Monday Morning Radio


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February 2014
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Deliver the Lettrs (App), the Sooner the Better (the Income for Your Business or Charity)

With more than 750 million impressions, it’s no wonder that Google Play named Drew Bartkiewicz’ social messaging app one of this year’s best.

The app, lettrs – spelled l-e-t-t-r-s – morphs the art of personalized letter writing – complete with postage stamps and original signatures – into the digital age. Lettrs is already changing the way some companies, products and nonprofits brand and fundraise. Discover what it might do for your business this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Drew is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, co-host of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Drew Bartkiewicz, Lettrs
: December 22, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 30 minutes  32 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots now booking for January 2015. 


Direct download: 122214_Lettrs.mp3
Category:Branding -- posted at: 10:30pm MST's Julian Flores on Executing Complex Business Operations

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”

When Lawrence of Arabia wrote those words, he could easily have been speaking of Julian Flores of Julian’s dream was that skiers from anywhere in the world would be able to rent all their ski gear with just a few clicks on a website – clothing, goggles, skis, boots and even action cameras – and have it delivered to their mountain lodge to await their arrival. 

To make this dream happen by the light of day is a logistical ballet worthy of NASA or If your dream requires that you execute complex operations with incredible precision, you’ll definitely want to be wide awake when you listen to Julian Flores tell Dean Rotbart how his dream came alive – and went skiing – at

Photo: Julian Flores, Founder,
: December 15, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes  43 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots now booking for January 2015. 

Direct download: 121514_GetOutfitted.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:36pm MST

280 Group Founder Brian Lawley on Becoming a GREAT Product Manager

Brian Lawley trains business owners and executives to be "product CEOs."  Like the CEO of a company, a product CEO - formally known as a Product Manager - oversees every aspect of bringing a successful product to market, including knowing customers, technology, trends and the competition.


Brian, founder of 280 Group in Campbell, California, has worked his magic for companies including Apple, Digidesign and Symantec. This week he shares some of his most important rules of product management on Monday Morning Radio.

Brian interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, and wealth management expert David Biondo. Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Brian Lawley, Founder & CEO, 280 Group
: December 8, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 22 minutes  26 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year. 

Direct download: 120814_280Group.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:11pm MST

The Doyle Family Launched Bag Tags at the Kitchen Table - Now It's Huge

Tom Doyle, his wife, and seven kids started their business around their kitchen table 16 years ago. Basically, they laminated cards that allowed high school swimmers to track their progress without getting soggy.

Today, Evanston, Illinois-based Bag Tags is one of the premier event credentials and baggage tags companies in the United States, punching out more than 1 million tags annually for clients that include the NCAA, Nike, American Cruise Lines and Genworth Financial.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Tom has words of wisdom and encouragement for all entrepreneurs who dream of starting small and growing large and successful.

Tom is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year.  

Photo: Thomas Doyle, Bag Tags
Posted: December 1, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 20 minutes  26 seconds

Direct download: 120114_BagTags.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:28pm MST

Kosher Foods: Ancient Recipe, But Modern Business Opportunities

You don't have to be Jewish to love Kosher food…or to profit handsomely from it.


Thousands of business owners from around the world turned out earlier this month for the 26th annual Kosherfest trade show, a showcase of kosher food and beverage industry. This week on Monday Morning Radio the event's founder, Menachem Lubinsky, explains why so many non-Jewish business owners are hopping aboard the Kosher bandwagon and how you can come aboard.

Menachem, who is President & CEO of LUBICOM Marketing Consulting, is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year.  


Photo: Menachem Lubinsky, Lubicom Marketing Consulting
Posted: November 24, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 minutes  30 seconds

Direct download: Kosher.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:54pm MST

How To Build Content and Monetize A High-Value Domain -

What would you do if you controlled a high-value URL such as

This week's guests on Monday Morning Radio share a thick slice of their plans to grow their newly launched site into an Internet force and profit generator. 

Kyle Cox, founder and CEO of Grateful Ventures, which runs, is the former president and founder of the phenomenally successful site,  He is joined by Kristin Bustamante, editor-in-chief.

Kyle and Kristin aim to build into a smooth flying bird that generates $1 million a year in revenues for at least the next 50 years. Listen in to discover how and you'll be grateful that you did.

Kyle and Kristin are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available before the end of the year.  

Photo: Kristin Bustamante and Kyle Cox, THANKSGIVING.COM
Posted: November 17, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 minutes  02 seconds

Direct download: ThanksgivingDotCom.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:19am MST

ONTRAPORT Is One of the Best Small Businesses in America - Here's Why

Two times every workday, for 90 minutes, employees at Santa Barbara-based ONTRAPORT go radio silent. That means no phone calls. No incoming or outgoing email. No staff meetings. And no socializing.  

