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February 2018
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After almost 30 years in business, Roland “Buddy” and Dixie Huthmaker, owners of Huthmaker Violins – one of the finest violin and string instrument stores in the country – faced a choice that many owners do after pouring their hearts and souls into a business: sell it, close it, or pass it on to a willing heir.

Fortunately for the Huthmakers, their daughter Anna (photo), a gifted musician and entrepreneur, stepped up, and in January 2019 will officially become the new owner of their beloved shop.

All three Huthmakers attribute some of their success to the classes they’ve taken at Wizard Academy, including host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart’s “Buzz Snatching” course on reputation building.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Anna shares the planning that went into the ownership transition and what she plans to do differently now that her parents report to her.

[You may also wish to here our interview from September 2014 with Buddy, Dixie, and Anna. Click here.]


Photo: Anna Huthmaker, Huthmaker Violins
Posted: December 17, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 30:23

Direct download: Huthmaker_Violins.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 12:34pm MST

In her 1957 classic, Atlas Shrugged, author Ayn Rand argued that the business of business is to make money – nothing more.

In her new book, The Conscious Professional: Transform Your Life at Work, due out next month, Jennifer Hartung pointedly disagrees.

There is much more to business than pursuing profits and earning a paycheck, Jessica argues. Founder and CEO of Integrated Work, a Boulder, Colorado-based consulting firm, Jessica is an evangelist for purpose-driven workplaces, where owners and employees alike strive to integrate their personal values into their workday.

In fact, Jessica believes that professionals who embrace a mission that goes beyond making money are more influential, effective, and fulfilled on the job.

As Jessica tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio, even those with the most mundane jobs can find meaning in their everyday tasks.

Photo: Jessica Hartung, Integrated Work
Posted: December 10, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 41:43



Direct download: Integrated_Work.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:35pm MST

If Jeremy Dale hadn’t spent the last eight years as a vice president of Microsoft Corp., people might dismiss his new book, The Punk Rock of Business: Applying a Punk Rock Attitude in the Modern Business Era, as a flight of fancy. 

But Punk Rock and successful businesses have much more in common than you might imagine, starting with authenticity and a refusal to conform.

Coincidentally, Jeremy’s interview from London with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart comes on the very day that Jeremy is officially launching his latest venture – Otro, a global digital club for soccer fans that is designed from the ground up to be a Punk Rock business.

Do you have what it takes be a fast-paced, hard-edged business punk rocker?  Find out this weeks, only Monday Morning Radio. 

Photo: Jeremy Dale, Punk Rock of Business
Posted: December 3, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:26

Direct download: Punk_Rock_Business.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:55pm MST

Imagine if 95 percent of your marketing messages were opened, and not merely opened, but read within three minutes of you hitting the ‘send’ button.

What would you call that kind of turbocharged email? 

Jim Koch calls it text message marketing – and he built a budding global empire on the fact that while email and social network marketing are now saturated and largely ignored – few people ever ignore their text messages.

Jim launched Mobit, his text-marketing platform almost five years ago, and having recently sold it, continues to head its North American and UK operations.

 This week he shares with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, poolside in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, the rules of successful text message marketing – as well as its limitations.

[Monday Morning Radio listeners who wish to learn more, without obligation, can text the word “Mobile” to 72000. They will then get access to a 30-minute strategic presentation on how mobile marketing for businesses works. In addition, they will have an opportunity to book a 30-minute free one-on-one consultation with a Mobit marketing specialist.]

Photo: Jim Koch, Mobit
Posted: November 26, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 45:28

Direct download: Mobit.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:31pm MST

Can two entrepreneurs with limited previous online retail experience take a meaningful chunk of business away from Amazon?

The concept of XYZBuys is a good one: to serve as an “online mall” with Amazon, Best Buy, and dozens of other leading retailers as so-called tenants. While consumers may be drawn to the mall by one anchor store, in theory they’ll buy from other retailers – big and small, while they are already there.

Will it work? 

The odds are against it. But after interviewing Dan Thomas, VP Marketing, host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart says that XYZBuys’ audacious business model does offer innovative ideas that any online retailer or service provider may want to adopt for themselves.

Photo: Dan Thomas, XZYBuys
Posted: November 19, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:24

Direct download: XYZBuys.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:14pm MST

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart is talking trash this week, but even those with delicate ears will want to listen in.

His guest is Patty Penke, the CEO of an Omaha estate sales company who has been selling collectibles and antiques for more than 20 years. Patty is the author of “Stop Throwing Cash in the Trash,” a book that shines a spot light on the hidden treasures that so many people, literally, dump in the trash – especially when disposing of the estate assets of a loved one who has recently died.

Beyond recognizing your family’s own undiscovered heirlooms, Patty and Rotbart talk about the abundant money-making opportunities that arise by discovering hidden treasures at garage sales, flea markets, neighborhood auctions, and in your own attic. 

Photo: Patty Penke, Stop Throwing Cash in the Trash
Posted: November 12, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 38:47

Direct download: talking_trash.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:40pm MST

Most people hope the day will never come when the SWAT team arrives at the door of their business, school, or house of worship.

