Monday Morning Radio


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February 2013
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Janet Sanders and Incom Direct Are Revolutionizing the Way Merchants Process Credit Cards

Janet Sanders, founder and CEO of Incom Direct, is an entrepreneurial rebel with a cause.  

With her last $500 - and working out of the back of her home - Janet set out in 2002 to revolutionize the credit card processing industry.  Her goal was to bring down the price that merchants, such as she, paid for accepting MasterCard and Visa.

Today, Janet's Incom Direct clears more than $2 billion annually in credit card charges and she has rewritten the industry's playbook.  Janet tells the story of her amazing journey - and the important lessons other entrepreneurs can learn from it - on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Janet interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:   17 Mins  31 Secs
Photo: Janet Sander, Incom Direct

Toy Story: The Guppy Tank Skips the 'Shark' But Still Helps Fund Promising Small Businesses

The Guppy Tank is small group of investors who conduct regional competitions around the country among small business owners.  Based loosely on ABC TV's popular program, The Shark Tank, these so-called Guppies allow entrepreneurs to vie for either an equity investment, a cash flow business loan, or some combination of both.

This week's guest on Monday Morning Radio is Darrin Ginsberg, founder and creator of The Guppy Tank.  Joining Darrin is David Bowen, whose toy company, BeginAgain, recent won a $150,000 investment. 

Darrin may describe himself as a guppy, but to some deserving small business owners, he looks a lot more like Santa Claus. 

Darrin and David are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:   29 Mins  20 Secs
Photo: David Bowen (l) and Darrin Ginsberg

Direct download: 122313_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_GuppyTank.mp3
Category:Funders -- posted at: 8:57am MST

Taking Their Own Advice: The Co-Founders of Began By Coaching Other Entrepreneurs

Zach Randall and his partner Nick Yorchak earn their living advising other entrepreneurs how to build online traffic and revenue strategies.

Earlier this year, Zach and Nick decided to take their own advice - launching, a national web retailer that let's men and women purchase premium shaving razors at discounts of as much as 70%.

On this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio, Zach talks about betting on himself and his skills as a digital marketing consultant as he takes on the multi-billion dollar razor industry.  Talk about having "skin in the game!"

Zach is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:   20 Mins  11 Secs
Photo: Zach Randall

Direct download: 121613_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_ShaveMOB.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:55am MST

You Might Call It A Dying Industry....and Business is Good!

This past October, nearly 6,000 business executives, most of them mom-and-pop operators, gathered in Austin, Texas to attend a global conference designed to make them more successful at their jobs…. as Funeral Directors.

Death remains a huge business in the United States and one of the few major industries that continues to be dominated by individual and family owners.  

On Monday Morning Radio this week, Jessica Koth, public relations manager for the National Funeral Directors Association, explains why the challenges and prospects facing funeral home operators are a microcosm of the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem. She also highlights the numerous opportunities for other small businesses to sell their products and services to funeral home directors.

Jessica is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  24 mins 39 Secs
Photo: Jessica Koth, National Funeral Directors Association

Direct download: 120913_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_NFDA.mp3
Category:Industry Experts -- posted at: 3:56pm MST

Entrepreneurs Can Think Like An Elite Warrior - Former Navy Seal Mark Divine Explains

Are you tough enough for the Wizard Academy and its vigorous creative and intellectual obstacle courses?

Well toughen up, because this week's guest on Monday Morning Radio is none other than Academy graduate Mark Divine, who served two decades in the elite U.S. Navy SEALs, retiring as a commander.

Mark, author of the new book, The Way of the Seal, reveals how anyone can "think like an elite warrior to lead and succeed."  Mark's business credentials include an MBA, a CPA and the role of founder and CEO of SEALFIT and

So listen if you dare.  Remember the SEALs motto:  "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday."

Monday Morning Radio is produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, the weekly radio news magazine broadcast every Sunday at 8 am (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.  For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time:  34:21
Photo:  Mark Divine, Way of the Seal 

Direct download: 120213_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Mark_Devine.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:47pm MST

The 'Godzilla of Personal Growth' - John Lavenia - On How Anyone Can Go From Rags to Riches

John Lavenia has hit deeper bottoms than most people ever do.  Down on his luck, broke, a drug addict, from an abusive home, he turned his life around - both personally and professionally - and has become a much in-demand speaker and trainer, who has taught thousands of others how they can write their own "rags-to-riches" life script.

Lavenia, who dubbs himself "The Godzilla of Personal Growth," is this week's guest on Monday Morning Radio.  He discusses his methods, a blend of Eastern and Western thought, as well as his popular book, "Integrity is Everything."

If you think you face a hard climb to the top, you'll be inspired by what Lavenia has been able to accomplish.

Monday Morning Run Time:  28 min 14 Secs
Photo:  John Lavenia 

Direct download: 112413_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Lavenia.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:45pm MST

Zero to More than 2 Million Members: How John Levisay Used Social Media to Build Powerhouse in Just Over 3 Years

In a little more than three years, has added more than 2 million members who gobble up its online classes, free videos and how-to articles. This week on Monday Morning Radio, founder John Levisay reveals how he and his team crafted their own entrepreneurial success story, relying heavily on social media.

Also appearing on today's show is Wizard Academy alumnus Homer Hudson Hillis, Jr., whose company, HHH Enterprises sells crafts supplies. Feeling crafty?

Monday Morning Radio is produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, the weekly radio news magazine broadcast every Sunday at 8 am (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.  For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  28 mins 01 Secs
Photo:  John Levisay, Founder, 

Direct download: 111713_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Craftsy_2.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:49pm MST

Words on the Radio and Internet: Power Writing Tips From Wizard Academy's Jeff Sexton

If you're not among that lucky bunch who will hang out with Jeff Sexton and Chris Maddock this week during the Writing for Radio and the Internet workshop at Wizard Academy, here is some consolation: Jeff Sexton is Dean Rotbart and David Biondo's guest on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Whether you're writing your own web copy or hiring someone else to do it for you, this interview - like the two-day course itself - will open your mind to a brave and lucrative new world where words make all the difference. 