How do ONTRAPORT's employees react to being unplugged so frequently?  They absolutely LOVE it. In fact, the company's "Time Block" is one of several unique aspects of ONTRAPORT's culture that has fueled its incredible growth - allowing all employees to focus on the Big Picture and long-term projects.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Landon Ray, ONTRAPORT's founder and CEO, demonstrates how even small companies can go giant when it comes to creating profitable corporate cultures.

Landon is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veteran broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 


Photo: Landon Ray, ONTRAPORT
Posted: November 10, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  23 minutes  28 seconds

Direct download: 111014_Ontraport_R.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:28pm MST

Are You A Good Person, A Good Business Leader, Or Both?

There are business owners who are good at what they do but not necessarily good people. And there are good people who own businesses, but are not necessarily good at what they do.

Paul Batz has built a thriving practice coaching clients how to be BOTH good people and savvy business captains.  Paul is the founder & president of Good Leadership Enterprises in Minnesota.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, he discusses the four cornerstones of business goodness - building blocks that he promises can provide any company a powerful competitive edge.

Paul is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veterarn broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 

Photo: Paul Batz, Good Leadership Enterprises
Posted: November 3, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  31 minutes  35 seconds

Direct download: 110314_Paul_Batz.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:35pm MST

Turning Brand Stories into Buyer Legends - A Masters Class

New York Times bestselling authors Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg are out with their latest blockbuster book, Buyer Legends, a Master Class that shows companies large and small how to use customer narratives to turbocharge sales and transform business cultures.

Bryan and Jeffrey are recognized global authorities in marketing optimization, analytics and customer experience design.  With their new book, they demonstrate how to best communicate your brand's story intent at each and every level of your organization, from the stockroom to the boardroom.

Buyer Legends is available now as a download from  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Bryan and Jeffrey take listeners on an exclusive tour of their new book and the concepts that are already revolutionizing sales and performance at companies such as Google and HP.

The Eisenberg brothers are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veterarn broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Photo: Jeffrey (l) and Bryan Eisenberg, Buyer Legends
Posted: October 27, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  31 minutes  01 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 

Direct download: 102714_Buyer_Legends.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:44pm MST

How Does The Outlook For Your Small Business Compare?

How does the outlook for your small business compare to that of other owners across the United States? This week on Monday Morning Radio, hear the exclusive results of a survey of 600 small business owners who were asked their feelings on a variety of topics, including the financial health of their companies, plans to hire, employee benefits, and how they maintain a work/life balance.


Our guest is Amy Friedrich, a vice president at Des Moines-based Principal Financial Group, which conducted the Financial Well-Being survey for the third consecutive year.

Amy is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, an award-winning veterarn broadcast journalist.  Dean is co-host of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

The complete results of the Principal Financial Well-Being survey is available from

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted: October 20, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  24 minutes  20 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 

Direct download: 102014_MondayMorningRadio_PrincipalFinancialGroup.mp3
Category:Industry Experts -- posted at: 4:16pm MST

This Globe-Trotting Entrepreneur Has Some Main Street Insights For You


Talk with the Queen of England. Chat with the president of Turkey.

David Schlesinger, founder of managing editor of Hong Kong-based Tripod Advisors, travels the world to stay atop international affairs, risk analysis, politics and economics. His clients are big businesses and major news organizations, but his insights have value to small business owners and entrepreneurs as well, especially if you do, or ever plan to do business in China. 

Formerly the global managing editor of Reuters, David takes Dean Rotbart on a thrill ride this week on Monday Morning Radio. Want to come along? Hang on tight.


Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: David Schlesinger, Tripod Advisors
: October 13, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 minutes  38 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in November and December. 

Direct download: 101314_MondayMorningRadio_Schlesinger_Tripod.mp3
Category:International Business -- posted at: 10:57pm MST

Guess Who? He Is Editor of the Largest Personal-Finance Publication

Just over 15 years ago, David Crook founded what has grown into the largest-circulation personal-finance publication in the United States, reaching the homes of 6.6 million subscribers each week.

Guess where David works?  Money magazine?  Kiplinger's Personal Finance?  How about Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Barron's or Consumer Reports?


David Crook is the editor of The Wall Street Journal Sunday, which is distributed weekly in 69 partner newspapers, targeting the Main Street reader - people who have substantial assets in their 401(k)s or IRAs, but don't invest for a living.