But calling in the Calvary – before they are actually needed – could very well prevent, or at the very least mitigate, the kind of massacre of innocent lives that occurred on October 27th at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and just last Friday at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida.

Tom Czyz is a SWAT team operator and former homicide detective who launched his company, Armoured One, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack in 2012. Joining him in advising business and community leaders on security measures are homeland security active shooter experts, a former Navy Seal Master Chief, a Delta Force team leader, and former FBI and CIA agents.

Tom has personally has investigated what happened at more than 50 gun attacks – including the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas mass shooting that killed 58 people and injured more than 850 others. His goal: how to protect more people in the future.

As Tom tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, there are steps everyone can take to prepare for the unlikely event of a live shooter at your facility, as well as life-saving instructions to follow if an attack is actually in progress.

You won’t want to miss this week’s episode of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Tom Czyz, Armoured One
Posted: November 5, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 31:41

Direct download: Armoured_One.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:23pm MST

There are plenty of lessons to be gleaned from the bankruptcy filing of Sears last week, and Steven D. Goldstein is just the expert to articulate them.

Steve, a one-time chairman of Sears Financial and member of the company’s executive committee, is an expert on management disengagement and the problems that ensue. He is currently president of Engaged Leadership Advisors, advising corporate leaders on ways to drive change, accelerate innovation, and assemble highly effective teams.


You may recall that in 2016, Steve was featured on Monday Morning Radio after he wrote the book, Why Are There Snowblowers in Miami?, which detailed how Sears continued to stock snowblowers in its Florida garden centers even though it hasn’t snowed in Miami since 1977.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart caught up with Steve to get his advice for other retailers and businesses that seek practical recommendations on how they can avoid Sears’ missteps. 

Photo: Steven D. Goldstein, Engaged Leadership Advisors
Posted: October 22, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 24:01

Direct download: Sears_Bankruptcy.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:04pm MST

Elliott Neff, a United States Chess Federation National Master, is passionate about helping others – especially young people – discover valuable life lessons through the game of chess.

Elliott is the author of the just-released novel, A Pawn’s Journey, a motivational speaker, and the founder and CEO of Chess4Life, which teaches sportsmanship, good decision-making, patience, planning, and how to learn from mistakes.

Would you like to gain greater insight into your colleagues or rivals? Why not challenge them to a friendly chess match?

 Indeed, you’re quite likely to gain fresh insights into your own strengths and weaknesses if you regularly mind your knights and bishops.

Pairing Elliott’s insights about life and business, against the inquisitive skills of host and veteran reporter Dean Rotbart, is a match you don’t want to miss. 

Photo: Elliott Neff, Chess4Life
Posted: October 15, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 48:30

Direct download: Elliott_Neff.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 8:43pm MST

Shay Myers is general manager of his third-generation, family-owned business – Froerer Farms – winning national acclaim for the innovation he’s brought to his company. 

Just about any entrepreneur can profit from hearing Shay’s story of breathing fresh life into a long-established business.

In Shay’s case, the business is produce - onions, asparagus, sweet potatoes and yams.

Do you think you could find a way to make onions sexy – more than a simple commodity?

Shay did.

Hear how this week on Monday Morning Radio as Wizard Academy alumnus Lem Lewis stands in for host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart down on the farm.

To learn more about Lem Lewis, be sure to visit his website or hear all of his RANCHAST episodes at

Photo: Shay Myers, Owyhee Produce
Posted: October 8, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 40:43


Direct download: Shay_Myers.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:51pm MST

Readers of Roy H. Williams’ Monday Morning Memo are well-acquainted with Indiana Beagle, the legendary curator and editor-in-chief of the Rabbit Hole 

Although “Indy” is a metaphorical, metaphysical canine – the twin brother of Intuition, a leading character in the Destinae trilogy – he embodies spontaneous, impulsive, reckless curiosity.

Which is exactly why Monday Morning Radio host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart asked Indy to serve as the guest host of this week’s episode. 

Don’t be fooled, however. Indy’s interview with Dean is not only entertaining, it’s also actionable, as Dean shares a behind-the-scenes look at how Monday Morning Radio is produced and the lessons that Dean has gleaned in the course of hosting and producing more than 300 episodes.

Do his guests all share common traits?  Yes. And no.

Are they all business successes?  More yes, than no.

Might you be a suitable guest for Monday Morning Radio?

Tune in and discover for yourself, not only what it takes to land a slot on Dean’s very popular podcast, but also how you can ace any broadcast or print interview that comes your way.

Arooo! Aroo-Aroooooo!

Photo: Indy Beagle, Guest Host, and Dean Rotbart, Guest Guest
Posted: October 1, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 43:03

Direct download: Indy_Beagle.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 6:29pm MST

Michael Diamond is an expert when it comes to building, motivating, and growing business teams.

He honed his skills in war zones – first fighting Iraq in Operation Desert Storm – and more recently, battling the fierce competition in the highly competitive mobile products marketplace.

Michael is currently general manager of payments for Mitek Systems. If you’ve ever deposited a check by taking a picture of it with your mobile phone, then you’ve probably used the technology that Michael and his team oversee.