Monday Morning Radio is produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, the weekly radio news magazine broadcast every Sunday at 8 am (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. 

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  18 mins 54 Secs

Photo:  Jeff Sexton, Wizard Academy

Direct download: 111113_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_EDITED.mp3
Category:Wizard Academy -- posted at: 7:39pm MST

Banging the Drums for The Wizard Academy: Meet Daniel Whittington - Musician, Creative Thinker and Vice Chancellor

Having returned to the fanfare of trumpets following his incredibly successful secret mission for the CIA,
Dean Rotbart is back on the job this week with another installment of Monday Morning Radio, joined by his son and guest-host, Maxwell.

This week, the Rotbarts casts their eyes on newly named Wizard Academy Vice-Chancellor Daniel Whittington, who talks about the growth and direction of the Academy, its upcoming courses, and his own background as a professional musician and creative thinker. If you've ever been to Wizard Academy or thought about attending one of its courses, don't miss this opportunity to meet the pirate. 

Monday Morning Radio is produced in cooperation with Business Unconventional, the weekly radio news magazine broadcast every Sunday at 8 am (Mountain) on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.  Business Unconventional is hosted by Dean Rotbart, a Wizard Academy faculty member, and David Biondo, a wealth management expert and founder of Signal Butte Financial Corp.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  31 mins 27 Secs

Photo Collage:  Daniel Whittington

Direct download: 110413_MondayMorningRadio_DanielWhittington_WizardAcademy.mp3
Category:Wizard Academy -- posted at: 8:17pm MST


The Astronomy of Business Success:
By Garret B. Gunderson
Founder, Freedom FastTrack 

Until the 16th Century, when Nicolaus Copernicus, the Renaissance mathematician and astronomer, formulated his heliocentric theory of the universe, placing the Sun at its midpoint, the cosmos revolved around us.  
Ironically, for many small business owners and entrepreneurs, it still does....
    •  Why a well-run business can be likened to a scientific experiment  
    •  6 questions all owners should answer to make their enterprises commercially valid  
    •  Revisiting Michael E. Gerber's E-Myth 25 years later  
    •  Free yourself of the gravity that weighs down so many entrepreneurs              
Read the full feature, here.
Subscribe to the monthly report, here
Visit Freedom FastTrack, here
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:57pm MST

9 Traits Peyton Manning Exemplifies That You Can Emulate as the Quarterback of Your Business

Since 1986, Dr. TC North has been coaching small and medium-sized businesses to create high-performing organizations that have extraordinary profitability and that people love to work for.

Dr. North recently joined Business Unconventional and Monday Morning Radio hosts David Biondo and Dean Rotbart for a lively discussion of his column, which appeared in Colorado Biz magazine, highlighting nine entrepreneurial characteristics - exemplified by Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning - that every great small business owner should emmulate.

  1. Be a Visionary Leader
  2. Have a Maniacal Focus
  3. Constantly Communicate
  4. Take Control
  5. Raise All Boats
  6. Pursue Passion
  7. Learn From Failures
  8. Possess Emotional Toughness
  9. Be Coachable

To read Dr. North's full column, click here

Dr. North, is CEO and Founder, of Catalyst High Performance, which is located in the Denver / Boulder corridor.  He is recognized nationally as a high-performance executive coach, speaker, sport psychology consultant, and media personality.

Monday Morning Radio Run Time:  16 min 39 secs
Photo:  Dr. TC North and Peyton Manning 

Direct download: 102113_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_TCNorth.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:33pm MST

Lyla Padden Could Be a Role Model For Us All  If You Don't Mind Taking Business Lessons from a 13-Year-Old

Anyone who wants to start her own business, but is scared of failure, could take a page from Lyla Padden’s book. For Lyla, it was simple: she loved to bake, and she wanted a business. Thus, Flour Gal was born.

Lyla’s mom, Monica, says that in 2010, “[Lyla] used to watch Cake Boss on TV and she just decided one day that she was going to start her own cupcake business.”

The very next day, Lyla hung flyers around her Denver neighborhood. From there, business grew. Today, what started as a passion for baking and a handful of flyers has turned into, an online custom cupcake shop that delivers delicious treats to anywhere in the greater Denver area. [Phone 720-443-2750]

Aside from her drive, dedication, and passion, there is just one thing unusual about Lyla: she was only 10 years old when she founded her business.

Sometimes good things come in young packages.

[Read more about Lyla and Flour Gal Here]

Monday Morning Run Time:  15 mins 51 Secs
Photo:  Radio Host Steve Kelley clowns around with Lyla and her mother, Monica
Direct Download

Direct download: 101413_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_FlourGal-E.mp3
Category:Young Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 4:17pm MST

Nannyshare USA's Melissa Kaye Snyder Brings the Sharing Economy to Childcare

The so-called sharing economy is growing rapidly in the United States as consumers and business owners recognize the value of sharing everything from private jets and cars to vacation homes.  

Entrepreneur Melissa Kaye Snyder reasoned that such sharing services need not be confined to the rich.  So she launched Nannyshare USA, which pairs families who want in-home daycare with one another and provides them a qualified, carefully screened nanny who they share.  The service has proven particularly popular with small business owners who are seeking an alternative to standard daycare for their children.

Joining Melissa this week on Monday Morning Radio is one of her satisfied clients, Chad Davis, who this month opens his new eXtreme Bodyshaping fitness center in Parker, Colorado. 