[Listen and Profit Now™]

David discusses the unique reach and mission of The Wall Street Journal Sunday in an exclusive audio interview with Dean Rotbart, executive editor of NewsBios and himself a former Journal reporter and columnist.

If you write about personal finance or work in the financial services industry, you need to hear what David has to say.


Follow NewsBios on Twitter @newsbios. Order NewsBios at 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 2. "Because what's not in their official bios is often far more important than what is."

Category:BUZZ SNATCHING™ -- posted at: 1:21pm MST

Businessing Magazine Covers Topics That Inc. and Entrepreneur Overlook

Matt Smith is a small business owner who didn't think that magazines such as Inc., Entrepreneur, and Fast Company provide enough valuable information to truly small businesses seeking helpful resources.  So Smith, a Southern California web designer, built and launched Businessing Magazine, a digital publication with a special focus on the 75% of American small businesses that don't have any non-family employees.


This week on Monday Morning Radio, Smith discusses the strategy behind his new publication and how other entrepreneurs can also leverage content marketing to generate rapid growth.  

Matt is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Matt Smith, Businessing Magazine
: October 6, 2014

Monday Morning Run Time:  30 minutes  53 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in October and November. 

Direct download: 100614_MondayMorningRadio_BusinessingMag.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 9:03pm MST

The Inside Scoop on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and What Other Charities and Businesses Can Learn From It

This week on Monday Morning Radio, The Wizard Academy's Buzz Snatching maestro, Dean Rotbart, takes listeners behind the scenes of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - a global viral marketing campaign that raised more than $110 million for charity in about one month.

Dean's guest is Tanner Hockensmith, Executive Director of the ALS Association Texas Chapter and a national spokesperson for the organization.  Tanner dissects the success of the Ice Bucket Challenge and offers advice on how charities and business owners can generate their own buzz snatching campaigns.

You can also read Dean's article about his interview with Tanner on

Donate now to the ALS Association.

Dean teaches the popular Buzz Snatching course at The Wizard Academy. Those interested in attending his next class (in early 2015) should email him at:

Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Tanner Hockensmith, ALS Association
: September 29, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  28 minutes  44 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in October and November. 

Direct download: 092914_MondayMorningRadio_Ice_Bucket_Challenge.mp3
Category:Nonprofits -- posted at: 12:43pm MST

Turning AFFORMATIONS Into Small Business Success Fuel - With Noah St. John

For way too many small business owners and entrepreneurs, a major obstacle they regularly encounter is listening to the wrong adviser: themselves.

What you say to yourself, ask yourself, and think DOES make a huge difference in how well you perform in business and life.  That is the premise behind AFFORMATIONS: The Miracle of Positive Self-Talk, a new book that author Noah St. John promises will help busy people "accelerate income, boost self-confidence, and make success automatic." 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Noah shares with listeners his own Afformations. It's kind of like a Vulcan mind meld, only you don't need to be a Vulcan and have pointy ears to get inside Noah's head.

Noah is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Noah St. John
: September 22, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  28 minutes  00 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available in October and November. 

Direct download: 092214_MondayMorningRadio_NoahStJohn.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 1:32pm MST

Avowed Provocateur: Dennis Kneale From Journalist to Entrepreneur

Award-winning journalist Dennis Kneale is a self-described provocateur, who has spent 25 years afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted.

Most recently, Dennis was an anchor and senior correspondent on Fox Business. Before that, he worked at CNBC, was managing editor at Forbes, and a senior editor at The Wall Street Journal.

Now Dennis has started his own consulting agency, Dennis Kneale Media, and this week on a joint NewsBios-Monday Morning Radio podcast, he dishes dirt on his old journalism colleagues, talks about the impact of powerful storytelling, and shares with host Dean Rotbart some of the trials of segueing from journalist to business owner.

Whether you are a senior Fortune 500 corporate communications executive or the owner of your own, growing business, Dennis has some valuable media relations tips for you.

Visit Dennis' website here and his LinkedIn page here.

Follow NewsBios on Twitter @newsbios. Order NewsBios at 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 2. "Because what's not in their official bios is often far more important than what is."

Photo: Dennis Kneale
Posted: September 15, 2014
Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 36 min 06 secs

Direct download: 091514_MondayMorningRadio_Dennis_Kneale.mp3
Category:BUZZ SNATCHING™ -- posted at: 8:09pm MST

No Fiddling Around: Huthmaker Fine Violins Strikes All the Right Business Chords

As graduates of virtually every class offered at Wizard Academy, Anna, Roland and Dixie Huthmaker have learned very well the lessons taught by Roy H. Williams and showcased here each week on Monday Morning Radio. 

