Sun, 25 December 2022
When recruiting new hires, Andrea Hoffer leaves little to chance. After ten years of running her own business with a hit-and-all-too-frequent-miss record recruiting and retaining staff, Andrea concluded there must be a better way. She not only developed a structured process for attracting and keeping employees but found her method to be so successful that she built and now is CEO of AHA! Recruiting Experts, an agency that helps clients identify, hire, and retain great employees. Andrea has managed hundreds of employees and has experience in the higher education system, revenue-producing operation management, franchise business ownership, and business consulting. She is the author of Hire Higher: How To Attract, Interview & Grow Your Dream Team. The book provides proven strategies and a proactive approach to hiring. If Andrea has a single piece of advice for business owners and leaders, she tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, it’s this: ABR - Always Be Recruiting. Photo: Andrea Hoffer, AHA! Recruiting Experts |
Sat, 17 December 2022
Ted Clark, author of Buy & Build CEO: Leveraging Private Equity to Build a Winning Global Business, is an expert on how successful business owners and entrepreneurs can become uber-wealthy. He has spent more than four decades as a business executive and investor, and is currently a partner in Nashville-based Iron Path Capital. After starting out as a shipping clerk, has climbed the heights of the wealth ladder. He now advises other people on how to leverage their way into society’s upper crust. The best part, as Ted explains this week to host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, is that his wealth-building strategies rely on using other people’s money to acquire and build winning global businesses. Photo: Ted Clark, Iron Path Capital |
Sat, 10 December 2022
A computer engineer by training, Joseph Fung has founded five technology companies, helped to back 20 startups, and now is the CEO of Uvaro, a rapidly growing career success company that provides lifelong training for those in a variety of professional roles, including sales, account management, customer service, and leadership. Host Dean Rotbart describes Joseph as a walking encyclopedia of business wisdom. This week the two discuss a variety of timely topics, including generating a quality company culture, preparing employees for long-term success, investing in early-stage companies, and harnessing the rewards of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Photo: Joseph Fung, Uvaro |
Thu, 1 December 2022
At the peak of his popularity in the 1980s, electronics retailer “Crazy Eddie” was better known for his screaming and gesticulating television commercials promoting “insane” prices than were then-Mayor Ed Koch and President Ronald Regan. Thousands of customers would flock to store openings, hoping to nab a free t-shirt and get a glimpse of the unhinged pitchman. Behind the scenes, however, Eddie Antar — the real Crazy Eddie, not the TV actor who portrayed him in the commercials — was a thieving, lying, cheat who defrauded just about everyone who ever trusted him, and was ultimately sentenced to eight years in prison. Veteran investigative reporter Gary Weiss has written a page-turning biographical exposé of Eddie Antar: Retail Gangster: The Insane, Real-Life Story of Crazy Eddie. This week Gary and host Dean Rotbart explore both the genius and insanity of Crazy Eddie, a business crook unlike any other in American history. Photo: Gary Weiss, Retail Gangster |
Fri, 25 November 2022
[November 29th is Giving Tuesday, a day for lending your support to worthy non-profits. This week’s podcast opens with a brief interview with Lisa Weyer, executive director of the All Kids Bike campaign and its parent, the Strider Education Foundation. All Kids Bike is on a mission to teach every child in America how to ride a bike in kindergarten PE class.] Michael Beckley, an author and professor of political science, has briefed high-level policymakers, military leaders, and members of the U.S. intelligence services on his judgment that China is a nation on the descent, and that is likely to lead America into a direct conflict with the People’s Republic much sooner than anyone expects. Beckley is the co-author — along with Hal Brands — of Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China. This week, Beckley explains the thinking behind his assessment and why business owners and entrepreneurs, not just policy wonks and the political class, would be wise to recognize the threat China poses and take steps now to prepare for the coming clash. Beckley is interviewed by Dean Rotbart, host and award-winning journalist. Photo: Michael Beckley, Danger Zone |
Sun, 20 November 2022
Forty days remain in 2022. Forty days to wrap up unfinished business and set course for the New Year. What can you accomplish between now and year-end to further your goals and check worrisome tasks off your to-do list? Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking answers, “Plenty.” Dr. Sarah, a psychologist with more than 20 years of experience, is one of the nation’s preeminent experts on coaching entrepreneurs and professionals on how to get past their sense of being overwhelmed and the procrastination that often results. She is the founder of True Focus Coaching, which offers a variety of time management programs and consulting designed to get even the most time-challenged procrastinators unstuck. In working with clients over the years, Dr. Sarah has zeroed in on five steps that can bulldoze through the obstacles that undermine our productivity, keep us from achieving our goals, and set us on a negative emotional spiral. This week, Dr. Sarah shares with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart the proprietary system she relies on to get things done when there are simply too many things to do. Photo: Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking, True Focus Coaching |
