board 

Tim Storm, FatWallet Founder, Reflects on the Sale of His Company
Entrepreneur Tim Storm sold his business, Fat Wallet, in September 2011, after more than a decade of pouring his heart and soul into the online consumer savings site.  The sale put Tim on a solid financial footing for the rest of his life.
Tim's has had time to reflect on his Fat Wallet days, and on this week's Monday Morning RadioTim shares some of the most valuable decisions he made and some of the wisest lessons he learned.  He also drops some enticing hints about what's next on his business agenda.
If you dream about cashing out your business one day and living the good life, then Tim's story will provide plenty of encouragement.

Tim is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 26 mins 23 secs
Photo: Tim Storm, Fat Wallet (2010) 

Direct download: 052013_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_TimStorm.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:05pm MDT

Brad Kriser is an Entrepreneur Who Celebrates The Fact That His Business is One for the Dogs (and Cats)

Brad Kriser's growing chain of Kriser's all-natural pet food stores is taking a big bite out of the $51 billion pet industry pie.

Launched in Chicago in 2006, Kriser's is expanding rapidly with more than 15 locations now in greater Chicago, Denver and Southern California.

Brad and his Kriser's are the antidote to the big box pet food stores.  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, he shares the customer and customer-service insights that are fueling his success.

Brad is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 18 mins

Direct download: 051313_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_BradKriser.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:40am MDT

Doc Popcorn: The Irresistible Smell of Success (Buttered)

What could be more enticing than the smell of fresh, buttered popcorn?  How about the smell of success?

Entrepreneurs Renée and Rob Israel enjoy the aroma of both, as the founders of Doc Popcorn, a nationwide, rapidly growing chain of all-natural gourmet popcorn retail outlets.  

The Israels count on the smell of freshly popped popcorn to draw in impulse buyers, who are also encouraged to sample the merchandise. The formula works.

Renée is bursting with insights for other entrepreneurs, as she shares the story of Doc Popcorn's phenominal growth with Dean Rotbart and David Biondo on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  30 min 44 secs
Photo:  Renée Israel, Doc Popcorn

Direct download: 040813_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_DocPopcorn.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:55pm MDT

WANTED POSTERS: Hendrix, Dylan, and The Greatful Dead: Andrew Hawley Hunts Down Rare Rock 'n Roll Posters

The Rolling Stones at Memorial Auditorium (1964). Jimmy Hendrix playing the HIC Arena in Honolulu in 1968.  The Grateful Dead at Trouper's Club in Los Angeles (1966).

Posters for these concerts and hundreds of others featuring rock 'n roll legends of the 1950s and 1960s were never intended to last. Which is why today's hardcore collectors will pay thousands of dollars to acquire the few concert promotions that have survived the decades. 

If you love the early pioneers of rock music, you won't want to miss this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio, featuring Andrew Hawley, a rock historian who makes his living trading vintage rock concert posters and related ephemera.   

Hawley's Vintage Rock Posters is a niche business, but one that reinforces the notion that personal passions and business savvy are not mutually exclusive.

By the way, Hawley will lay down some fast and serious cash if you've got the right memorabilia hanging around your garage or attic.  This show could be music to your ears.

Hawley is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 32 min 57 sec
Photo:  Host David Biondo (l) and Andrew Hawley with a Greatful Dead poster.

Investment Banker Turned Men's Salon Owner: Why A $15 Trim Just Doesn't Cut It In The Business World

Bill Chrismer makes his living making men look successful and advising them on how to "look the part."  Okay, so he's a barber.  But the former investment banker - yes you read that correctly - is no ordinary stylist.

In truth, he leaves the actual grooming to others.  But Bill and his Denver-based GQ Barber Lounge  - one of the first upscale male-specific salons in the country - do provide mens' haircuts, straight razor shaves, manicures, pedicures and hair removal.  It's all part of Bill's mission to help power brokers and would-be power brokers look and feel the part.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Bill details why that cheap $15 trim you currently opt for just doesn't cut it.  