Huthmaker Fine Violins is nationally renowned not only for its world-class collection of string instruments, but also for its warm, caring and oh-so-knowledgable customer service.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, the 3 Huthmakers share with us how they fine tuned their retail business and why they purchased an 1880 historic hotel as their brand new headquarters.  Hint: Roy teaches that expensive rent is the best advertising money can buy.

Listen and laugh with joy as your friends, the Huthmakers, tell of their happy journey to fame, fortune and romance.

The Huthmakers are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, and wealth management expert David Biondo. Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Anna, Roland & Dixie Huthmaker
: September 8, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  31 minutes  12 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month. 

Direct download: 090814_MondayMorningRadio_Huthmaker.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:46pm MST

Bad Backs Are Big Business - The Body Archer

At some point in their lives, 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain, creating ample opportunities for entrepreneurs who can help prevent or address the problem.

An Oscar-nominated film sound mixer with more than 4 decades experience in Hollywood, Robert Wald launched a second career selling The Body Archer stretching chair in 2012.  Handcrafted in the USA, the Body Archer replaces run-of-the-mill ergonomic desk chairs. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Robert shares his experience licensing, manufacturing and marketing The Body Archer.  Even if your back isn't achy, his business insights will make you sit up and take notice.

Robert is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, and wealth management expert David Biondo. Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Robert Wald, The Body Archer
: September 1, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  26 minutes  27 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month. 


Direct download: 090114_MondayMorningRadio_Body_Archer.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:09pm MST

Harnessing the Power of Feng Shui for Your Business (and Personal Life)

The Apple store in New York on Fifth Avenue and the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas are just two examples of retailers that use the ancient concept of feng shui to drive sales.

Kathryn Weber, publisher of Red Lotus Letter - with more than 30,000 subscribers, is one of the nation's leading feng shui experts.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, Katie explains how the power of feng shui can be harnessed by all small business owners and entrepreneurs.  As she explains it, it boils down to "5,000 years of common sense."

Katie is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Kathryn Weber, Red Lotus Letter
: August 25, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  34 minutes  36 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  


Direct download: 082514_MondayMorningRadio_RedLotusLetter.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:37pm MST

The Daily Work Treadmill - A Fabulous Way To Stay Healthy

Most experts offer advice on how to get off the daily work treadmill.  Entrepreneur Steve Bordley makes his living encouraging small business owners and professionals to get on the daily work treadmill.  Literally.

Bordley is the inventor of TrekDesk, a specially designed treadmill desk that allows users to conduct their daily affairs - whether they're graphic designers, accountants or salespeople -- all while walking slowly on a treadmill.

Bordley and TrekDesk have become global sensations, as more and more otherwise sedentary executives recognize the health benefits of walking while you work. Bordley is this week's mobile guest on Monday Morning Radio.

Bordley is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Steve Bordley
: August 18, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 minutes  31 seconds


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 081814_MondayMorningRadio_TrekDesk.mp3
Category:Inventors -- posted at: 8:35pm MST

'Not My Table' - How NOT to Run A Successful Restaurant (Or Any Service Business)

How do the skills associated with operating a successful restaurant compare to those required to run any successful service business?

Until recently, Roger Beaudoin operated a seasonal restaurant that rang up more than $1 million in revenues in just 4 months each year.  It's one reason why he is known as THE Restaurant Rock Star. 

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Roger reveals 10 of the ineffective restaurant service traps that he avoids at all costs.  Importantly, most of his do's and don'ts apply not just to the restaurant industry, but to every successful service enterprise.

Roger is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, and wealth management expert David Biondo. Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional, the one-hour radio newsmagazine that aired weekly on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Roger Beaudoin
: August 11, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  42 minutes  40 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month. 

Direct download: 081114_MondayMorningRadio_RestaurantRockStars.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:28pm MST

You've Got 160 Characters to Score a Marketing Homerun.  Go!!

Jaymes Sorbel knows how to get the immediate attention of your customers and drive them to action: text message them.

Sorbel, founder of MeTesto Professional, says the 160 characters contained in well-executed text-message campaigns can generate a huge response.  A key reason?

Customers are so viscerally addicted to receiving and sending text messages that 80% of us text while watching TV and 44% of us take our smart phones to bed with us.


Sorbel details the dos and don'ts of effective text-message marketing on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

[Note: At several spots in this week's episode, the audio quality is briefly warped.  The poor audio passes very quickly.]

Sorbel is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Jaymes Sorbel
: August 4, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  34 minutes  41 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 080414_MondayMorningRadio_MeTesto.mp3
Category:Advertising and Marketing -- posted at: 8:44pm MST

Udemy Gets Straight A's For Leadership & Innovation in Online Education

The online education industry is lava hot, with tens of millions of adult students around the globe eagerly enrolling in paid digital courses, ranging from how to write computer code to knitting.