Sun, 13 November 2022
In the third season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, B-List actor Robert Kerbeck played a Cardassian soldier, unrecognizable under facial prosthetics and heavy makeup. But the alien disguise was child’s play compared to the many real-life guises Robert adopted over his long career as a highly paid corporate spy, absconding with invaluable, private intelligence so detailed it would make the CIA proud. Business-on-business spying is a huge industry — full of deceit and lies. No company is too small or unimportant to be confident that its competitors aren’t deploying snoops to extract valuable, actionable, proprietary information. Robert is the author of RUSE: Lying the American Dream from Hollywood to Wall Street. In the book, he regales readers with his adventures as a corporate spy - pretending to be someone he wasn’t to coax people inside giant corporations to reveal information and secrets that could lead to their downfall - and land Robert in jail for a long, long time. This week Robert shares the secrets of the dark art of corporate spying with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart. If, that is, you can believe Robert isn’t just running some kind of grand con on us. Photo: Robert Kerbeck, RUSE |
Sun, 6 November 2022
As a veteran manager of hundreds of employees, London-based author Jim Edwards would grade himself only a solid “B” as a supervisor. So why do business owners and entrepreneurs on both sides of the Atlantic turn to Jim in impressive numbers for his recommendations on how they can perform better in leadership roles? The reason, says Jim, the author of Say Thank You For Everything, is that you don’t have to be a management superstar to be good enough to outperform your peers and competitors. Jim, a talented reporter and writer, gleaned his insights in his previous supervisory roles, including managing editor at Adweek, founding editor-in-chief at Business Insider UK, and editor-in-chief at Insider. Alyson Shontell, editor-in-chief of FORTUNE, describes Jim’s book as “equal parts smart, funny, blunt and helpful.” Adds Eric Schurenberg, former editor-in-chief of Inc. magazine: “Jim knows how the leadership game is played and, better yet, he knows how to coach his readers to play it as well.” Monday Morning Radio host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart promises that Jim’s organizational insights will leave you nodding your head and asking, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Photo: Jim Edwards, Say Thank You for Everything |
Sun, 30 October 2022
Todd Mitchell is an award-winning author of novels for young readers. He teaches writing and literature at Colorado State University and has worked with thousands of writers. But Todd is much more than a university professor. He’s a creativity sherpa for all writers, artists, musicians, actors, entrepreneurs, and innovators who, at times, experience doubt, struggle, and failure. While Todd’s latest book, Breakthrough, speaks most directly to those who call themselves writers, he notes that the challenges writers face — and can overcome — resemble the challenges that almost everyone faces when they send their creations out into the world to be admired, criticized, or ignored. [Todd’s paradigm is similar to that of Craig Archibald, who was featured on a popular episode of Monday Morning Radio in June 2022. Craig, a well-established acting coach and author, posits that the mindset necessary to be a successful actor and a successful business person is pretty much one and the same]. The subtitle of Breakthrough is “How to Overcome Doubt, Fear, and Resistance to Be Your Ultimate Creative Self.” Todd wrote the book after he was nearly defeated by the psychological demons that haunt many creatives. He found his way back to a happier, more fulfilling life and now shares his playbook for other creatives to follow. “Trust me when I say that Breakthrough is an inspirational book, one that has the potential to change your life,” says host Dean Rotbart, an award-winning journalist and author. “Todd offers the ‘cure’ for those of us who are achievement addicts.” Photo: Todd Mitchell, Author, Breakthrough: How to Overcome Doubt, Fear, and Resistance to Be Your Ultimate Creative Self |
Sat, 22 October 2022
Sitting in jail - facing a 13-year sentence - Rob Lohman had plenty of time to review his past: alcohol and drug addiction, gambling, bankruptcies, and even a suicide attempt. That was in 2012. Since then, Rob, who was released from prison after less than a year, has not only turned his life around, he’s used savvy self-marketing to build a for-profit business guiding thousands of other men and women who’ve hit rock bottom — be it in their personal or business lives — to a fresh start. As Rob tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, his life story teaches that the same character traits that feed personal failure can be harnessed to rebound and achieve unprecedented success. Pick up a copy of Rob’s book: The Addition IntERvention. Photo: Rob Lohman, Lifted From The Rut |
Sat, 15 October 2022