Michael is passionate about leadership, and innovation, and this week he reveals to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart the most valuable – and actionable – lessons he’s learned along his life’s journey.

Photo: Michael Diamond, Mitek Systems
Posted: September 24, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:45

Direct download: MIchael_Diamond.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:12pm MST

What was once science fiction, is rapidly becoming reality – especially when it comes to the prospects of small businesses operating in space, or at the very least, feeding commercial space operations.

Earlier this month, a group of scientists, entrepreneurs, and space futurists gathered in St. Louis for Gateway to Space 2018: Destination Moon – a one-day conference about working and living on the moon. 

Christine Nobbe, an educator and president of St. Louis Space Frontier, was the opening speaker. She is host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart’s guest this week, as the two explore out-of-this-world business concepts and realities. 

Photo: Christine Nobbe, St. Louis Space Frontier
Posted: September 17, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 33:35

Direct download: Christine_Nobbe.mp3
Category:Industry Experts -- posted at: 8:30pm MST

In a very, very crowded market for pizza restaurants, Drew French discovered the recipe to stand out from the crowd – offering made-to-order pies, baked in brick ovens, using a wide variety of fresh ingredients, hand-tossed doughs, and served in just four minutes.

Drew’s Athens, GA-based Your Pie, launched a decade ago, now has 58 locations in 19 states, with nearly 60 additional locations in development.

Drew is widely credited with pioneering the now-popular and highly competitive “fast casual” pizza concept. The distinction is all the more impressive, says host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, given that Drew only recently turned 35 years old.

“A well-known adage says, if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it,” Dean observes. “Perhaps, in a similar vein, Drew French and Your Pie embody the entrepreneurial concept: If you want to succeed, look to innovate in a market that is already crowded. At least, when you launch, you’ll know there are plenty of ready prospects to win over.”

Photo: Drew French, Your Pie
Posted: September 10, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 36:11

Direct download: Your_Pie.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 11:39am MST

Millions of small business owners stand to realize big savings on their 2018 taxes, thanks to revisions of the federal tax code that were signed into law in late 2017.

Only in the past few weeks, however, has the IRS fully explained who stands to profit from the so-called Section 199A deduction for qualified business income – and who will be left out.

Rachel Sawyer, a partner in Denver-based TaxOps, a respected business tax specialty and advisory firm, joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week to delve into the nuances of the new tax code and what entrepreneurs can do to take maximum advantage of the savings it offers. If you qualify, Section 199A could mean tens of thousands of dollars of extra cash in your pocket come next year.

Photo: Rachel Sawyer, TaxOps
Posted: September 3, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 26:41

Direct download: Tax_Savings.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:10pm MST

[Note: Our guest on last week’s podcast, was Dr. Nate Regier, who discussed harvesting conflicts in your life, rather than fearing them. However, due to a mix up, some listeners instead were treated to an advance airing of this week’s podcast, featuring Alex Vorobieff.]

If you already heard what Alex had to say last week, we encourage you this week to go back and hear our conversation with Dr. Regier. In both instances, you’ll profit from priceless business insights.]

When the wheels on a car are out of alignment, it impacts the car’s steering and suspension, not to mention the durability of the tires and all the parts that control them.

When a business is out of alignment, its path also faces uneven friction and greater resistance. Eventually, it drives off the road altogether.

Alex Vorobieff, founder and CEO of The Vorobieff Company, is a business alignment expert. Sometimes hired as a stand-in CEO or CFO, Alex uses a suite of alignment tools to get a poorly operating business back on track.

The secret to fixing most ailing businesses, Alex tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, rests with remediating its core, NOT focusing on the surface where the issues are most visible. 

BRING YOUR BUSINESS INTO FOCUS: Pick up a copy of Alex’s well-reviewed book: Transform Your Company: Escape Frustration, Align Your Business, and Get Your Life Back.

If you own a small business and would like to be a guest on this podcast – and get some free reputation advice from me – I invite you to contact me at You can also phone me at 303-800-6081.


Photo: Alex Vorobieff, The Vorobieff Company
Posted: August 27, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:36

Direct download: Business_Alignment.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:55pm MST

It sounds like an oxymoron: Positive Conflict

But Dr. Nate Regier, a former practicing psychologist, has built a successful second career as an author, business coach, and popular keynote speaker teaching business people how to fight productively – both on the job and at home.

With endorsements from management gurus including Dan Pink, Ken Blanchard, and Marshall Goldsmith, Nate’s book, Conflict without Casualties, has become must-reading in boardrooms and business schools across the country.

Rather than fear conflict, Nate tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, the smart thing for businesses and organizations to do is channel it.

[Follow Dean’s newest entrepreneurial venture, SpacEnterprise, as he explores out-of-this-world business concepts and realities.]

Photo: Dr. Nate Regier, Next Element
Posted: August 20, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:13

Direct download: Positive_Conflict.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:25pm MST

It’s not been easy, but Azi Hendi and her husband, Dr. Ali Hendi – a lawyer and a cancer surgeon – have combined their talents to launch 15-month-old Luminora, a stylish clothing line designed to protect women from the sun’s harmful rays.