Founded in 2010, Udemy, based in San Francisco, is on the cutting edge of this new educational marketplace, having already enrolled more than 3 million students in its 18,000 online courses. 

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Shannon Hughes, Udemy's senior director of marketing, reveals the numerous ways that small business owners and entrepreneurs can get straight A's and profit from the online education marketplace.

Shannon is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Photo: Shannon Hughes
: July 21, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  34 minutes  39 seconds


Direct download: 072114_MondayMorningRadio_Udemy.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 9:30pm MST

It's A Grand Old Flag and Business Strategy: Patriotism and The Flag Company

Is patriotism marketable?  Will consumers buy products commensurate with their affinity for their country of origin or residence?


For the past 25 years, Atlanta's The Flag Company has studied the market value of patriotism and discovered quite a bit about what works - and what definitely doesn't.  This week on Monday Morning Radio, Vicki Lawrence, Flag Company's co-founder and CEO, shares some banner ideas for translating love of country into love of your products and services.

Vicki is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  July 14, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 minutes  26 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 071414_MondayMorningRadio_FlagCo.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:28pm MST

Are You a Consultant or An Activist?: Thomas P. McNulty on What Today's Clients Seek

It may seem simply a matter of semantics, but after 25 years advising more than 100 companies, Thomas P. McNulty has stopped referring to himself as a consultant and begun describing himself as an activist.

"Today's clients don't want advice," McNulty says. "They want action."

This week on Monday Morning Radio, McNulty explains how his Buffalo, NY healthcare management and marketing firm, Success Stories, has written a new and improved financial chapter for a vast array of large, medium and start up clients who have replaced their consultants with activists.

McNulty is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Thomas McNulty
Posted:  July 7, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:   31 minutes  07 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 070714_MondayMorningRadio_Tom_McNulty.mp3
Category:Advertising and Marketing -- posted at: 6:27pm MST

Videos That Jump From Greeting Cards, Stickers & Smartphones To Your Smartphone

This week's guests on Monday Morning Radio, the co-founders of Tap For Message, pose a challenge to the imaginative, courageous and ambitious alumni and friends of Wizard Academy: Take a look at their patent-pending audio and video chip technology, and figure out how your business might utilize it in ways they, themselves, never imagined.


Brothers Kadeer and Ahmer Beg have invented a means for consumers and businesses to easily create customized videos that "jump" from greeting cards, stickers, hang tags and invitations directly to smartphones.  Suddenly, even the most mundane gift or correspondence comes to life.

Listen to this week's audio and view Kadeer's exclusive video message that helps clarify how Tap for Message can turn into Tap for Profits for your business.

[View Kadeer's video at:]

Kadeer and Ahmer are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Ahmer (left) and Kadeer Beg
Posted:  June 30, 2014 
Monday Morning Run Time:  29 minutes 47 seconds 

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 063014_MondayMorningRadio_Tap_for_Message.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:30pm MST

People want to do business with owners who they know and trust.  But in our digital age - where so much commerce is conducted online - building that personalized relationship can be difficult.

Sunpop Studios and its founder Rex Williams have spent 14 years perfecting the art of "Authentic Business Videos"  - in which you, the owner, is guided to produce a 2-to-3 minute "video conversation" with your customers and prospects that delivers proven results.

This week Monday Morning Radio launches its 3rd year of weekly, informative, small business podcasts with a revealing interview featuring Sunpop's Rex Williams.  And yes, as you'll quickly hear, Rex has been blessed with the creative DNA of his proud parents, Wizard Academy founders Roy and Pennie Williams.

Rex is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of Business Unconventional. The one-hour radio newsmagazine debuted in October 2011 on News/Talk 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

To view a Sunpop video that features Dean Rotbart promoting the Wizard Academy's "How to Make Awesome Sauce" course (September 2011), click here.

Posted:  June 23, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  42 minutes 46 seconds 

Direct download: 062314_MondayMorningRadio_RexWilliams_Sunpop.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 10:57am MST

The Mutt and the Mustang: This Self-Publishing Success Story Is No Fairytale


The Mutt and the Mustang is a children's book, inspired by a true friendship between a dog and a horse.

The story-behind-the-story is brimming with inspiration as well. Listen in as Dean Rotbart and David Biondo ask Judy Archibald - a widowed senior citizen on a limited income - how she cracked the self-publishing code and turned her illustrated children's book into a critical and financial success.

The story of Judy's Pet Pals Publishing is completely true; it only feels like a fairytale.