Over the past decade, if you paid taxes, borrowed money, invested, or bought goods and services, no single elected or appointed government official has had more influence over your wallet than Janet Yellen. In fact, no person in American history has served — as Yellen has — in three influential government economic posts: Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, then Chair of the Federal Reserve, and since January 2021, as Secretary of the Treasury. Jon Hilsenrath, an award-winning senior writer for The Wall Street Journal covering economics and finance, has written the definitive biography of Janet Yellen and her Nobel Prize-winning economist husband, George Akerlof: “Yellen: The Trailblazing Economist Who Navigated an Era of Upheaval.” The book, due from HarperCollins on November 1st, can be pre-ordered at Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart characterizes “Yellen” as an engaging read that will appeal to a broad audience, with unique value to younger readers who are just starting out or still early in their careers. “The book is a love story, it’s an overcoming obstacles tale, it’s a women’s empowerment narrative, and it provides fascinating insights into the way our government and economy operate,” Rotbart says. This week Hilsenrath raises the curtain on his forthcoming biography and explains why everyone who is a business owner or entrepreneur needs to learn all they can about Janet Yellen. To view a video of this week’s podcast, visit Photo: Jon Hilsenrath, Author |
Fri, 7 October 2022
The title of Chris De Santis’s new book is sure to resonate with employers and employees alike: Why I Find You Irritating: Navigating Generational Friction at Work. Many business owners and veteran company employees find their younger colleagues irritating — failing to share their values and work ethic. Guess what? The feeling is mutual, as Millennials and GenZers often lack respect for their older co-workers. Chris, an organization expert and former director of training and development for the American Medical Association, has studied generational differences for 18 years. He's discovered that — when well understood — the generational conflict that is so prevalent these days can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization and all its staff. Who buys that theory? Among Chris’s clients, you’ll find Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Lilly, and Bank of America. This week, Chris shares with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart his take on what most companies get wrong and how to avoid squandering the value inherent in generational diversity. Photo: Chris De Santis, Why I Find You Irritating |
Sun, 2 October 2022
Steve Curtin, ranked as one of the top 30 customer service experts in the world — with clients that include Carnival Cruise Line, NAPA Auto Parts, and TJ Maxx — believes that every owner and manager needs to have “The Revelation Conversation” with each of their employees. The conversation, which is the focus of Steve’s latest book, is designed to address the question of why their job and their company matter. As Steve tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, “we’ve all heard the story of the NASA janitor who wasn’t mopping floors; he was helping to send a man to the moon.” Imagine what would happen to each worker’s productivity and job satisfaction, Curtin asks, if your employees felt the same way about the greater purpose of the work they do. After a 20-year career with Marriott International working in hotel operations, sales and marketing, and training and development, Steve now devotes his time to speaking, consulting, and writing on the topic of extraordinary customer service. Photo: Steve Curtin, The Revelation Conversation |
Sat, 24 September 2022
You may have never heard of Jonathan Dahl. But six times a year, he produces a glossy magazine that reaches 1.8 million high-powered global executives and owners, in addition to a weekly online newsletter that has surpassed 3.5 million annual page views. What’s special about Jonathan is that he doesn’t work for a mainstream news organization. Rather, he generates what he calls “dazzling corporate content” for Korn Ferry, the highly respected privately held global consulting firm. Whether you own or operate a company with 50 or 50,000 employees, Jonathan tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart that you need to be generating regular articles and blog posts that showcase how you operate, your values, and how today’s broader news and trends relate to your business and your customers. Photo: Jonathan Dahl, Korn Ferry |
Sun, 18 September 2022
Sean Castrina says there are eight unbreakable rules that entrepreneurs who want to be a success must follow. Given that Sean has launched more than 20 companies over the past two decades — most of them successes — he knows more than a little about the dos and don’ts of competing effectively in the cutthroat business marketplace. Sean is by no means lazy, but as he tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, his millionaire-producing formula has always been to create high-margin businesses in less-crowded fields and then let others do all the hard work. Be sure to download a copy of Sean’s book, 8 Unbreakable Rules for Business Start-Up Success, for free. Photos: Sean Castrina, 8 Unbreakable Rules for Business Start-Up Success |
Sun, 11 September 2022
Among the robber barons of the late 19th century, none was more ruthless and unscrupulous than Jay Gould, who amassed a fortune greater than that of the Rockefellers. During Gould’s life, he controlled the country’s largest railroad empire, Western Union, and even the New York World newspaper (which he sold to Joseph Pulitzer in 1883). Today, Gould is all but forgotten outside of academia. But his influence and the regulations put in place to try and prevent future stock manipulators such as he from succeeding continue to have a significant influence over American businesses and financial markets. Greg Steinmetz, a partner at a New York money management firm, has just published an authoritative biography of the clever and quirky Gould, American Rascal: How Jay Gould Built Wall Street’s Biggest Fortune. Hate Gould or outright despise him, Steinmetz tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart that it’s not possible to deny that Gould played a domineering role in America’s transformative economic expansion of the 19th century. Photos: Author Greg Steinmetz and Jay Gould |
Sat, 2 July 2022
