Sun, 26 August 2018
[Note: Our guest on last week’s podcast, was Dr. Nate Regier, who discussed harvesting conflicts in your life, rather than fearing them. However, due to a mix up, some listeners instead were treated to an advance airing of this week’s podcast, featuring Alex Vorobieff.] If you already heard what Alex had to say last week, we encourage you this week to go back and hear our conversation with Dr. Regier. In both instances, you’ll profit from priceless business insights.] When the wheels on a car are out of alignment, it impacts the car’s steering and suspension, not to mention the durability of the tires and all the parts that control them. When a business is out of alignment, its path also faces uneven friction and greater resistance. Eventually, it drives off the road altogether. Alex Vorobieff, founder and CEO of The Vorobieff Company, is a business alignment expert. Sometimes hired as a stand-in CEO or CFO, Alex uses a suite of alignment tools to get a poorly operating business back on track. The secret to fixing most ailing businesses, Alex tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, rests with remediating its core, NOT focusing on the surface where the issues are most visible. BRING YOUR BUSINESS INTO FOCUS: Pick up a copy of Alex’s well-reviewed book: Transform Your Company: Escape Frustration, Align Your Business, and Get Your Life Back. If you own a small business and would like to be a guest on this podcast – and get some free reputation advice from me – I invite you to contact me at You can also phone me at 303-800-6081.
Photo: Alex Vorobieff, The Vorobieff Company |
Sun, 19 August 2018
It sounds like an oxymoron: Positive Conflict But Dr. Nate Regier, a former practicing psychologist, has built a successful second career as an author, business coach, and popular keynote speaker teaching business people how to fight productively – both on the job and at home. With endorsements from management gurus including Dan Pink, Ken Blanchard, and Marshall Goldsmith, Nate’s book, Conflict without Casualties, has become must-reading in boardrooms and business schools across the country. Rather than fear conflict, Nate tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, the smart thing for businesses and organizations to do is channel it. [Follow Dean’s newest entrepreneurial venture, SpacEnterprise, as he explores out-of-this-world business concepts and realities.] Photo: Dr. Nate Regier, Next Element |
Sun, 12 August 2018
It’s not been easy, but Azi Hendi and her husband, Dr. Ali Hendi – a lawyer and a cancer surgeon – have combined their talents to launch 15-month-old Luminora, a stylish clothing line designed to protect women from the sun’s harmful rays. The Hendi’s know that three million Americans are diagnosed annually with a form of skin cancer, and most fashionable clothes do little, if anything, to protect wearers from the sun. In a frank conversation with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, this week the Hendi’s share both their accomplishments and their frustrations as first-time entrepreneurs, and Dean offers them some actionable advice on positioning themselves for greater success. If you own a small business and would like to be a guest on Monday Morning Radio – and get some free reputation advice from Dean – we invite you to contact him at You can also phone him at 303-296-1200. Photo: Dr. Ali Hendi and Azi Hendi, Luminora |
Sun, 5 August 2018
When Ross Kimbarovsky started his company,, a decade ago, he had a vision for a new kind of logo creation service – one in which logo buyers would be offered a wide range of original, creative, logo concepts at a readily affordable price. Today, more than 200,000 designers from nearly 200 countries compete to design the winning logos for crowdspring’s 50,000-plus clients. Ross knows all the do’s and don’ts of choosing an effective logo for your business or product, and this week he shares his best insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. Photo: Ross Kimbarovsky, |