Rotbart and Biondo are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  June 16, 2014

Monday Morning Run Time:  30 mins  05 secs



Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  



Direct download: 061614_MondayMorningRadio_JudyArchibald.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:38pm MST

Get the Inside Dope on How To Become A Paid Speaker

TED Talks have captivated tens of millions of YouTube viewers and helped energize the entire public speaking industry.  

Which is great news for Karen Loucks Rinedollar, founder of Denver Speakers Bureau, which despite its Rocky Mountain name, matches compelling speakers with organizations and companies nationwide.

There is an art to identifying the right speaker for the right occasion, and Rinedollar is a master artist.  Have you ever considered getting paid to speak publicly, or do you need a standout speaker for an upcoming event?  Then be sure to listen as Rinedollar takes the podium on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Karen interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: Karen Loucks Rinedollar
 June 9, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 mins  13 secs
Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  
Direct download: 060914_MondayMorningRadio_DenverSpeakersBureau.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:49pm MST

Janska Clothing: Beating the Odds and Winning Profits and Acclaim

You're never too old or too inexperienced to succeed in business, if you have a vision and the courage to try.

That's one of the key takeaways from this week's Monday Morning Radio interview with Jan Erickson and Jon Thomas, the husband-and-wife duo who launched Janska Clothing in 2003 - when both of them were already in their 50s.

Since then, Janksa, which specializes in making women's outwear that is both fashionable and comfortable, has beat the odds.  The company will earn nearly $3 million this year and Jan was named a U.S. Small Business Administration "Small Business Person of the Year".

Jan and Jon are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Also participating in this week's interviews is Talya Rotbart, Dean's wife, who also serves as Director of Guest Relations for Business Unconventional.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo:  Talya Rotbart (l) and Jan Erickson

Posted:  June 2, 2014


Monday Morning Run Time: 26 mins 59 secs

Direct download: 060214_MondayMorningRadio_Janksa_Clothing.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:19pm MST

4 "Gotchas" Every AdWords User Should Avoid - With Dr. Jason McDonald, JM Internet Group

Google has become a gargantuan global company one AdWords click at a time.  Each year, however, tens of millions of those clicks are wasted - costing small business owners and entrepreneurs far more than they imagine.


Dr. Jason McDonald, a self-described technologist and founder of the JM Internet Group, is one of the world's leading experts on AdWords optimization.  This week, Dr. McDonald exposes the four most common AdWords "gotchas" and how to sidestep them.  If you use pay-per-click online marketing, be sure to click on and realize immediate savings.

Jason is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart.  Dean and wealth management expert David Biondo are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  May 26, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 37 mins  29 secs
Photo: Dr. Jason McDonald

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 052614_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_AdWords.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 4:04pm MST

Dr. Lori Barr Explains How To 'Think & Grow Well'

Dr. Lori Barr is the epitome of the renaissance woman: she is gifted pediatric radiologist, a bestselling author, an expert in managing health, wellness, fitness and stress; a mother, a mentor, a volunteer, and a woman who approaches each day and challenge with passion and gratitude.  

Of yes, did we forget to mention that she is a dedicated - and much appreciated - member of the Wizard Academy board of directors?


Lori joins Dean Rotbart and David Biondo on this week's Monday Morning Radio for a wide-ranging and inspiring interview, including an exclusive peak between the covers of her newest book: Think & Grow Well

Direct download: 051214_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_LoriBarr.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:18pm MST

Making Their Money Where Your Mouth Is:  Jan & Sassa Akervall

As entrepreneurs, the husband-and-wife duo of Jan and Sassa Akervall make their money where your mouth is.  

Dr. Akervall, one of the top ENT physicians in the United States, invented a mouth guard to prevent his patients from having their teeth accidentally chipped or broken during surgery.  Thin and strong, yet pliable, his Sisu mouth guards have now leapt from the operating room to mainstream America, where they are all the rage with professional and amateur athletes alike.  


The Akervalls - both originally from Sweden - are anything but guarded as they share their small business success secrets on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Jan and Sassa are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  May 5, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 mins  20 secs
Photo: Sassa Akervall, Sisu

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

Direct download: 050514_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Sisu.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 8:17pm MST

KGBTexas Illustrates How a Boutique Marketing and Ad  Agency Can Grow and Compete Effectively With National Giants

KGBTexas is a 20-year-old marketing and advertising agency based in San Antonio, Texas that is demonstrating how a boutique regional player can successfully compete nationally with much larger rivals. 

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Chris Day, KGBTexas's general manager, opens his agency's strategic playbook to reveal how a savvy small business can become a forceful player on the national stage.