July 4th is the perfect time for fireworks, barbecues, and according to Lynette M. Smith, writing personal, heartfelt letters to colleagues, friends, family members, and others who enrich your life. Lynette is a letter-writing evangelist who has authored multiple books on the art and impact of crafting the type of communications that will be saved and savored for years, even decades to come. [Get your personal copy of How to Write Heartfelt Letters to Treasure.] Spoken words, texts, and emails are fleeting. If you want to demonstrate genuine appreciation, Lynette tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, only a gratitude letter will do. Photo: Lynette M. Smith, Good Ways to Write |
Sat, 25 June 2022
What can an annual race featuring weiner dogs teach serious entrepreneurs and business owners about correctly predicting the outcome of any marketing campaign before spending a dime on testing the concept? Plenty. That’s the bottom line of Peter Nevland’s latest book, Wiener Dog Marketing: A Silly Sounding Book for Serious Business Growth. The fast read not only features lessons Peter has gleaned from teaching and attending classes at the Wizard Academy, it also maps the mind of the Wizard himself, Roy H. Williams. Peter is one of the elite Wizard of Ads partners who helps already successful businesses find their unique path to much greater success, much faster. Peter was last a guest on Monday Morning Radio a decade ago, when he discussed his evolution from an engineer to a wordsmith and word coach. This week Peter shares with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart the secrets of sniffing out a successful marketing strategy, one short-legged, long-bodied canine at a time. Photo: Peter Nevland, Weiner Dog Marketing |
Sun, 19 June 2022
A special audio/video edition of Monday Morning Radio presenting a panel of distinguished journalists discussing the future of business journalism. TO VIEW THE VIDEO, CLICK HERE. This is the first episode in the 11th year of the business-to-business podcast. Everyone who owns a business, operates a professional practice, or works for either, understands the importance of the business news media - and their ability to provide actionable insights and intelligence. The discussion arises from the publication of The Future of Business Journalism and Why It Matters for Wall Street and Main Street by Chris Roush. Roush is the Dean of the Quinnipiac University School of Communications, where he is also a professor. He is a veteran business journalist and the founder of Talking Biz News — a must-read website for journalists and communications executives about the business journalism profession. Roush joins Dean Rotbart, award-winning author and host of Monday Morning Radio, to examine the history of the business journalism profession, its current status, and what Roush believes are the changes that are necessary to buttress business and financial news going forward. In his book, Roush writes: “[The] shift in business news content away from many consumers and small business owners on Main Street and toward Wall Street investors, money managers, and Fortune 500 executives is one of the most misunderstood inequalities in twenty-first century American civic life.” To examine that contention, along with other key elements in The Future of Business Journalism, are a distinguished panel of four veteran business journalists: Peter Coy, Opinion Economics Writer, The New York Times Posted: June 20, 2022 |
Sat, 11 June 2022
As the top journalist and now CEO of Fortune Media — publisher of Fortune magazine,, and an increasing array of live Fortune global conferences — Alan Murray is one of the most influential business journalists in the country. In his capacity as the head of Fortune, Alan has the opportunity to keep company with many of the world's most prominent and influential people, including presidents, heads of state, legendary CEOs, titans of Wall Street, and even the Pope. Alan is the author of a bold, newly released book, Tomorrow’s Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business. In the book, Alan encapsulates the wisdom of his coterie, mixed with a full serving of his own savvy, to create a vision for a new, 21st-century breed of business owners and leaders. Alan dubs them Capitalists 2.0. Some of Alan’s ideas are surprisingly radical — or, if not radical — certainly a break from the traditions of Corporate America and the deeply-rooted Milton Friedman philosophy that “There is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits.” This week, Alan sits for an exclusive interview with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart to explain how tomorrow’s CEOs can do a better job than their predecessors for their employees, communities, and investors. [Note: Alan’s journalism career spans more than four decades, including serving as deputy managing editor, executive editor online, Washington bureau chief, and a columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He is the recipient of a Business News Visionary Award, nominated by his peers and recognized for his transformative contributions to the business journalism profession. The Business News Visionary Awards are made possible by the support of Monday Morning Radio and The Dilenschneider Group. Additional support is provided by] Next Monday, June 20th, as Monday Morning Radio begins its 11th year of podcasting, host Dean Rotbart will moderate an extra special panel to discuss a provocative new book, the Future of Business Journalism. Everyone who owns a business, operates a professional practice, or works for either, understands the importance of the business news media - and their ability to provide actionable insights and intelligence. Chris Roush - Dean of the Quinnipiac University School of Communications and a veteran business journalist, is the author of The Future of Business Journalism which contends that significant changes must take place in the ways business journalism organizations operate for the betterment of Main Street and Wall Street. Joining Chris and Dean will be four distinguished business journalists: Peter Coy, Opinion Economics Writer, The New York Times Henry Dubroff, Owner and Founder, Pacific Coast Business Times Matt Murray, Editor in Chief, The Wall Street Journal Matt Quayle, Senior Executive Producer, CNBC-TV Photo: Alan Murray, Fortune Media |