Melissa talks about the sharing economy and her conviction that it will continue to represent a larger and larger slice of our economy in the years to come.

Direct download: 100713_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Nannyshare.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:34pm MST

'Head Coach' Robert White Asks, 'Why Live an  Ordinary Life When Yours Can Be Extraordinary?'

Robert White and his global training businesses have helped 1.3 million people squeeze more joy and satisfaction out of life while increasing their incomes and the profitability of their companies.

Although many business coaches focus on operations and strategic planning, White is more of a "Head" coach - showing business owners how to dispose of the mental garbage that limits their achievement.  

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, White, author of Living an Extraordinary Life, shares some of his most effective "Human Potential" training tools.

Monday Morning Run Time:  28 mins 01 Secs
Photo:  Robert White, 

Direct download: 093013_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Robert_White.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:18pm MST

Major Mom Helps Executives Organize Their Personal and Professional Clutter

Angela Cody-Rouget spent 14 years in the U.S. Air Force, where among other lessons she learned the value of systems and processes.  Now Cody-Rouget, who attained the rank of Major, leads an expanding squadron of professional organizers in carpet bombing the piles of clutter and junk that busy executives and entrepreneurs accumulate in their business and personal lives.

Cody-Rouget, whose company is named Major Mom, shares some incredibly useful tips for decluttering both your physical and mental space on this week's Monday Morning Radio

Cody-Rouget is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  30 mins 26 Secs
Photo:  Angela Cody-Rouget, founder, Major Mom

Direct download: 092313_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_MajorMom.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 4:30pm MST

Exclusive Interview: Dr. Arlen D. Meyers, President, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs

Healthcare may very well represent the largest prospective financial kitty ever dangled in front of risk takers and entrepreneurs.

Medicine, medical services and medical devices are booming profit centers, and not just for those with science or medical degrees. Everyone from accountants to real estate agents stand to claim their stake of the healthcare pie, if they know where the opportunities lie.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Arlen D. Meyers, who holds both an MD and an MBA, talks about the financial rewards available to those who can help accelerate biomedical and healthcare innovation and get ideas to patients faster.  Dr. Meyers is the president of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, a global organization that encourages doctors and others to roll up their sleeves and create profitable businesses.

Though you might not realize it, Dr. Meyers explains why doctors, in particular, make exceptional entrepreneurs. 

Dr. Meyers is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  26 mins 14 Secs
Photo:  Dr. Arlen D. Meyers, President, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs

Direct download: 091613_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_SoPE.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:25pm MST

Karen Suhaka Knows the Formula for Turning Vast Quantities of Free Government Data into Small Business Gold

Healthcare reform.  Gun control.  Gay Marriage.  Global Warming.

Week in and week out across the country, legislation addressing some of the most contentious issues of our time is produced, debated, revised, and implemented in all 50 states.

Serial database entrepreneur Karen Suhaka recognized that small businesses and average citizens had no easy way to stay informed on the thousands of bills generated across the country each year.  So Karen launched, a comprehensive, online portal that lassos millions of pages of legislative gobbledygook, organizes them, and presents the documents in a logical and easy-to-access manner.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Karen discusses her proven formula for turning vast quantities of free government data into small business gold.

Karen is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 27 mins 11 secs
Photo: Karen Suhaka, BillTrack50

Dr. Chris Zaino Teaches You How to Adjust the Backbone of Your Business

Southwest Airlines, which prides itself on boarding and deplaning its passengers rapidly and efficiently, is a mere babe compared to Dr. Chris Zaino and his team in The Woodlands, Texas.

Dr. Zaino, a one-time world-class body builder and winner of the Mr. America competition, relies on refined systems and software to treat from 500 to 700 patients each day at his Abundant Life Chiropractic clinic, the largest such practice in the country. 

Even more impressive, Dr. Zaino's patients report an extraordinarily high level of satisfaction with him and the treatments he provides.

There are chiropractors and there are entrepreneurs.  Dr. Zaino is at the top of both classes.  Let Dr. Zaino teach you how to adjust the backbone of your business operations on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Monday Morning Radio is hosted by Dean Rotbart and David Biondo. 

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 37 min 04 Secs
Photo: Dr. Chris Zaino, Abundant Life Chiropractic 

Direct download: 090213_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Chris_Zaino.mp3
Category:Professional -- posted at: 8:49pm MST

Debbie Josendale Reveals the Five Foundational Components to Becoming a 'Local Search' Giant

Remember the days when where you were listed in the Yellow Pages and how eye-catching your ad was could make or break a local retail or service business?

Those days aren't gone, they've just morphed to the Internet, where so-called "local search" is helping some businesses soar while others languish.

Debbie Josendale, founder and president of 3C Marketing Group, identifies five foundational components to becoming a Local Search giant.  She also has some recommendations for how to respond when your business gets "slimed" by an unhappy consumer reviewer.

Josendale is this week's guest on Monday Morning Radio.  

Direct download: 082613_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_3C_GBG.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:18pm MST

Garrett B. Gunderson: An Exclusive Briefing Detailing Why Most Conventional Financial Advisors Suck

Most of what conventional financial planners tell entrepreneurs about how to grow and protect their wealth is crap.  Okay, so that's not a very polite thing to say.  But it's painfully true.

Otherwise savvy small business owners can be totally stupid when it comes to trusting their money and investment strategies to others.

That is a sermon that Garrett B. Gunderson - who became a multi-millionaire before age 27 - has been preaching from coast-to-coast business pulpits for years and is a core concept in his New York Times groundbreaking bestseller, Killing Sacred Cows.