The Hendi’s know that three million Americans are diagnosed annually with a form of skin cancer, and most fashionable clothes do little, if anything, to protect wearers from the sun. 

In a frank conversation with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, this week the Hendi’s share both their accomplishments and their frustrations as first-time entrepreneurs, and Dean offers them some actionable advice on positioning themselves for greater success.

If you own a small business and would like to be a guest on Monday Morning Radio – and get some free reputation advice from Dean – we invite you to contact him at You can also phone him at 303-296-1200.

Photo: Dr. Ali Hendi and Azi Hendi, Luminora
Posted: August 13, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 42:30

Direct download: Luminora.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:09pm MST

When Ross Kimbarovsky started his company,, a decade ago, he had a vision for a new kind of logo creation service – one in which logo buyers would be offered a wide range of original, creative, logo concepts at a readily affordable price.

Today, more than 200,000 designers from nearly 200 countries compete to design the winning logos for crowdspring’s 50,000-plus clients. 

Ross knows all the do’s and don’ts of choosing an effective logo for your business or product, and this week he shares his best insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

Photo: Ross Kimbarovsky,
Posted: August 6, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:01

Direct download: crowdspring.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:35pm MST

What would you guess is the percentage of small business owners who hope that one day their children will follow in their footsteps?

For all the headaches that ownership brings, a surprising 84% of the more than 1,000 small business owners who responded to a recent survey said they’d wish the blessings and the curses of entrepreneurship upon their kids.

Kathryn Petralia, president of Atlanta-based Kabbage – the global financial services and technology company that conducted the survey, tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart that in the eyes of survey respondents, nothing defines the American Dream better than being your own boss and owning your own business. 

Hear all the fascinating results from the Kabbage small business survey this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Kathryn Petralia, Kabbage
Posted: July 30, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 17:43

Direct download: Kabbage.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:12pm MST

Ten years from now, 20 years, even 50 years, will anyone remember you or your company?

In a short-term world, too few business leaders contemplate their long-term brand.

Mark Miller and Lucas Conley, authors of the new McGraw-Hill business book, Legacy in the Making, are out to change that. Miller and Conley argue that leaders with long-term ambitions are the best equipped to stand out, get ahead, and make their mark.

Even if your company is just out of the starting gate, as Miller and Conley tell host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, the surest way to be around for decades to come is to start building your legacy right now.

Photo: Mark Miller and Lucas Conley, The Legacy Lab
Posted: July 23, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 38:44

Direct download: Legacy_Making.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:30pm MST

40 million Americans, or roughly one-third of the workforce, have at least two jobs – their fulltime position and what many Millennials have come to call the “side hustle.”

There are advantages for both the primary employer and the secondary employer to bringing aboard side hustlers, but there are also a host of legal landmines that could prove a costly nightmare to employers who are caught unawares.

Mark F. Kluger, founding partner at the New Jersey employment law firm Kluger Healy, is an expert at clearing all types of workplace landmines, and this week Mark walks host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart step-by-step past the explosive, often-hidden, issue of side hustlers.

Photo: Mark F. Kluger, Kluger Healy
Posted: July 16, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 36:25

Direct download: Side_Hustle.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:38pm MST

Business conferences are big business.

The World Economic Forum in Davos, the Milken Institute Global Conference, and the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference are among the largest and best-known of the lot.

By comparison, the annual Fireside Conference – held at a remote retreat a 3 ½ hour drive from Toronto –  is a puppy; but a best-in-show gathering at that, attracting a small group of top innovators, thought leaders, and investors in the entrepreneurial universe.

Fireside’s co-founder, Daniel Levine, tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart just why every year Fireside gets more than ten times the number of applicants than it accepts – and the secret to having what it takes to land a coveted invite to the off-the-grid, off-the-record meeting of some of the brightest minds in business.

Photo: Daniel Levine, Fireside Conference
Posted: July 9, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 42:30

Direct download: Fireside_Conference.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:04pm MST

For just shy of four decades, Mark H. Fowler has helped reengineer companies that are underperforming or outright failing. His Santa Monica consulting firm, Stowe Management Corporation, relies heavily on building enhanced communication between corporate management, employees, and customers to achieve amazing operational turnarounds.

Mark has created a proprietary set of tools to foster what he terms “Revolutionary Conversations.” Hear Mark’s revolutionary interview with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s episode of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Mark H. Fowler, Stowe Management Corporation
Posted: July 2, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:16

Direct download: Mark_Fowler.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:29pm MST

The Economist magazine once described Carl J. Schramm as “The Evangelist of Entrepreneurship.” Professor Schramm earned the moniker during the decade he was the president of the $2 billion Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is among the largest private foundations in America, working to help entrepreneurs succeed.

These days Professor Schramm writes about entrepreneurship and teaches at Syracuse University, one of only 16 members of the faculty since 1870 to be given the prestigious, at-large title of University Professor.

This week Professor Schramm conducts a Master’s Class in entrepreneurship exclusively for host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, using the professor’s new book – Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do – as assigned reading.

Think you need an MBA to be a business success? Think again. Professor Schramm says that the proven path to business success is one of passion, determination, and a willingness to experiment and innovate. Class is starting right now.