Sun, 5 June 2022
Most people don’t think of Hollywood celebrities as entrepreneurs. But Craig Archibald, founder of The Archibald Studio, is not most people. A well-established acting coach, Craig has mentored talents including Eric Roberts, Dan Futterman, John Slattery, and Constance Wu. One of the first lessons he drills into his clients’ minds is that acting is a highly competitive business, and if they are going to succeed, they need to excel as entrepreneurs. But get this, Craig also recommends that business owners study acting to improve their financial performance. Craig is the author of the new book, The Actor’s Mindset: Acting as a Craft, Discipline and Business. He joins host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart to explain the fascinating Hollywood-Business connection. And be sure to keep your ears open for cameos by Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, George Clooney, and the Greek philosopher, Aristotle. Photo: Craig Archibald, The Archibald Studio |
Sun, 29 May 2022
As an active U.S. Army Colonel, Christopher Kolenda — a West Point graduate — led 800 paratroopers stationed in Afghanistan. Six of his soldiers were killed under his command. The loss of his troops and the lessons he learned about effective leadership during his storied military career are front and center in Col. Kolenda’s mind this Memorial Day. Col. Kolenda is the author of Leadership: The Warrior’s Art and Zero-Sum Victory: What We’re Getting Wrong About War. He is also the founder of Strategic Leaders Academy, which works with leaders who want to apply insights from history and military operations to transform their businesses. Whether on the battlefields of Afghanistan or in the trenches of American businesses, Col. Kolenda says that victory depends on a three-legged foundation: Leadership, Culture, and Strategy. If your business lacks any one of these, he tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, you are forfeiting the competitive advantage. Photo: Colonel Christopher Kolenda, Strategic Leaders Academy |
Sun, 22 May 2022
Brian Scudamore was a high school dropout. Waiting at a McDonald’s drive-through, he spotted a ratty old pickup with “Junk Hauling” spray-painted on the side. “I could do that,” Brian told himself. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and inspired to do things bigger and better, Brian bought a beat-up old truck and launched what today is the $600 million global industry giant, 1-800-Got-Junk, which dominates the junk removal business. Brian is the founder and CEO of Vancouver-based 02E Brands — Ordinary 2 Exceptional — which offers innovative home services franchises, including 1-800-Got Junk, Wow 1 Day Painting, and Shack Shine. This week, Brian shares practical insights from his latest bestselling book, BYOB: Business Your Own Business, Be Your Own Boss. The book debuted at #2 on The Wall Street Journal’s bestsellers list. BYOB is a follow-up to Brian’s popular 2018 book, WTF! [Willing to Fail]: How Failure Can Be Your Key to Success. Both BYOB and WTF were written with Roy H. Williams, founder of Roy H. Williams Marketing and co-founder of Wizard Academy. Brian is a fervent believer in the power of thinking BIG. Listen in as he explains why everyone has it within their means to achieve their dreams. “If Brian can succeed, so can you,” says host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart. “And that’s not rubbish.” Photo: Brian Scudamore, O2E Brands |
Sun, 15 May 2022
One of the most popular characters in Charles M. Schultz’s Peanuts comic strip is Linus Van Pelt, Charlie Brown’s best friend. Linus displays great wisdom even as he clings to his always-present blue security blanket. Dr. Victoria Grady, an organization expert with decades of experience working with Fortune 500 companies, sees similarities between Linus and the type of “attachment behavior” that often stalls the progress of companies trying to successfully transform in the digital age. Do you or your colleagues have a mental “blankie” that is holding you back? Dr. Grady, co-author of Stuck: How to Win at Work By Understanding Loss, joins host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart to explain how to identify your attachment behaviors and offers insights on how to get people to “un-stick” and embrace and adopt change. Photo: Dr. Victoria M. Grady, PIvotPoint |
Sun, 1 May 2022
Tim Redmond, CEO of Redmond Growth Consulting, has spent more than 35 years mentoring plumbers, electricians, landscapers, remodelers, and other small bricks-and-mortar business owners on ways to dramatically improve their performance. Tim relies on an unusual framework for his growth principles: The Bible. While Tim’s clients come from all religions and denominations, he looks to teachings in the New Testament, in particular, to steer his innovative coaching process. The Divine inspiration, Tim tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, has led many of his clients to report heavenly improvements in their performance and profits. Photo: Tim Redmond, Redmond Growth Consulting |
Sun, 24 April 2022