Garrett, an educator and financial advocate, is the force behind The Freedom FastTrack, a phenominal go-against-the-grain process of building and protecting your wealth that defies conventional wisdom, yet produces extraordinary results.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Garrett unloads on commission-obsessed financial planners and explains why chasing interest rates will never produce the phenomenal wealth that comes when you chase your life's soul purpose.

Garrett is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 49 mins 37 secs
Photo: Garrett B. Gunderson, Freedom FastTrack 

Direct download: 081913-MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_GBG-E.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:46pm MST

Small Business Owners Can Live the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous - If Only For Awhile

An exclusive Monday Morning Radio Interview with David Kallery - President, Inspirato with American Express. 

Direct download: Inspirado_MMR.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 4:17pm MST

Renowned Futurist Thomas Frey Says We're On The Path To A 'Freelance' Economy

As a futurist, Thomas Frey stands shoulder-to-shoulder with such well-known contemporaries as John Naisbitt, Alvin Toffler and Ray Kurzell

In fact, according to Google's highly prized ranking system, Frey is America's #1 rated futurist speaker.

He's also the exclusive guest on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Frey is executive director and senior futurist at The DaVinci Institute, which he launched in 1997.  Among his intriguing Monday Morning Radio forecasts: As early as 2020, 40% of all jobs in America will be project-based, as the United States evolves into a full-fledged "freelance economy."  

Moreover, many of these project-based workers will locate and affiliate in so-called Business Colonies, where assignments will be carefully meted out to those with highly specific skill sets.   

While heads of state and Fortune 500 CEOs regularly consult futurists, Frey is an advocate of using his skills - including 15 years at IBM as an award-winning engineer and designer - to benefit small business owners and entrepreneurs.

p.s.  In case you're not already impressed, Frey qualifies for the elite Triple Nine Society, representing those few among us with I.Q.s above the 99th percentile.  

Frey is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 30 mins 43 secs
Photo: Thomas Frey, The DaVinci Institute

Direct download: 080413_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Tom_Frey_2.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 11:53am MST

Obamacare and Your Bottom Line: An Exclusive Preview Featuring William N. Lindsay, III - Lockton Employee Benefits Group

Next month, some of the top CEOs, business powerbrokers and entrepreneurs in Colorado will gather at a by-invitation-only executive briefing to hear from one of the nation's leading experts on the Affordable Care Act - popularly known as Obamacare - and how it will impact businesses. 

Moreover, the speaker, William N. Lindsay, III, president of Lockton Employee Benefits Group, will offer suggestions on ways business owners and entrepreneurs can plan ahead, as well as hints about the unexpected consequences that may arise as a result of health care reform.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Lindsay shares his thinking about the Affordable Care Act and tells listeners how they can handicap what lies ahead for health care reform.

Lindsay is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Lindsay's presentation at the August 15th briefing, Business for Breakfast, will be hosted by Vectra Bank Colorado, which serves small, middle-market and corporate businesses clients throughout the state.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 27 mins 15 secs

Photo: William N. Lindsay, III - President, Lockton Employee Benefits Group

Direct download: 072913_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Bill_Lindsay.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:45pm MST

Shatter Buggy Will Speed To Wherever You Are  To Fix Your Shattered iPhone or iPad Glass

When it breaks, fix it immediately.

That is the business strategy behind Benjamin Head’s Shatter Buggy, an iPhone and iPad mobile repair business that uses a fleet of snappy smart cars to draw the public’s attention and make rapid repair calls to your home, your business, coffee shops and even gyms.

Head, a former commercial airline pilot, launched Shatter Buggy in January 2012, realizing that each day, thousands of us -- mere mortals that we are - drop our iDevices or otherwise obliterate our screens and inflict bodily damage on these high-tech marvels.

Apple Inc. expects to sell 200 million iPhones this year, plus another 100 million iPads. Shatter Buggy is counting on the “klutz” in all of us to grow his business nationally.

Benjamin Head, founder of Shatter Buggy, showcases his company on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 13 mins  48 secs
First Broadcast: February 3, 2013
Photo:  Shatter Buggy "Surfing" 

These Franchise Owners Have Got 'The Vibe': It's How They Surpassed Every Other Which Wich Restaurant in the System

Why do some franchise stores succeed while so many others stumble or just get by? For a few powerful insights, look at Which Wich Superior Sandwiches, a nationwide chain of popular restaurants focused on the “wich,” a customizable sandwich available in more than 50 varieties.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Jay Goldstein, partner and chief operating officer for 9 Which Wich outlets, including one location that last year out-sold every other restaurant in the chain, offers his exclusive perspective on the secret business ingredients for success. It’s a recipe that other franchise owners can readily follow, regardless of what sort of business they operate.

Also interviewed is James Pa, vice president of operations for the national Which Wich chain.  Pa sums up the reason for Goldstein’s success this way: “If you believe that you’re going to succeed, you’re going to materialize it. It’s going to crystallize. We call that ‘the vibe.’ They’ve got the vibe.”

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time:  15 mins  07 secs
First Broadcast:  March 3, 2013
Photo: Jay Goldstein, Which Wich 

Direct download: 071513_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_WhichWich.mp3
Category:Franchising -- posted at: 8:24pm MST

How The Journey Institute Fosters Ordinary People Who Do Extraordinary Things for Their Businesses and Communities

The ancient Greek, Diogenes of Sinope, went in search of an honest man.  Dafna Michaelson of Cincinnati went in search of problem solvers and idea generators.  She had better luck.

In fact, Dafna, founder and president of The Journey Institute, traveled to all 50 states and Washington DC to hunt down people doing extraordinary things on behalf of their businesses and communities.  

Dafna detests whiners.  Her philosophy is straightforward:  If you want to complain about some aspect of your business or community, then you have to be willing to do something about it. And if you can't do it yourself, find those who can and cheerlead for them.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Dean Rotbart and his guest co-host, son Maxwell, interview Dafna and hear how she's mobilizing people to solve their own problems.