Bill is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  28 min  25 sec
Photo:  Bill Chrismer, GQ Barber Lounge - Denver

Direct download: 031113_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_GQLounge.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:50pm MDT

Turning Bronze into Gold: Chris L. Tucker and His Allstar Casts

Innovator Chris Tucker had absolutely no experience in the art or sports collectibles worlds.  But he had an idea - to bronze the hands of famous athletes, including John Elway, Todd Helton, Larry Walker, Troy Aikman, Dan Marino,Ted Williams, Ernie Banks, Bob Gibson and Goose Gossage.

Tucker, a "Simultaneous Entrepreneur," teamed with artist Raelee Frazier, who perfected the method of making such life casts.

His company, Allstar Casts, is unique - creating museum-quality bronze life cast hands and selling them to private patrons, galleries, sports arenas and even The Smithsonian.

In this week's fast-paced Monday Morning Radio interview, Tucker traces his entrepreneurial journey and the lessons it offers to anyone who may lack experience, but has plenty of vision and drive. 

Chris is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  20 min  23 sec
Photo:  Chris L. Tucker, Allstar Casts 

Direct download: 020413_MMR_BURadioPodcast_AllstarCasts.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:01pm MDT

 Toy Story: Shareworthy Customer Service Wrzesinski Style

Phil Wrzesinski owns and operates one of the world's most magical independent toy stores, named “one of the 25 best independent stores in America” in the book Retail Superstars. He teaches and consults retail businesses on how to raise the bar in everything from financials to customer service to hiring and training a staff that is a work of art.

Phil and Tim Miles will be teaching a two-day course at Wizard Academy that will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to raise your level of Customer Service to the point where your customers will want to brag about their terrific experience with you.

Hear Monday Morning Radio's recent interview with Tim Miles
Register for Phil and Tim's Wizard Academy class 

Phil is interviewed on Monday Morning Radio by fellow Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  28 min  56 sec
Photo: Phil Wrzesinski, Toy House and Baby Too

Direct download: 123112_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Toys.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 10:41pm MDT

 Car Heaven: Jack Farland Brings New Life to Some of the World's Greatest-Ever Cars and Trucks

Do you love classic cars?  Entrepreneur Jack Farland earns his living restoring some of the world's greatest automobiles to their original showroom condition: A 1962 Porsche Super 90; a 1960 Ferrari 250 PF Cabriolet; a 1970 Fiat Dino; and a 1941 Cadillac Series 61 - to mention only a few.

Farland, owner of Classic Restoration By Country Club - one of the nation's most respected classic restoration shops -  discusses the high-end restoration business and the business lessons he's learned from helping make client fantasies come true.

Farland is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.  Also joining the conversation is Jeff Wilson a small business expert and co-founder of LoomView Enterprises.  Wilson is a regular contributor to B. Unconventional

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  31 min 44 sec
Photo: Jack Farland and one of his recent restorations

Direct download: 122412_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Farland.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 10:55pm MDT

Nathaniel Drew & the Salt Lake Pops Orchestra: Reinventing the Symphony with 21st Century Sensibilities

Entrepreneurial talent is not confined to conventional businesses.  Nathaniel Drew, this week's guest on Monday Morning Radio, is combining his musical talents with his business instincts to grow his Salt Lake Pops Studio Orchestra into a global Internetphenomenon.  You will learn a lot by listening to Nathaniel - not to mention enjoying his music immensely.  

Drew is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. 

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  37 min 51 sec
Photo: Nathaniel Drew

Direct download: 121712_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_SaltLakePops.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:00pm MDT

The Master of 'Media Bypass' Is Back With Cranberry Newswire

David McInnis, Wizard Academy faculty member and benefactor, revolutionized the news release industry when he founded PRWeb.  Now, McInnis is back with another forward-thinking company - Cranberry Newswire - that takes the concept of 'Media Bypass' to the next level.  

Media Bypass allows small business owners and entrepreneurs to navigate around news media gatekeepers - distributing their carefully crafted stories directly to existing and potential customers.  Unlike conventional news releases, the stories appearing on Cranberry Newswire have been professionally researched, reported and written by veteran journalists.  

That means customers and other readers will actually want to read about the companies, services and organizations featured on Cranberry Newswire.

McInnis's partner in Cranberry Newswire is veteran, Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Dean Rotbart, a fellow Wizard Academy faculty member.   