Ken Lindner is a professional development maestro, having helped choreograph the careers of thousands of individuals from all walks of life. Among the many professionals he’s helped guide are leading broadcast personalities, including Lester Holt, Deborah Norville, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Leeza Gibbons, and Matt Lauer. Ken’s approach to careers — and life in general - is simple: Make better choices, and achieve better results. The founder of Positive Life Choice Psychology, Ken is the author of six books, including Aspire Higher: How to Find the Love, Positivity, and Purpose to Elevate Your Life and The World! and Career Choreography: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Right Job and Achieving Huge Success and Happiness. This week, Ken shares with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart the concrete steps anyone can take to make more intelligent decisions — in life and career — and reap the bountiful benefits. Photo: Ken Lindner, Positive Life Choice Psychology |
Sun, 17 April 2022
Stephen Kreider Yoder and his wife, Karen, had been married for 42 years when last summer — at a combined age of 127 — the two successfully rode a tandem bike 3,819 miles from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The 12-week adventure taught the couple a multitude of lessons about teamsmanship, resilience, planning (and spontaneity), the hospitality of strangers, the beauty of nature, and the addictive satisfaction of checking items off of their bucket list. This week Stephen, a journalist who has worked for The Wall Street Journal since 1983, and Karen, a retired professor and K-5 teacher, invite Monday Morning Radio listeners to ride along as they recount the inspiring story of their journey. Photo: Karen and Stephen Kreider Yoder |
Fri, 8 April 2022
Two of the country’s top experts on leadership — men who write bestselling books and get paid the big bucks to mentor top executives — confess that managing others doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, Ken Blanchard — who has sold more than 23 million copies of his books worldwide — and his colleague Randy Conley contend that outstanding leadership boils down to two common-sense ingredients: build trust with your employees and strive to serve others ahead of yourself. Of course, even managers who are prepared to take simple steps to boost employee satisfaction and productivity can benefit from a “leadership manual.” This week, Blanchard and Conley join host Dean Rotbart to share practical ideas from their latest book, Simple Truths of Leadership: 52 Ways to Be a Servant Leader and Build Trust. [Are you an author or a would-be author? is the best do-it-yourself platform for building your author’s website. Take advantage of Pub Site’s free 14-day, no-obligation trial.] Photos: Ken Blanchard (l) and Randy Conley, Simple Trusts of Leadership |
Sun, 3 April 2022
The life and death of Tony Hsieh, the billionaire CEO of online shoe-seller Zappos, is a master class in visionary business leadership and a cautionary tale about how fame can mask profound problems. Hsieh, who sold Zappos to Amazon for $1.2 billion, died in a mysterious shed fire in late November 2020 at age 46. This week, two reporters for The Wall Street Journal — Kirsten Grind and Katherine Sayre — join host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart to share details from their newly published biography of the business legend, Happy at Any Cost: The Revolutionary Vision and Fatal Quest o Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh. Theirs is a riveting examination of an entrepreneur who was simultaneously great and deeply flawed. Photos: Kirsten Grind (l) and Katherine Sayre, Happy at Any Cost Kirsten and Katherine will be signing copies of their book and invite Monday Morning Radio listeners to stop by and pick up a copy. Las Vegas: April 8, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Intuitive Forage Farmers Market, 300 N. Casino Center Blvd. San Diego: April 13, 7:30 p.m. Warwick's Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave. La Jolla |
Sun, 27 March 2022
Here is a harsh truth: Many entrepreneurs have no business running their own businesses. In a no-holds-barred conversation with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, bestselling author Gino Wickman draws an impermeable line between those who have the right stuff to succeed in business and those who never will, no matter how hard they try. Wickman is the creator of “The Entrepreneurial Operating System,” which more than 130,000 companies have relied on to improve their results. He knows the ingredients of success and failure. Wickman’s most recent book, “Entrepreneurial Leap,” defines the attributes that entrepreneurs must possess to prosper, advises founders on ways to avoid common mistakes, and suggests alternatives for those not born to own and grow their own businesses. Do you have what it takes? Listen in and find out. [Listeners to Monday Morning Radio can purchase a copy of Dean Rotbart’s newest book, September Twelfth: An American Comeback Story. Visit Gutenberg’s Store.] Photo: Gino Wickman, Entrepreneurial Leap |
Sun, 20 March 2022
Ann Papayoti has plenty of reasons to be bitter. She lost an infant child, had another born with epilepsy, and was married to a belligerent and abusive husband. But Ann chose to make peace with her past. Today, she is a successful self-help author and life coach who mentors others on how to overcome all manner of life setbacks. What allows people to prevail over their difficulties is what Ann calls “shift” — embracing a better, life-affirming perspective. Ann is the co-author, along with Tracy Mac Donald, of The Gift of Shift: Discover the Key Within to Unlock Your Best Life. In the book, Ann and Tracy share a collection of personal stories designed to inspire readers to look at life’s hardships from a fresh perspective. The book aims to help each of us find peace within, create positive change, and embrace a new outlook on life. This week Ann shares specific shift approaches to transform hardships into blessings. Photo: Ann Papayoti, The Gift of Shift |
Sun, 13 March 2022