Chris is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Posted:  April 28, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 31 mins  42 secs
Photo: Chris Day, General Manager, KGBTexas


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots still available this month.  

How to Navigate Your Way to a Successful Online Business with JP Stonestreet

JP Stonestreet is a web startup guru who helps entrepreneurs develop successful online business.  He has built applications and websites for large and small companies, and sold two of his own very successful sites.  

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, JP maps out the steps you must take if you want to start, market, run and potentially sell a successful online business.

JP is the author of The Web Startup Roadmap: Navigate Your Way to a Successful Online Business.

JP is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo: JP Stonestreet
April 21, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  30 mins 36 secs


Direct download: 042114_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_JPStonestreet.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:42pm MST

When You Can't File, Can't Pay Or Both - How Larson Financial Helps Small Business Owners Work With The IRS

Jack Larson says that far more small businesses than you might imagine fall behind in filing their tax returns and paying their taxes.  So in 2005, Jack and his brother Ron established Larson Financial to help taxpayers who are in hot water with the IRS.  Business, not surprisingly, has boomed.  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Jack offers some seasoned advice on how to negotiate successfully with the IRS and explains how he and Ron have managed to expand Larson Financial's client base so rapidly to all 50 states.

Jack is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Photo: Jack Larson, Larson Financial
April 14, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 29 mins 37 secs

The Right Idea, Strategy and Campaign - Advertising Success With Wizard of Ads Partner Mike Slover

Advertising fails when you lack the right idea, strategy and campaign. David Biondo learned this the hard way, as he has gone about promoting his wealth management practice, Signal Butte Financial Corp.

So David, who is based in Denver and co-hosts Monday Morning Radio, recently retained Wizard of Ads Partner Mike Slover, who is based in Carbondale, Illinois, to help him do it the right way.  On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Mike drops by the radio studio to explain to David and Dean Rotbart how he and his fellow Wizard of Ads partners consistently help their small business clients grow using savvy advertising and marketing.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

For sponsorship opportunities, phone Dean Rotbart at 303-800-6081.


Posted:  April 7, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 25 mins 23 secs
Photo:  Mike Slover (l) and David Biondo

Direct download: 040714_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Mike_Slover.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:42am MST

Snapden: The Low-Tech Photo Booth Is Enjoying A Resurgence

In the age of ubiquitous cell phone cameras and selfies, Kalvis Jauanarajs and his company, Snapden, have had to rethink and reinvent the low-tech photo booth, which once flourished as a novelty located at F.W. Woolworth and other five-and-dime stores.

In fact, the photo booth business is anything but obsolete. Thanks to savvy design improvements and greater mobility, Snapden photo booths are popping up everywhere from punk rock shows to the dentist's office.  Kalvis provides a close-up snapshot of how he is reinventing the photo booth experience on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Kalvis is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  March 31, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:
 28 mins 40 secs

Direct download: 033114_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Snapden.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:35pm MST

Goddess Garden: This 'Mompreneur' is Proof Positive that Necessity Really is the Mother of Invention

Just on time for spring, meet Nova Covington, a "mompreneur" whose natural sunscreen products are among the bestselling in the nation.  Nova started her company, Goddess Garden, 10 years ago, when she was searching for a solution to allergies that her newborn daughter had to the chemicals contained in conventional bath and skin care products. Goddess Garden has enjoyed sunny growth almost from day one.

Nova shares her formulation for success on this week's Monday Morning Radio and makes clear that necessity really does remain the mother of invention.

Nova is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Photo: Nova Covington and her daughter, Paige
March 24, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 17 mins 44 secs

An Eclectic Entrepreneur and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Model - Tom Fischer,

Tom Fischer is a Renaissance Man, whose life credentials include being a successful entrepreneur, world-class bourbon connoisseur, Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue model, butler, Oxford professor and - perhaps most importantly, a proud Wizard Academy graduate.

In a wide-ranging interview, Tom, proprietor of, talks about the booming bourbon industry, his eclectic career, and his special connection to Gilligan's Island - all on this week's Monday Morning Radio. 

Tom is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Posted:  March 17, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 mins 09 secs
Photo:  Tom Fischer,

Soybu's 'Of-the-Moment' Apparel for Women Are An Entrepreneurial Success

Jeff and Tina Schmitt work on the cutting edge of the apparel industry and are leaders in producing fashions that help women of all shapes and sizes feel comfortable and confident in their clothing. Their "of-the-moment" lifestyle brand is super hot.