Dean and Maxwell share the hosting responsibilities each Sunday on Radio Chavura, a 30-minute broadcast radio program that focuses on the Jewish Community of greater-Denver.  The program airs at 6:30 pm on 990 KRKS AM in Denver.

Dean, a member of the Wizard Academy faculty, is also the weekly co-host of Business Unconventional, a one-hour weekly broadcast that airs on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. David Biondo, a wealth management expert and authorized Bank on Yourself advisor, is the regular host of B. Unconventional.

When he’s not on the radio, Maxwell teaches 12th grade psychology and 9th grade geography at Grandview High School in Aurora, Colorado.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 27 mins 15 secs
Photo: Dafna Michaelson, The Journal Institute

Direct download: 070813_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Dafna_Michaelson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm MST

Shane DeRolf: Yesterday's Zoo Aims to Protect Today's Endangered Species

Shane DeRolf is an eleven-time Emmy Award-winning writer, producer, director, narrator, and composer.  

He's also an entrepreneur who recognizes the huge potential market in educating and entertaining young children.

Shane's latest venture, Yesterday's Zoo, is a unique monthly book club designed to teach kids about endangered species, while engaging their imaginations. Can Shane translate his success in television to the highly competitive (and crowded) children's publishing industry?  Listen to this week's Monday Morning Radio and discover Shane's game plan.

Shane is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 23 mins 20 secs
Photo: Shane DeRolf
, CEO and Chief Creative Officer, Yesterday's Zoo

Workshop University Founder Jean DiGiovanna on Giving High-Impact Seminars and Webinars

Most businesses don't do them. Of those that do, very few do them well.  We're talking about workshops, seminars and webinars, which hold the potential to draw in new, loyal customers regardless of the nature of your business.

Jean DiGiovanna is a workshop and webcast guru.  As founder of Workshop University, she teaches business professionals to design, develop and deliver high-impact presentations.  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Jean reveals some of her top insights for creating impactful, actionable seminars - both digitally and face-to-face. 

Jean is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 32 mins 16 secs
Jean DiGiovanna, Workshop University

Direct download: 062313_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Jean_DiGiovanna.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:57pm MST

Jen Sincero Went from 'Looserville' to Mayor of 'Awesome City' and She'll Show You How You, Too, Can Become a Badass

Jen Sincero uses foul language and in-your-face candor to get the attention of potential consulting clients and the media.  A one-time, self-described 'big fat looser,' Jen turned her life around and is now traveling the world advising others how to do likewise.

Her latest book, You Are A Badass, builds on her success with two previous books quasi-autobiographical books, "Don't Sleep with Your Drummer," and the bestselling, "The Straight Girl's Guide to Sleeping with Chicks."  Yes.  You read that correctly.

(We asked Jen the business lessons contained in "The Straight Girls Guide" and she quipped without missing a beat: "That was a different kind of business.") 

Jen is one part-comedian, one part success coach, and two parts Badass.  She is also Dean Rotbart and David Biondo's guest on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.

[Jen's childhood friend, Sarah Shaw, aka 'Entreprenette' was the featured guest on Monday Morning Radio on March 25, 2013.  Missed Sarah's segment?  You can hear it here now.]

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 27 mins 33 secs
Photo: Jen Sincero 

Direct download: 061713_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Jen_Sincero.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:46pm MST

Shutl is Preparing to Rewrite the Rules of Retail Delivery

Year-Two of Monday Morning Radio arrives with a special delivery of entrepreneurial insights from London, England, where Tom Allason and his team at Shutl are preparing to rewrite the rules of retail delivery.   

Relying on a network of existing local carriers - linked by Shutl's proprietary software platform, Allason says consumers in major cities throughout the United States will soon be able to purchase items online and have them delivered - get this - within 60 minutes, or less.  Talk about disruptive innovation.

The Shutl service is already proving itself the U.K. and is on the cusp of launching in Chicago, New York, and San Francisco.  Shutl will shake up both online and bricks-and-mortar retailing. Hear what it will mean for your business on this week's Monday Morning Radio 2.0.

Allason is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 27 mins 16 secs
Photo: Tom Allason, Shutl 

Direct download: 061013_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Shutl.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 9:26pm MST

Little Girls Are Big Business: From Securities Law to 'Poppy Drops' Mogul

Little girls can't grow up fast enough and their parents can't keep them little long enough. It's an age-old conundrum. 

So Shelly Coffman, who worked in securities laws for an investment bank, sought out a happy medium for her own daughter who wanted to wear pierced earrings just like the Big Girls do.  Shelly invented Poppy Drops, a temporary tattoo that lets little girls enjoy all the fun of earrings without the complications and responsibility of permanent piercing.

Poppy Drops has grown into a mega retail success, selling removable earrings and tattoos across the country both online and at an impressive and growing number of retail outlets. 

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Shelly shares the story behind her unexpected kid-hit.  As you'll hear, little girls are big business, especially because parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles seem to have almost no self-control when it comes to doting on them.

Shelly is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 28 mins  04 secs
Photo: Shelly Coffman, Poppy Drops

Direct download: 060313_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_PoppyDrops.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:42pm MST

The Compelling Case for Embracing a Peer-Advisory Board: Featuring Jason P. Zickerman, President & CEO, The Alternative Board

Gaining wisdom and practical solutions from one another is the premise that drives The Alternative Board, a global organization that brings together business owners in small peer-advisory groups that meet monthly to help one another.

Founded in 1990, more than 13,000 business owners from Iowa to Ireland have joined "The Board." 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Jason P. Zickerman, president and CEO of TAB (the business group - not the diet soda), talks about the wisdom of asking business owners, who initially are strangers to one another, to form a functioning, mutual advisory board. 