Photo: Carl J. Schramm, Burn the Business Plan
Posted: June 18, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:07

Direct download: Carl_Schramm.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:58pm MST

To kick of his 7th year of hosting Monday Morning Radio, award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart invited back one of his most popular all-time guests, Davia Temin, founder & CEO of crisis management firm Temin and Company, to talk about a very hot button issue in America at the moment: sexual harassment.

Davia serves as an advisor to senior executives and boards at the highest levels of American business, and she has emerged as the go-to consultant on what companies and other organizations must do to eradicate sexual harassment in their organizations. 

Featured often for her expertise in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Forbes, Institutional Investor and other respected news outlets, Davia shares with listeners her 15-point plan for business owners, boards, and CEOs to not just respond to the wave of sexual harassment complaints, but to actually get ahead of the issue.

Photo: Davia Temin, Temin and Company
Posted: June 11, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 46:01

Direct download: Sexual_Harassment.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:13am MST

Getting a popular entertainer, athlete, author, blogger, or YouTuber to say nice things about your business or products is a powerful way to generate sales.

Greg Jameson, author of The Influencer Effect, specializes in helping companies identify the influential men and women who can provide them the greatest endorsement leverage, and then negotiating terms with those influencers.

As Greg explains to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, an effective influencer needn’t have a household name. Anyone with a loyal following, no matter how small, can often produce over-sized results for the companies and products that they endorse.

Photo: Greg Jameson, The Influencer Effect
Posted: June 4, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:41

Direct download: Influencers.mp3
Category:Advertising and Marketing -- posted at: 4:34pm MST

Ty Crandall is CEO of Credit Suite, the largest business credit coaching operation in the United States. He and his colleagues know the ins and outs of finding the funds to fuel your business and its growth, without having to provide lenders a personal credit check or personal guarantee.

Ty tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart that he is shocked by how little most business owners know about business credit and how best to obtain it. Even simple strategies, such as selecting the right name and email address for your business, can often make the difference between being approved and being denied credit.

If you need business credit, or need more business credit, you won’t want to miss what Ty has to say.

Photo: Ty Crandall, Credit Suite
Posted: May 28, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:53

Direct download: Business_Credit.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:05pm MST

Some people look to Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban for investment wisdom. Timolin Langin looked to Big Mama and Biggie – her grandmother and great-grandmother –  for her financial sensibilities.

Timolin was born and raised in Mississippi to sharecroppers and cooks – none of whom graduated high school. Yet leveraging the wisdom imparted to her by Big Mama and Biggie, she became a school teacher, and then a real estate investor, author, world traveler, and ultimately a millionaire.

In her book, Mind Over Money, Timolin says anyone, on any budget, can live like a millionaire when they dedicate themselves to her wise saving and spending strategies. This week she shares her five-step program for achieving greater financial well-being with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, who may not in fact be a multi-millionaire, but after talking to Timolin already thinks like one.

Photo: Timolin Langin, Mind Over Money
Posted: May 21, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 41:18

Direct download: Timolin_Langin.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:28pm MST

June 12th has been set as the date when President Donald Trump will meet in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

With so much at stake, President Trump and his entourage most certainly will get lots of advice from the State Department and CIA concerning what cultural landmines to avoid. 

For companies and organizations that engage in important cross-cultural interactions, Dean Foster serves as a one-man State Department/CIA. Foster – who is the founder of DFA Intercultural Global Solutions, hosts a series on the subject for CNN, and has written the “Culture Wise” column for National Geographic – is an expert on training Americans on the intricate nuances in cross-cultural communications, foreign negotiation best practices, and global etiquette.

Foster will share his own advice with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart regarding the President’s upcoming trip, as well as what every American who does international business – even in nearby Canada – must do so as not to sabotage relationships before they’re even formed.

Photo: Dean Foster,
Posted: May 14, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 45:55

Direct download: Dean_Foster.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:26am MST

Chris Ronzio knows the anatomy of a successful small business better than most owners and CEOs.  Chris recently launched a new software venture – a tool called Trainual – that dissects every small business and professional office, breaking them into core components: every process, every job responsibility, every policy, every document – all in one place.

Trainual is a digital company handbook on steroids.

As Chris explains to Monday Morning Radio host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, Trainual takes the painful process of onboarding and training employees that has been in use for decades and gives it a thorough 21st Century makeover.

Photo: Chris Ronzio, Trainual
Posted: May 7, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:27

Direct download: Chris_Ronzio.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:22pm MST

Negotiation expert Elizabeth Suárez says that the secret to being a master negotiator is not outsmarting the other guy or gal, it’s being confident about who you are and what are your goals.

Once you know your own priorities and what you bring to any negotiation, Elizabeth says that reaching agreement is much easier; whether you’re negotiating a corporate acquisition, a pay raise, or the hour of your teenager’s curfew. 

Elizabeth, educated at The Wharton School of Business and the Harvard University Executive Management Program, is the author of “The Art of Getting Everything: How to Negotiate for What You Want and More.”  This week, she shares some of her best negotiating strategies with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. 