Good PR has become everyone’s responsibility, regardless of your industry or job title. That is a core message shared by a distinguished panel of three experts on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio. Leading the panel is Robert L. Dilenschneider, editor of the newly published fifth edition of The Public Relations Handbook, a must-read for communications practitioners and a valuable reference for executives who wisely recognize that public relations is integral to every activity and decision they make. Dilenschneider is the founder of The Dilenschneider Group, which for more than three decades has been providing strategic advice and counsel to Fortune 500 companies and leading families and individuals around the world. “Public relations professionals must be prepared to deal with a staggering variety of people, issues, and subjects,” Dilenschneider writes. His book consists of seventeen chapters, each contributed by recognized PR specialists. Two of the contributors — Jack Devine and Virginia A. Kamsky — join Dilenschneider and host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart on the panel. Devine is a founding partner and president of The Arkin Group, specializing in international crisis management, strategic intelligence, investigative research, and business problem-solving. He previously spent 32 years with the CIA, having served - among other posts - as Acting Director of Operations. Kamsky, who divides her time between New York and Beijing, is the founder of Kamsky Associates, Inc., a strategic advisory firm whose client base includes preeminent companies worldwide. During the Obama Administration, she was appointed a member of the US Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel, providing independent advice and recommendations. “The best thing anybody reading this book can do right now is come away and say, ‘Life has changed and if I’m going to keep up with it and be successful, I better change too,’” Dilenschneider says. “The book offers the ways people should adapt to the changing environment.” Released in February 2022 by Matt Holt Books, The Public Relations Handbook is available from Amazon in hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook editions. Photos (Clockwise from upper left): Host Dean Rotbart, Contributor Virginia A. Kamsky, Editor Robert L. Dilenschneider, and Contributor Jack Devine |
Thu, 3 March 2022
Last week, due to a technical glitch at the service that hosts Monday Morning Radio, some listeners heard half of one podcast while others listened to a completely different episode. So this week, we are offering a double-header. In center stage is David Hailey, founder of Countifi. This cutting-edge concern uses a combination of computer vision and artificial intelligence to help companies in the airline industry, healthcare, construction, and higher education gain better control of their supply chain management. Whether or not you need better supply chain management, David’s experience identifying a problem and building a business to address it is a tale to inspire every owner and entrepreneur. Host Dean Rotbart’s other guest, Anton Suddia, is an expert on augmented reality who has fled his home in Kharkiv, Ukraine, with his wife and two young children. In a chilling conversation from his hiding place in Western Ukraine, Anton shared with Dean his very personal and compelling story of how his life has changed since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th.To stream or download Dean’s conversation with Anton, click here. Top Photo: David Hailey, Countifi |
Sun, 27 February 2022
This week, a special edition of Monday Morning Radio features a conversation with Anton Suddia, a Ukraine-based expert on augmented reality. Recorded Sunday, February 27th, Anton shares his very personal and compelling story of how his life has changed since Russia invaded Ukraine four days earlier. Anton previously appeared on this podcast in September 2016, discussing the global effort to bring Augmented Reality to Main Street businesses. A father of two young children, Anton and his wife fled Kharkiv, where his company — IT Craft — is headquartered and spoke with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart from a comparatively safe location in the western region of Ukraine. Hearing Anton brings home the tragedy of what’s happening in Ukraine and how it has disrupted everyday life and commerce. Anton’s future is up in the air. He doesn’t know if his company will still exist by the time listeners hear this week’s podcast. He doesn’t know if he’ll still have a job or paycheck in the days and weeks ahead. And, most critically, he doesn’t know whether he’ll be forced to flee again and, if so, where he can go. Originally, this week’s guest was scheduled to be David Hailey, founder of Countifi and an expert on using computer vision and inventory control to improve supply chain management. Instead, our conversation with David will be featured on next week’s episode. Top Photo: Anton Suddia, IT Craft |
Sun, 20 February 2022
There is only so much room at the top of the corporate ladder. What can owners and CEOs do to retain and incentivize good employees when no more executive slots are available? According to Julie Winkle Giulioni, a human resources expert and bestselling author, there are excellent alternatives to promotions. Besides, many employees no longer want all the drama and responsibilities that come with upper-management jobs. Julie’s new book, Promotions Are So Yesterday, won’t be out until next month. But host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart persuaded Julie to share some of her best employee enticements on this week’s podcast. [Are you an author or would-be author? is the best do-it-yourself platform for building your author’s website. Take advantage of Pub Site’s free 14-day, no-obligation trial.] Photo: Julie Winkle Giulioni, Promotions Are So Yesterday |
Sun, 13 February 2022
