Sun, 25 June 2017
Renee Lopez spent 14 years coaching college soccer, turning around losing teams, recruiting all-conference talent, and being named by her peers in the NCAA, Coach of the Year. These days, Renee is coaching teams of business owners, entrepreneurs, and their employees on the art of winning, leadership development, and recruiting all-American workplace talent. Renee, head of Renee Lopez Coaching, says that the competitive fields of college athletics and Corporate America have more in common than most people realize. This week on Monday Morning Radio, Renee shares her insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on ways to properly set business goals and score them. [One difference between soccer and business that Dean is quick to point out – and Renee readily concedes, is that in business you don’t get to kick your rivals in the shins, as satisfying as that can be.] Photo: Renee Lopez, RL Academy |
Sun, 18 June 2017
This week’s guest, Dr. Cristal Glangchai, is a successful entrepreneur and educator, who runs the Austin-based nonprofit, VentureLab. Beginning at the tender age of five, VentureLab teaches students to think like entrepreneurs – by anticipating needs, innovating, creating, and taking calculated risks. VentureLab, which Dr. Glangchai founded and heads, enjoys a nationwide reputation, in particular, for helping students – especially girls – fuel their passion for STEM subjects - science, technology, engineering and mathematics. By putting VentureLab’s courses online for free, Dr. Glangchai is on track to have three out of every four high school students in America complete at least one of her classes before they graduate. Dr. Glangchai tells host Dean Rotbart, her “graduates” will be well positioned to be the innovators and builders of our future. Photo: Dr. Cristal Glangchai, VentureLab |
Sun, 11 June 2017
Daniel DiPiazza is a successful, 29-year-old entrepreneur, who has built a massive, cult-like social networking following by advising other 20 and 30-somethings how to escape average jobs and become self-directed entrepreneurs. Daniel’s website and freshly minted book are titled Rich20Something. But this week, in a surprising interview with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, Daniel reveals that his advice actually is not aimed exclusively at those born after 1977. Instead, Daniel sees all of us who own or operate businesses in 2017 as being part of the millennial generation – because, he contends, it is the tools, ideas, and philosophies of the millennial generation that are currently disrupting the business world. [Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) is 33; Evan Spiegel (Snap) is 27; Kevin Systrom (Instagram) is 33; and Brian Chesky (Airbnb) is 35.] “Millennial,” Daniel says, is a frame of mind, not a birthdate. How old is your thinking? Photo: Daniel DiPiazza, |
Sun, 4 June 2017
Do you own a business or a job? Perhaps, all you really own is an expensive hobby. David C. Barnett, an expert on business valuations and how to buy or sell small businesses, meets with many small business owners who are disappointed to learn that their companies have zero market value without them. To own a genuine business, David tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, you must have systems, procedures, and processes in place that aren’t reliant on any single individual. [Visit David's website at] If one day you plan to sell your business, or you would like to transform your business from one wholly reliant on you to one that will attract serious buyers, you’ll want to hear what David has to say on this week’s Monday Morning Radio. Photo: David C. Barnett, |