[For more on Elizabeth, visit her website at]

Photo: Elizabeth Suárez, Negotiation Unleashed
Posted: April 30, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 37:37

Direct download: Getting_Everything.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:47pm MST

Back in 1995, when the internet was still only a toddler, Jeff Hall started a search engine optimization company from his bedroom in Ontario, Canada. In time, Jeff developed programs and systems to help his clients show up high in the organic results of Google and other search engines.

Today, Jeff 's Overflow Cafe boasts more than 45,000 small business and professional clients in 170 countries, most of whom pay no more than $29 a month to draw relevant traffic to their websites, and sell lots more products and services.

You could do what Jeff and his team do on your own, although as Jeff tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, it would take most owners 100-plus hours monthly. In less than one hour on this week’s episode, Jeff breaks down effective SEO strategy in terms that anyone can comprehend.

Photo: Jeff Hall, Overflow Cafe
Posted: April 23, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 46:26

Direct download: Overflow_Cafe.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:22pm MST

May McCarthy can explain her success at co-founding and growing seven successful companies in a single word: Gratitude.

In fact, May believes that gratitude is the missing ingredient responsible for the large number of struggling owners and entrepreneurs who have yet to achieve their business goals.

In her new book, The Gratitude Formula, May spells out a 7-Step system that she pioneered – all grounded in gratitude – which she promises will help everyone who follows her system earn more and enjoy it more. Roving reporter Rotbart has the scoop.

Photo: May McCarthy, The Gratitude Formula
Posted: April 16, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:42

Direct download: Gratitude_Formula.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:50pm MST

Brian Harman works in supply chain management for a large multi-national pharmaceutical company. He relies on storytelling, humor, and a splash of vulgarity to instruct lousy business leaders in the art of leadership excellence.

Stepping aside from his day-to-day responsibilities, Brian recruited family and friends to help him write, publish, and promote a book he hopes will inspire a new generation of leaders who aren’t burdened with the bad habits of existing owners and bosses.

Brian’s book, How to Avoid a Leadersh*t, co-written with his cousin, Stephanie M. Taglianetti, uses an expletive in its title, just like the enormously popular bestseller, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uck.

If foul language – or innovative thinking – offends you, host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart suggests you skip this week’s episode. 

Photo: Brian M. Harman, Author
Posted: April 9, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:01


Direct download: Brian_Harman.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:58am MST

Steve Clayton was a 7th grade teacher with a love for DJing; a vocation he used to earn some extra cash. 


Self-taught, and relying primarily on grit and determination, Steve took his tiny DJing side business, Soundskilz, and built it into an industry-leading major event production and talent booking company, landing festival headliners including Wu Tang Clan and Ice Cube.


One event alone, the annual Chalice Festival held outside of Los Angles, Steve grew from 8,000 attendees to almost 40,000 in just four years.


No long spinning records, Steve, a self-made man, is now teaching and coaching other would-be entrepreneurs of all types how to develop their own entrepreneurial hits, and this week, he shares some of his favorite business tunes with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart.


Photo: Steve Clayton, Soundskilz
Posted: April 2, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 35:25

Direct download: Steve_Clayton.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:06pm MST

When a big time CEO, celebrity, or politician is thrust into an unwanted and unfavorable media spotlight, more than anyone else their first call goes to “The Fixer,” public relations guru Michael Sitrick, founder of Sitrick And Company.

Michael Vick called, as did Roy Disney, Rush Limbaugh, the Church of Scientology, and the Estate of Michael Jackson, among more than 1,000 other high-profile individuals and organizations.

Sitrick earned the nickname “The Fixer,” because like the fictional fixer in the movie Pulp Fiction, his reputation clients look to him to wash away the splatter and gore of their media messes. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Sitrick shares some of his most interesting cases with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, who as an award-winning former investigative reporter undoubtedly drove a fair share of business to Sitrick And Company or similar PR firms.

[To purchase up a copy of Michael’s Sitrick’s new book, The Fixer: Secrets for Saving Your Reputation in the Age of Viral Media, click here.]

Photo: Michael Sitrick, Sitrick And Company
Posted: March 26, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 43:50 

Direct download: The_Fixer.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:47pm MST

Colleen DeBaise, the former small business editor of The Wall Street Journal, says there are seven crucial stages in the life of a startup.  In her new book, Start a Successful Business, Colleen, herself an entrepreneur and podcaster, draws lessons from companies including Warby Parker, Slack, and Lego to help would-be business owners learn how it’s done.


But what about existing small businesses, asks host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart? Not to worry. Colleen notes that what works for startups also offers ways for established businesses to freshen their own success strategies.

Photo: Colleen DeBaise, Start a Successful Business
Posted: March 19, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 42:39 


Direct download: Successful_Startup.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:41pm MST

Andrea Hence Evans is one of the most-respected patent, trademark, and copyright lawyers in the country, specializing in helping small business owners grapple with the mountains of red tape that must be surmounted in order to create and protect all manner of intellectual property rights.

Andrea has been selected by PBS to serve as the on-air legal expert for Season Two of its popular program, Make48, in which teams have 48 hours to plan, prototype, and pitch an idea for an invention.