To sell his first book, Man Interrupted, James Bailey — a sufferer of severe obsessive-compulsive behavior who was living out of his car at the time — staked out bookstores and celebrity haunts in Malibu, Santa Monica, and other well-to-do Southern California towns. When he spotted stars, he unashamedly pressed them to buy his book or at the very least accept a free copy. Bob Dylan bought one. So did James Woods. Simon Cowell promised to buy the book. And Mel Brooks was so impressed with James that the Academy Award-winning writer of The Producers wrote a cover blurb for James’s newest book, The Diary of a Manic OCD Bookseller. “I never back off,” James tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart. Indeed, James has sold thousands of his books, one at a time, and this week he explains how anyone can adapt his methods to help them achieve their goals. Photo: James Bailey, The Diary of a Manic OCD Bookseller |
Sun, 6 February 2022
![]() Douglas Holmes is a veteran investment banker who sees massive potential in telemedicine. His latest venture is DermatologistOnCall features a network of board-certified dermatologists who provide telemedicine services in all 50 states, and can even offer an in-home melanoma test. The secret of DermatologistOnCall’s success, Douglas tells award-winning author and journalist Dean Rotbart, is the advanced technology that is the foundation of the service. Douglas shares insights that could revolutionize how you reach and serve your customers, whether or not you work in healthcare. Photo: Douglas Holmes, DermatologistOnCall |
Sun, 30 January 2022
A California entrepreneur, Melissa Joseph, has combined her love poetry and her life-long habit of writing personal Thank You notes to launch a new business, Lotus Cards: Notecards with Heart. The cards offer mix-and-match whimsical original poetic sentiments — each composed by Melissa — with a variety of unique, stylistic cover art. With Valentine's Day only two weeks off, Melissa’s cards make for highly original greetings. Host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart says that Melissa, a former English teacher, is special for a couple of reasons: One - she’s a senior citizen unafraid to venture into a new business, and Two - she’s donating all proceeds from the sale of her cards to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Roses are red, Photo: Melissa Joseph and Lotus — Lotus Cards: Notecards with Heart |
Sun, 23 January 2022
This week, in Part Two of host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart’s conversation with business historian Gary Hoover, the two turn their attention to women and minorities who overcame long odds to build or lead successful companies. They’ll also reveal the failures and rebounds of some great American companies and share the story of one executive whose business failed, and afterward, he went home to his parents’ house and locked himself in the bedroom for a month. True story. Gary is the executive director of the American Business History Center and the author of Bedtime Business Stories: Short Sagas of Business Creation, Success, and Failure. A serial entrepreneur, one company Hoover founded was acquired by Barnes & Noble, while another was purchased by Dun & Bradstreet. Gary’s specialty is looking back at the great industries, businesses, and business leaders of bygone days and reminding all of us of what made them great and how we can apply their insights today. Photo: Gary Hoover, American Business History Center |
Sun, 16 January 2022
Back in November, when General Electric announced its plan to break itself into three different companies, host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart invited business historian Gary Hoover to share the lessons of GE’s fall from grace. Hoover is the executive director of the American Business History Center and the author of Bedtime Business Stories: Short Sagas of Business Creation, Success, and Failure. A serial entrepreneur, one company Hoover founded was acquired by Barnes & Noble, while another was purchased by Dun & Bradstreet. This week, in part one of a two-part conversation, Rotbart and Hoover take a deep dive into an array of legendary American businesses and CEOs and what they can teach today’s business owners and leaders. Photo: Gary Hoover, American Business History Center |
Sun, 9 January 2022
![]() Host Dean Rotbart is being mysterious about his guests this week on Monday Morning Radio. All he’ll say is that their names are Peter Desberg and Jeffrey Davis and between the two of them, their clients have included Apple, Dell Computers, Boeing, Toyota, and Honda. Peter and Jeffrey have a "how-to" business book coming out next month that the authors promise will have entertaining, actionable advice for all owners and entrepreneurs, regardless of the nature of their businesses. The two authors think that after hearing what they have to say, many listeners will want to buy their book. If you do, you can pre-order it here. But as Dean points out, it’s totally up to listeners to decide if Peter and Jeffrey acquit themselves admirably. Photos: Peter Desberg (l) and Jeffrey Davis, Authors |
Sun, 2 January 2022
If Clay Stafford were to put all of his titles on a single business card, it would be one mammoth ID. Clay is, among other things, an award-winning author — having sold nearly four million copies of his books, a poet, a screenwriter and playwright, film and television producer, director, showrunner, actor, educator, reviewer, and public speaker. Oh yes, he is also the founder of The Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference - now in its 16th year - that has become the premier forum for all genres incorporating mystery, thriller, or suspense content. This week, Clay shares with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart how and why he does so many creative things and what we can learn from his successful approach to artistry. Photo: Clay Stafford, Killer Nashville [Grab your copy of Killer Nashville Noir: Cold-Blooded, featuring stories by Clay Stafford, Anne Perry, Jeffery Deaver, Mary Burton, and others.] |