Rotbart and David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur, produce Monday Morning Radio in cooperation with their weekly radio newsmagazine, Business Unconventional, which airs each Sunday morning at 8:05 a.m. (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  30 min  47 sec
Photo: David McInnis, Co-Founder, Cranberry Newswire

Direct download: 121012_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_McInnis.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:06am MDT

World Long Drive Champ Ryan Winther and Max Muscle's Mark Sarale Talk Sports Marketing

Sports marketing is huge.  But getting it right is no layup.  

On this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio, we go behind the story of one successful sports marketing partnership, between 2012 RE/MAX World Long Drive Champion Ryan Winther and his earliest and most ardent sponsor, Mark Sarale, a regional director at Max Muscle Sports Nutrition in Northern California.

Early on, Sarale and Max Muscle generously supplied their sports nutrition expertise and powerful proven supplements to Winther, who with their backing rose rapidly to the top of his sport.  "That moment changed my life," Winther says of the first time he walked into one of Sarale's Max Muscle Sports Nutrition Store located in Sacremento.

Three months later, Winther, who once aspired to a career as a professional baseball player, broke the golf ball speed record with a swing that sent the ball rocketing 402 years at 237 miles per hour.

Winther talks about how the lessons of golf success can be applied to the business world.  And, importantly, what other business owners should know before they hook up with an athlete in pursuit of a marketing championship.

Monday Morning Radio is hosted by Wizard Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio in cooperation with their weekly radio newsmagazine, Business Unconventional, which airs each Sunday morning at 8:05 a.m. (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  44 min  56 sec
Photo: Ryan Winther, 2012 RE/MAX World Long Drive Champion

Direct download: 112612_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Winther.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:44pm MDT

'Creative' Accounting Transforms Boring Bookkeeping into Profitable Business Intelligence

Wizard Academy helps business owners and entrepreneurs discover the science in every art.  In its unconventional classes, which draw creative men and women from around the world, the goal is to demonstrate step-by-step how to do consciously what gifted people do instinctively.

In the generally unglamorous world of bookkeeping and accounting, Jeff and Jake Wilson are two such gifted visionaries.  The Wilsons, a father-son duo, look at the same tedious numbers that other bookkeepers and accountants crunch, only the Wilsons spot opportunities for profits and positive change that typically go undetected.

The Wilsons, cofounders of, are this week’s guests on Monday Morning Radio, produced in cooperation with 710 KNUS AM’s Business Unconventional, the weekly radio newsmagazine airing each Sunday at 8:00 a.m. in Denver and is streamed simultaneously around the world at

While Jeff, a Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is a nationally recognized business coach, son Jake comes to the task as someone trained in an entirely unrelated field – architectural design. 

Building a successful business is similar to building a great structure, Jake explains.  “If you don’t know where the beams are, if you don’t know what the foundation is made of, and if it’s not constructed properly, it will not be able to hold up and perform.”

The Wilsons are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart.  Rotbart, along with David Biondo, serve as cohosts of Business Unconventional.  Jeff Wilson is a regular contributor to the broadcast radio program.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  24 min 16 sec

Photo: Jake (l) and Jeff Wilson (r), LoomView CoFounders

Direct download: 111212_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_LoomView.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 11:20pm MDT

1 Hour (Or Pretty Darn Close) Inside the Mind of Rieva Lesonsky - Small Business Legend

This week on Monday Morning Radio, an exclusive, extended interview with Rieva Lesonsky, a pioneering journalist who spent almost 25 years as the editorial director at Entrepreneur magazine.  When Rieva began, in the early 1980s, few news organizations paid any attention to small business owners.  And most business reporters didn't even know the meaning of the word "entrepreneur."

Rieva has helped many thousands of people start and grow their own businesses.  Now, as the head of her own company, GrowBiz Media, Rieva continues to write about small businesses and is a much-in-demand public speaker and consultant.

