Sun, 10 November 2013
If you're not among that lucky bunch who will hang out with Jeff Sexton and Chris Maddock this week during the Writing for Radio and the Internet workshop at Wizard Academy, here is some consolation: Jeff Sexton is Dean Rotbart and David Biondo's guest on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio. Whether you're writing your own web copy or hiring someone else to do it for you, this interview - like the two-day course itself - will open your mind to a brave and lucrative new world where words make all the difference. Monday Morning Radio is produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, the weekly radio news magazine broadcast every Sunday at 8 am (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Run Time: 18 mins 54 Secs Photo: Jeff Sexton, Wizard Academy
Direct download: 111113_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_EDITED.mp3
Category:Wizard Academy -- posted at: 7:39pm MST |