In Jason's view the equation is quite simple:  If you're the smartest person in your own company, you better look to outsiders if you want your business to demonstrate breakout profitability, productivity and - importantly - to provide you greater personal fulfillment.

Jason is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 41 mins  07 secs
Photo: Jason P. Zickerman, The Alternative Board 

Tim Storm, FatWallet Founder, Reflects on the Sale of His Company
Entrepreneur Tim Storm sold his business, Fat Wallet, in September 2011, after more than a decade of pouring his heart and soul into the online consumer savings site.  The sale put Tim on a solid financial footing for the rest of his life.
Tim's has had time to reflect on his Fat Wallet days, and on this week's Monday Morning RadioTim shares some of the most valuable decisions he made and some of the wisest lessons he learned.  He also drops some enticing hints about what's next on his business agenda.
If you dream about cashing out your business one day and living the good life, then Tim's story will provide plenty of encouragement.

Tim is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 26 mins 23 secs
Photo: Tim Storm, Fat Wallet (2010) 

Direct download: 052013_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_TimStorm.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:05pm MST

Brad Kriser is an Entrepreneur Who Celebrates The Fact That His Business is One for the Dogs (and Cats)

Brad Kriser's growing chain of Kriser's all-natural pet food stores is taking a big bite out of the $51 billion pet industry pie.

Launched in Chicago in 2006, Kriser's is expanding rapidly with more than 15 locations now in greater Chicago, Denver and Southern California.

Brad and his Kriser's are the antidote to the big box pet food stores.  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, he shares the customer and customer-service insights that are fueling his success.

Brad is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 18 mins

Direct download: 051313_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_BradKriser.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:40am MST

The Business Tao of Barry Fey: Legendary Rock Promoter

This week on Monday Morning Radio, a special tribute to music promotor Barry Fey, who became a millionaire and rock 'n roll legend organizing shows by U2, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, the Grateful Dead, The Who, Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Springsteen

Fey, a two-time guest on Dean Rotbart and David Biondo's radio program, Business Unconventional, died on April 28th at the age of 74.  He was the ultimate "unconventional" entrepreneur. 

Rotbart and Biondo play excerpts of Fey's broadcast interviews with them, as well as never-before-heard outtakes and bonus material. 

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 1 hour 14 mins
Photo:  Barry Fey at 710 KNUS AM (Business Unconventional) - April 27, 2012 

What's Your One Thing?: Bestselling Author Jay Papasan On How You Can Accomplish Much More By Doing Less

Each of us has one secret to unlocking our true potential in business and in life.  In their new business book - The One Thing -  bestselling authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan chart the way for busy people to identify the one area of their lives that will allow them to accomplish much more by doing less.  Their book is published by Bard Press.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Jay talks about the advantages of having a one-track mind.  It helped Jay's co-author, Gary, build the largest real estate franchise in America, Keller Williams Realty

What's Your One Thing?  Listen and you may very well discover your unique key to extraordinary results.

Of yes, if Bard Press sound familiar, it's because Ray Bard is also the publisher of the bestselling Wizard of Ads Trilogy.  All told, tiny Bard Press has brought 15 national bestsellers to market, earning it the title, "America's Best-Selling Business Book Publisher."  

Jay is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 26 mins and 03 secs

Direct download: 042913_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_JayPapasan.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:34am MST

'Fearless Business Ownership': Wizard Academy Faculty Member Adrian Van Zelfden Discusses His New Book

Adrian Van Zelfden is an author, an attorney, a CPA, an MBA and a magna cum laude graduate from the USAF Academy.

Talk about underachievers!  

Adrian, who is on the faculty at The Wizard Academy, advises small businesses and their owners how to safeguard their assets from legal predators and the IRS.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Adrian discusses his new book, Fearless Business Ownership, which sums up decades of experience in a highly readable, understandable fashion.  

Adrian is a force to reckon with.  You won't want to miss this interview!

Adrian is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 30 mins and 23 secs

Photo: Adrian Van Zelfden

Millionaire Treasure Hunter Aaron LaPedis Finds His Gems at Garage Sales and Auctions

Aaron LaPedis is one of the world's great treasure hunters.  His "Collect This!" television program on PBS, which aired for seven years, reached 1.5 million viewers each month.

On this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio, Aaron reveals key strategies for discovering hidden treasures at garage sales and auctions.  He should know, he became a millionaire following his own advice - thus the title of his award-winning book, "The Garage Sale Millionaire."

Aaron also explains to hosts Dean Rotbart and David Biondo how to clear the clutter from your business, office or home by conducting your own money-generating garage sale. Aaron's business philosophy is simple: buy very low, sell very high. 

Rotbart and Biondo co-host Business Unconventional, a one-hour radio news magazine that is broadcast each Sunday on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  29 min 24 secs
Photo:  Aaron LaPedis 

Direct download: 041513_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_AaronLaPedis.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:08pm MST

Doc Popcorn: The Irresistible Smell of Success (Buttered)

What could be more enticing than the smell of fresh, buttered popcorn?  How about the smell of success?

Entrepreneurs Renée and Rob Israel enjoy the aroma of both, as the founders of Doc Popcorn, a nationwide, rapidly growing chain of all-natural gourmet popcorn retail outlets.  

The Israels count on the smell of freshly popped popcorn to draw in impulse buyers, who are also encouraged to sample the merchandise. The formula works.