This week's audio was recorded simultaneously with the taping of Business Unconventional, the weekly one-hour radio newsmagazine that is broadcast each week on 710 KNUS AM and around the world at  

B. Unconventional is hosted by Wizard Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur.  Also joining the conversation in the second half of this week's audio is Jeff Wilson a small business expert with ActionCoach - Team Empowerment.  Wilson is a regular contributor to B. Unconventional

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  50 min  28 sec
Photo: Rieva Lesonsky

Direct download: 110512_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast2_Rieva.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:36pm MDT

Holly Hamann and Blog Frog Mobilize Bloggers and Other Social Media Influencers

Holly Hamann is an indefatigable entrepreneur who has helped launch six start ups.  Her latest venture, Blog Frog, was just named one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s “100 Brilliant Companies.”

Blog Frog, whose clients include national brand companies – such as Intuit, KinderCare, Shutterfly and Subway – connects clients with popular bloggers and other social media influences to generate peer-driven content on topics including food, fashion, parenting, fitness and technology. 

Blog Frog leaps past the clutter of Internet ads to harness the power of more than 100,000 social influencers. Everyone benefits. Ribbit. Ribbit.

Hamann, who personifies the cutting-edge, unconventional thinking taught at the Wizard Academy, is interviewed by Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur.

Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Run Time:  33 min  19 sec
Photo: Holly Hamann, Blog Frog

Direct download: 081312-MMR-BUnRadio-HollyHamann.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:48pm MDT

Kesslers Diamonds: How Richard Kessler Dominates His Market - 2 Seconds at a Time

The commercial is short and to the point: "Please take me to Kesslers."  It lasts only 2 seconds.  But Kesslers Diamonds runs the "blink" ad, and others like it, twice an hour, every hour, on 30 or so different radio stations where the Wisconsin-based retail jewelery chain promotes itself.  It's not the only marketing that founder and President Richard Kessler engages in, but it is indicative of his unconventional style.

On this edition of Monday Morning Radio, produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver, co-hosts David Biondo and Dean Rotbart trace the unlikely mega-success of Kesslers Diamonds and its two-decade plus association with Roy H. Williams Marketing of Austin.

Don't be fooled.  Although Richard has yet to teach an actual course at The Wizard Academy, we defy any business owner - especially one whose company works in retail - to listen to this full audio and not come away with valuable, practical, entrepreneurial insights.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Run Time: 30 min 16 sec
Photo: Richard Kessler, Kesslers Diamonds 

Direct download: 070912-MMM-BUnRadio-Podcast.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 11:46am MDT

B. Eric Rhoads Offers Some Valuable Insights - Monday Morning Radio Exclusive!

B. Eric Rhoads, chairman and CEO of Streamline Publishing Inc., provides some valuable insights on how he succeeded in the publishing industry.  This exclusive bonus audio follows Eric's June 24, 2012 broadcast interview on Business UnconventionalAmong the magazines that Eric publishes are: Radio InkPlein Air and Fine Art Connoisseur

The Rhoads to Success: Putting Passion to Work - the broadcast portion of Eric's interview, is available here:

Based in Austin, Texas, Eric is a frequent visitor to the Wizard Academy and a longtime friend of Academy co-founder Roy H. Williams.

B. sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.

Business Unconventional is hosted by David Biondo and Dean Rotbart and airs each Sunday morning at 8 a.m. (MDT).  The program is also streamed over the Internet at

Run Time: 14 min 35 sec
 Path to Engelbrech House, Wizard Academy Campus

Direct download: 062512-MMM-EricRhodes-Bonus-Podcast.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 4:38pm MDT

The Rhoads to Success: Putting Passion to Work

B. Eric Rhoads, publisher, serial entrepreneur and talented oil painter, is the guest on this edition of Monday Morning Radio.  Among the magazines that Eric publishes are: Radio Ink; Plein Air and Fine Art Connoisseur

Eric explains that the secret to his success is creating magazines, conferences and websites that appeal to people's passions.  Likewise, he follows his own passions in identifying business opportunities.  Based in Austin, Texas, Eric is a frequent visitor to the Wizard Academy and a longtime friend of Academy co-founder Roy H. Williams.

B. sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.

Business Unconventional is hosted by David Biondo and Dean Rotbart and airs each Sunday morning at 8 a.m. (MDT).  The program is also streamed over the Internet at

Original broadcast date: June 24, 2012
Photo: B Eric Rhoads, Streamline Publishing

Direct download: 062512-MMM-BUnRadio-Podcast.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:00pm MDT