Want to know if your idea is patentable or if your existing IP rights can withstand a challenge? Andrea shares the answers with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Andrea Hence Evans
Posted: March 12, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39:20 

Direct download: Andrea_Hence_Evans.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:32pm MST

Jean Ginzburg is an expert when it comes to attracting, connecting with, and converting prospects into satisfied customers. She’s been doing it for more than a decade and has refined her approach by testing it on more than 2,000 of her own clients – ranging from Fortune 500 companies to one-person consultancies. 

Jean, herself a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Ginball Digital Marketing, is a huge believer in the ability of quality content to help businesses attract new customers. She is also an evangelist for using digital marketing – first and foremost – to secure those new paying contacts.

In her Amazon bestselling book, WIN New Customers!, Jean promises those who apply her formula that they will see it pay big dividends in only 60 days. But no need to wait even two months, when you can jumpstart your new customer-acquisition program in just 35 minutes by joining Jean and host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Jean Ginzburg, WIN New Customers
Posted: March 4, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 32:07 

Direct download: Jean_Ginzburg.mp3
Category:Advertising and Marketing -- posted at: 7:09pm MST

This week’s guest on Monday Morning Radio is Adam Witty, CEO of Advantage Media and ForbesBooks.

Adam is “The Authority” on authority marketing, having helped more than 1,300 now-published authors conceive, write, publish, and market their books. In 2016, he joined with Forbes, the influential financial news media company, to launch its own business book imprint.

Advantage Media is a vanity press, but not your run-of-the-mill self-publishing concern. Adam and his team think, act, and get results that are more akin to Simon & Schuster and Random House than conventional vanity publishers. 

If you’ve ever thought of writing a book to serve as a calling card for you professionally, Adam is just the man you want to hear from. But even if you know there is no authorship in your future – and some people shouldn’t write books for reasons you’ll hear, you’ll learn a lot from Adam about how influence and authority are “manufactured” in the competitive marketplace in which we all operate.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, who interviews Adam, says, “You may think that Adam Witty is in the publishing business. But he’s not. His unassailable core product is not ink on paper, or even digital ink, but raw, impactful influence.”

Photo: Adam Witty, Advantage Media
Posted: February 19, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 49 minutes 38 seconds

Direct download: Adam_Witty.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:46pm MST

Did you read that CVS is buying Aetna and Japan’s Fujifilm is buying Xerox? JAB Holding Co, which already owns Krispy Kreme, Panera, and Keurig, is now snapping up Dr. Pepper Snapple?  And Arbys recently swallowed Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants.

What’s happening here?

Allen Adamson knows: Aetna, Xerox, Dr. Pepper Snapple, Buffalo Wild Wings, and dozens upon dozens of other brand-name companies are failing to stay relevant in our fast-changing world, and are ceasing to survive as independent companies, or worse, like Toys R Us, closing up shop altogether.

Allen, a noted industry expert in all disciplines of branding is a counselor to some of the country’s most successful companies. He is a co-founder and Managing Partner of Metaforce.

Along with Joel Steckel, a vice dean at NYU’s Stern School of Business, Allen has written a compelling new book: Shift Ahead: How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World.

Shift Ahead spells out the warning signs that it’s time for reinvention, and exactly what separates the survivors – and those companies that thrive – from the businesses destined for the corporate graveyard. 

That’s true of Blockbuster and Kodak and Toys R Us, Allen tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, and that’s also true of small businesses and professional practices. To learn just how you can stay ahead, hear what Allen has to say on this week’s Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Allen Adamson, Metaforce
Posted: February 12, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 38 seconds

Direct download: Shift_Ahead.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:15pm MST

For most businesses, routine meetings are mind-numbing experiences that are a black hole of time, energy, and motivation.

Dick and Emily Axelrod, co-founders of The Axelrod Group and authors of Let’s Stop Meeting Like This, advise companies such as Coca Cola, Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, and General Electric, how to transform business meetings into enjoyable, productive, collaborative experiences where meaningful work gets done, better decisions are made, and managers and employees together bring about organizational change.

Hear what Dick and Emily have to tell reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart this week – including their recommendation that attendance at all business meetings be strictly voluntary – then schedule your own staff meeting to share your newfound wisdom.

Photo: Emily and Dick Axelrod, The Axelrod Group
Posted: February 5, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 31 seconds

Direct download: Meetings.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:24pm MST

In the business world, there is leadership, and then there is high-stakes leadership. The skills required to be a good leader day-to-day do not always stand up in a crisis, where an extra dose of courage, judgment, and fortitude is required.

Constance Dierickx, founder of CD Consulting Group, is a crisis leadership consultant; coaching executives at companies including AT&T, IBM, and AAA on the mindset and actions that the best leaders take to guide their companies through the most turbulent of times.

Constance, aka “The Decision Doctor,” has crammed a lifetime of experience and coaching into her new book, High-Stakes Leadership, and on this week’s episode of Monday Morning Radio she shares with us her formula for helping business owners make tough decisions, take decisive stands, and kick aside convention in a crisis.

When the going gets tough, Constance teaches the best CEOs and owners how to get going.

Join host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart as he and Constance explore what it takes to be a High-Stakes Leader.