Renée is bursting with insights for other entrepreneurs, as she shares the story of Doc Popcorn's phenominal growth with Dean Rotbart and David Biondo on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  30 min 44 secs
Photo:  Renée Israel, Doc Popcorn

Direct download: 040813_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_DocPopcorn.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:55pm MST

On-the-Spot Coverage of The Wizard Academy's Measurement and the Mind, Taught by Mark & Gene Huffman

Wizard Academy grads Homer Hudson Hillis, Jr., Tanya White and Erik Eustice, each of whom attended the recent Measurement and the Mind course taught by brothers Mark and Gene Huffman, provide some on-the-spot feedback on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Homer, a regular contributor to Dean Rotbart and David Biondo's Business Unconventional broadcast radio show, recruited Tanya and Erik to share their first-hand Wizard Academy insights and impressions. 

All three guests are successful entrepreneurs and/or consultants in their own right.  And if you weren't lucky enough to attend the Huffman brothers' course, this audio is the next best thing.  

Oh yes, you'll also discover why "Let's Make a Deal" Homer always trades for "Door #2."  Hint:  It's the goats.  (Don't ask.  Just listen.) 

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 27 min 10 sec

Photo (Clockwise): Homer Hudson Hillis, Jr.; Homer's Wizard Academy chair; Homer's dream Let's Make A Deal Prize; Measurement and the Mind guests, Erik Eustice and Tanya White

Direct download: 040113_MondayMorningRadio_BUnPodcast_TeamHomer_2.mp3
Category:Wizard Academy -- posted at: 10:54pm MST

'Entreprenette' Sarah Shaw Can Help Your Fashion-Related Products Find Their Way to Hollywood

Sarah Shaw knows glamour and she knows Hollywood, a powerful combination for entrepreneurs who aspire to see their fashions, cosmetics, jewelry and accessories worn by some of the Big Screen’s hottest actresses. 

Shaw, a Los Angeles ex-pat, is a successful “entreprenette” – the moniker she adopted for herself and her consulting business – which focuses on helping women fashion designers and business owners bask in front of the klieg lights. Sarah, whose own purses have been worn on screen by Julia Roberts and Reese Witherspoon, can help you catapult your product from the kitchen prototype to the red carpet.

Sarah shares some of her trade secrets for nabbing celebrity clients and high-impact press placements on this week’s Monday Morning Radio with Dean Rotbart.

Rotbart, a veteran broadcast journalist and Wizard Academy faculty member, co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver along with wealth management expert David Biondo.

On May 2nd, Sarah will host a one-day training event that promises to help those who attend place their products in film and on television.  View details here.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 17 min 22 sec
Photo: Entreprenette Sarah Shaw 

Direct download: 032513_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Entreprenette.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:55pm MST

WANTED POSTERS: Hendrix, Dylan, and The Greatful Dead: Andrew Hawley Hunts Down Rare Rock 'n Roll Posters

The Rolling Stones at Memorial Auditorium (1964). Jimmy Hendrix playing the HIC Arena in Honolulu in 1968.  The Grateful Dead at Trouper's Club in Los Angeles (1966).

Posters for these concerts and hundreds of others featuring rock 'n roll legends of the 1950s and 1960s were never intended to last. Which is why today's hardcore collectors will pay thousands of dollars to acquire the few concert promotions that have survived the decades. 

If you love the early pioneers of rock music, you won't want to miss this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio, featuring Andrew Hawley, a rock historian who makes his living trading vintage rock concert posters and related ephemera.   

Hawley's Vintage Rock Posters is a niche business, but one that reinforces the notion that personal passions and business savvy are not mutually exclusive.

By the way, Hawley will lay down some fast and serious cash if you've got the right memorabilia hanging around your garage or attic.  This show could be music to your ears.

Hawley is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 32 min 57 sec
Photo:  Host David Biondo (l) and Andrew Hawley with a Greatful Dead poster.

Investment Banker Turned Men's Salon Owner: Why A $15 Trim Just Doesn't Cut It In The Business World

Bill Chrismer makes his living making men look successful and advising them on how to "look the part."  Okay, so he's a barber.  But the former investment banker - yes you read that correctly - is no ordinary stylist.

In truth, he leaves the actual grooming to others.  But Bill and his Denver-based GQ Barber Lounge  - one of the first upscale male-specific salons in the country - do provide mens' haircuts, straight razor shaves, manicures, pedicures and hair removal.  It's all part of Bill's mission to help power brokers and would-be power brokers look and feel the part.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Bill details why that cheap $15 trim you currently opt for just doesn't cut it.  

Bill is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  28 min  25 sec
Photo:  Bill Chrismer, GQ Barber Lounge - Denver

Direct download: 031113_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_GQLounge.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:50pm MST

5 Key Global Trends That Will Drive Entrepreneurial Success - With George Feiger, Contango Capital

It's not enough for small business owners and entrepreneurs to understand key trends in their neighborhood or even in our nation as a whole.  What happens to your business is not only impacted by local activities, but by developments around the globe.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, George Feiger, CEO of San Francisco wealth management firm Contango Capital Advisors and a respected economist, offers his take on five key global trends that will drive entrepreneurial success in the U.S. over the next several years.

While the outlook is bleak in some parts of the globe - and will dampen American economic growth - George offers a roadmap to where the best domestic opportunities will be found.

George is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  28 min  04 sec
Photo:  George Feiger, Contango Capital Advisors

Direct download: 030413_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Feiger.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:26pm MST

Frank Armbruster

This week's guest on Monday Morning Radio: Franz Own "Frank" Armbruster.

Direct download: 022513_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Frank_Armbruster.mp3
Category:Inventors -- posted at: 6:36pm MST

Laugh Away Your Fears, Personal Limitations and Business Roadblocks with Comedian Kyle Cease
Comedy Central star Kyle Cease will be making an encore appearance at Wizard Academy for 2 days, March 6th and 7th, presenting his powerful, transformative "Groove of Greatness Seminar."
On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Kyle talks about his evolution from comedian to professional business presenter and motivator.  Kyle used his proven techniques and creative insights to overcome his own severe stage fright and win recognition as the Number #1 comedian on Comedy Central in 2009.
Tune in.  You'll laugh.  You'll think.  And you'll book your reservation to attend Kyle's Wizard Academy class.  Just don't fly Trans Sky Air (you'll understand why when you hear Kyle's interview.)