Photo: Constance Dierickx, CD Consulting Group
Posted: January 29, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 24 seconds

Direct download: Constance_Dierickx.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:16pm MST


Not since John Chapman introduced apple trees to large swaths of the U.S. and Canada – earning the nickname Johnny Appleseed –  has one man on his own done so much to introduce a thriving agriculture industry to North America.

Indeed, Jim Henry may well go down in history as Jim Oliveseed, because he single-handedly can claim credit for seeding the commercial olive industry in the United States – and Texas, in particular.

Jim is the owner and founder of Texas Olive Ranch, which was the first U.S. commercial producer of high quality olive oils and today struggles to keep up with demand for its growing line of products.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart shares the unique tale of the Texas Olive Ranch with all due credit to Wizard Academy graduate, Lem Lewis, aka The Ranch Broker, who conducted the interview.

This is an abridged version of Lem’s interview with Jim Henry. To hear the full interview, visit

Photo: Jim Henry, Texas Olive Ranch
Posted: January 22, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 minutes 02 seconds

Direct download: Texas_Olives.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:02pm MST

When Dennis Kneale publishes a scoop, smart business people sit up and pay attention.

Dennis’s blue-chip media credentials include influential positions at Fox Business, CNBC, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal.

Writing earlier this month for the prestigious Op-Ed page of The Wall Street Journal, Dennis issued a warning that when it comes to product liability, the nationwide Opioid Crisis could very well dwarf the sum total of all cancer claims against Big Tobacco .

And it’s not just the giant Fortune 500 companies whose behinds are on the line. Even small businesses that simply provide health insurance might be libel if their employees get addicted to Opioids – or worse, overdose on them.

Dennis Kneale joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart with a clear message for listeners: If you’re in business and you’re not already closely monitoring the Opioid crisis, you need to be.

Photo: Dennis Kneale, Dennis Kneale Media
Posted: January 15, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 23 minutes 23 seconds

Direct download: Opioid_Crisis.mp3
Category:Journalists -- posted at: 10:42pm MST

This week’s guest, Rick Snyder, was living and working successfully in Oregon as a coach to international businesses, when just shy of three years ago a persistent, deep, voice inside told him he really ought to get out of the American bubble and move to the South of France. So that’s exactly what he did.

That wasn’t odd for Rick, who teaches global business owners and entrepreneurs to listen closely to the instinctive voice we all have inside of us, and act more frequently on our sixth, intuitive sense.

Rick is the lead coach and founder of the business consulting firm Three Hats, and he’s in the process of writing a book – The Invisible Edge: Six Steps for Harnessing Your Intuition – all about using intuition as a business North Star.

Honing and trusting your intuition is not the stuff they teach in Business School, but as Rick is quick to point out, increasingly some of the most-successful and respected companies in America – including Zappos, Apple, and Google – are tapping into mindfulness, intuition, and similar alternative approaches for strategizing and planning.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart says that his instinct tells him that some listeners will dismiss Rick and his reliance on instinct as nonsense. But Dean notes that Rick’s perspective is fresh and it is compelling.  Moreover, it’s worked well for him and many of his clients. 

So listen to this edition of Monday Morning Radio, and trust your own good sense to decide whether or not following Rick’s advice is right for you.

Photo: Rick Snyder, Three Hats
Posted: January 8, 2018
Monday Morning Run Time: 43 minutes 13 seconds

Direct download: Snyder_Intuition.mp3
Category:Global Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:38pm MST

Journey with us as we revisit the 10 most popular podcasts of the year – with stops including the North Carolina truffle miner; the entrepreneurial coach…to 5-year-olds; the business lessons of the Chicago Cubs’ World Series victory; the quote book that will inspire and energize you; and the little free wedding chapel that could.

Which was your favorite episode?

Guest Host: Maxwell Rotbart

The 2017 countdown is hosted by entrepreneur and radio veteran Maxwell Rotbart, who for three years hosted a weekly half-hour public affairs program on 990 KRKS AM Radio in Denver. Maxwell, 25-years-old, is the son of Monday Morning Radio founder and executive producer, Dean Rotbart.

Launched in June 2012, Monday Morning Radio was downloaded more than 350,000 times in 2017.  Hear highlights from the Top 10 episodes of year, or click on the links below and re-listen to the entire episode. 



The World’s Most Costly Business Utterances


Along Your Path to Success, Avoid This Excursion: The Ego Trip


Thanks to Sarah Cooper, This Week’s Show - Objectively Speaking - is the Best Ever


The Amazing Tale of the Chicago Cubs World Series Championship as Told by a Master Storyteller


If the Whole Leaf is not Your Cup of Tea, You May Be Missing a Great Business (and Health) Opportunity


The UnBusiness Story Behind Chapel Dulcinea


The Wisdom of Teaching Your 5-Year-Old to Think Like a CEO


Setting Business Goals and Scoring Them


It Took This Entrepreneur More Than a Decade To Prove Her Concept


Ray Bard’s New Book is Intended to Help Salespeople; But Don’t Be Fooled

Photo: Maxwell Rotbart, Guest Host
Posted: January 1, 2018

Direct download: Top_Ten.mp3
Category:Top Ten Countdown -- posted at: 8:31pm MST