Kyle is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. 

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free! 

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  40 min  11 sec
Photo:  Kyle Cease on Comedy Central

Direct download: 021813_MMR_BURadioPodcast_KyleCease.mp3
Category:Wizard Academy -- posted at: 7:54pm MST

5 Minutes That Will Change Your Business Life - For Better or Worse

Five minutes.  300 seconds.  1/20th of an hour.  Perhaps the most important time span in the life of entrepreneurs who are seeking to raise crucial angel capital.

Five minutes is all that most angel capital forums allow owners who are lucky enough to be selected to present their business concepts to a gathering of interested, but highly skeptical potential investors. 

This week's guests on Monday Morning Radio, Dom DiDia and Frank Hofmeister, are veteran pitching coaches who volunteer their time and experience helping startup businesses prepare for their brief moments in the capital-raising spotlight. Even if you're not in the market for outside capital, what Dom and Frank have to say will make you a better overall communicator.  

Dom and Frank are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. 

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free! 

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  31 min  17 sec
Photo:  Frank Hofmeister (l) and Dom DiDia

Direct download: 021113_MMR_BURadioPodcast_DiDia-Hofmeister.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:46pm MST

Turning Bronze into Gold: Chris L. Tucker and His Allstar Casts

Innovator Chris Tucker had absolutely no experience in the art or sports collectibles worlds.  But he had an idea - to bronze the hands of famous athletes, including John Elway, Todd Helton, Larry Walker, Troy Aikman, Dan Marino,Ted Williams, Ernie Banks, Bob Gibson and Goose Gossage.

Tucker, a "Simultaneous Entrepreneur," teamed with artist Raelee Frazier, who perfected the method of making such life casts.

His company, Allstar Casts, is unique - creating museum-quality bronze life cast hands and selling them to private patrons, galleries, sports arenas and even The Smithsonian.

In this week's fast-paced Monday Morning Radio interview, Tucker traces his entrepreneurial journey and the lessons it offers to anyone who may lack experience, but has plenty of vision and drive. 

Chris is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  20 min  23 sec
Photo:  Chris L. Tucker, Allstar Casts 

Direct download: 020413_MMR_BURadioPodcast_AllstarCasts.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:01pm MST

Creating Power Through Personal Branding with Lida Citroen

Each of us has an individual -- personal -- "brand" and Lida Citroën is an expert on helping small business owners and others create power through personal branding.

Lida is a consultant, lecturer and author. Her book, Reputation 360, shows how executives, professional and entrepreneurs can harness their power and attract ideal opportunities using techniques commonly employed by successful global leaders.

Lida is a proud Colorado small business owner, serving since 2008 as Founding Principal of LIDA360, LLC. Her company's specialty is creating corporate marketing and personal branding strategies that have authenticity and durability.

Lida is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  25 min  37 sec
Photo:  Lida Citroën 

Direct download: 012813_MMR_BURadioPodcast_Lida.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 10:00pm MST

A Wizard Academy Grad Who Leaped to Action Following the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre of Children

We Can Protect Our Children: The Guide to Securing Our Schools and Daycares spells out with clear, easy-to-understand descriptions and illustrations, how fast and simple upgrades to a building’s door locks and related security hardware can prevent or significantly hinder an intruder’s access to students and teachers.

Written by Wizard Academy alumnus Dave Jabas, a veteran security specialist and CEO of, the premise of We Can Protect Our Children is that well-informed parents need not wait another day to inspect their schools’ existing intruder-prevention locks and hardware and to take immediate proactive steps to greatly improve school security.

Dave is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-host the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  25 min  20 sec

Direct download: 012113_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Jabas.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:24pm MST

Unleash Your Inner Crocodile With Australian Roger Anthony

Unleash your inner crocodile?

Australian corporate trainer Roger Anthony teaches that individuals and organizations should take their lead from the crocodile, which has adapted and thrived for more than 300 million years.

Roger uses unique training techniques - including learning with crayons - yes crayons - to empower business owners and entrepreneurs to remain cool, calm, creative and productive under pressure - like a Crocodile.  It might sound offbeat, but it works.

Roger explains why, and offer specific steps anyone can follow to improve personal and business performance on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.   

Roger is interviewed on Monday Morning Radio by fellow Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  28 min  48 sec
Photo: Roger Anthony, Crocodiles International 

Direct download: 011413_MMR_BUnRadio_Roger_Anthony.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:59pm MST

Don Kuhl: Superhero of Change

Beneath every small business owner is an optimist who dares to dream big. Facing down challenges comes with the turf. Yet with eyes on the prize, we sometimes forget the importance of getting the little things right. Developing a habit of regularly examining our own choices can be key to success.

Don Kuhl has spent decades studying how small changes can have a major impact on our lives. He’s the founder of The Change Companies, a provider of resources that assist people in making choices that result in positive changes. 

The company’s focus is guiding people to help themselves. “I was vice president of business for a pretty large health company and time and time again it struck me, real change is self change,” he recalls during a recent radio interview conducted with Monday Morning Radio.

Don is interviewed on Monday Morning Radio by fellow Academy faculty member and graduate Dean Rotbart and by David Biondo, a veteran financial planner and successful entrepreneur. Rotbart and Biondo produce Monday Morning Radio and serve as co-hosts in cooperation with Business Unconventional on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Radio - Run Time:  22 min  38 sec

Direct download: 010713_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_Binderman.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:37pm MST