The Schmitts, a small-business duo, founded their company, Soybu, in 1998, and now sell their women's active wear through major retailers, including Sports Authority, REI and CorePower Yoga. Last month, they opened the first of many dedicated retail outlets.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, the Schmitts explain the secret to thriving in the highly competitive women's clothing industry.

The Schmitts are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  March 3, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: mins secs
Photo:  Tina and Jeff Schmitt, Soybu 


Direct download: 030314_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Soybu.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:27pm MST

Free Publicity and Social Media 'Buzz'


Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart:1-303-800-6081. Limited opportunities available in March and April. $495 for the first hour.  

Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:06pm MST

Learn How To Answer the Questions You're Mostly Likely to Face in a Job Interview

Have you got an important interview coming up, perhaps for a new job or with an angel investor?  Do you know how to best answer the questions?  Can you turn the tables on your interviewer and actually ask the correct questions?

Gail Palubiak has spent more than 30 years studying the art of the interview and her company, Interview Academy, now tutors experienced executives and others in guerilla-like techniques for acing any crucial interview.  Gail, herself, is in the hot seat on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Gail is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!


Posted:  February 24, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 38 mins 56 secs
Photo:  Gail Palubiak, Interview Academy

Direct download: 022414_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Palubiak.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:33pm MST

ReciProty's Small Size Means Members Are Tight-Knit - An Interview With Founder Renee Wilbur


Compared to weighty LinkedIn, with well over 250 million worldwide users, Renee Wilbur's ReciProty has all the heft of a fleck of dust.

But it's ReciProty's small size, and the tight-knit community that it begets, that makes the Beaverton, Oregon, online resource exchange so valuable to those members who do discover it.

Wilbur reports that her small business members regularly go out of their way to help one another, whether they are searching for client referrals or seeking funds to rebuild after a tragedy or natural disaster. 

Hear Wilbur argue that the best things really can be found in small packages, this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Renee is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.
Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  February 17, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time: 25 mins 50 secs


Shannon and Dino Watt Can Help You Improve Your Love Life and Your Bottom Line

Shannon and Dino Watt, owners of The Business of Marriage, teach couples how to run their relationships more like a business, and vice versa.  

The Watts, who call themselves "Marriage Mentors," coach couples throughout the country to create a mission statement, take periodic relationship inventories, and schedule regular Marriage Mastermind meetings.  Just in time for Valentine's Day, the Watts reveal how to help both your love life and your bottomline deliver record "profits" -- this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Shannon and Dino are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  February 10, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  33 mins  21 secs

Spend This, Not That™ - Valentine's Day 2014 Edition

Valentine's Day 2014 Edition

By Dale Clarke and Dean Rotbart

Regardless of your budget, Spend This, Not That™ offers our suggestions for choosing wisely; leveraging cash outlays with infusions of creativity and imagination; spotting and utilizing savings opportunities; and above all else, making your Valentine's Day gifts count.

Chocolates (Not That): Godiva offers Valentine’s Day chocolates in a keepsake, fabric heart-shaped box that contains 40 limited-edition heart-shaped pieces.  “Make a grand romantic gesture with our…quintessential gift of love,” the chocolatier coos.  Cost is $100, which includes free standard shipping.

Chocolates (Spend This) That limited edition fabric heart-shaped box will have little utility once the goodies inside are gone.  The box isn’t designed to be refillable and, in our experience, emits a stale smell in time.

For under $90 online, you can purchase the Sephra 16-Inch Stainless Steel 4-Pound home fondue fountain, capable of dispensing premium Belgium dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and other delectable varieties (including liquid caramel) guaranteed to make your sweet-loving lover’s heart melt.

Plan your entire evening around the chocolate fountain, including what you’ll dip into it – strawberries, pound cake, pretzels, body parts… whatever.

Four pounds of your favorite fondue chocolate, more than enough to satiate even the most voracious chocoholic, will run you about $32.

Dishwasher safe parts are easy to clean and the fondue fountain can be used to entertain small gatherings year round – or to reenact your Valentine’s Day liaison whenever the mood is right. 

Read the full feature, here.
Visit Freedom FastTrack, here
Photo:  Dale Clarke, Freedom FastTrack

[Read and Profit Now™]

Category:Spend This, Not That™ -- posted at: 8:10pm MST

Smarter Campaign's Ben Eisenberg on How To Get 'Elected' By Clients and Voters

Whether you've always dreamed of running for public office or you're campaigning to win new clients for your business, the skill sets required are Ben Eisenberg's professional domain.  Ben, president and founder of Smarter Campaigns, has participated in nearly 30 campaigns, ranging from State Representative to President of the United States.

On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Ben reveals the characteristics of winning leaders and explains how to avoid the costly missteps that befall so many campaigners.

Ben is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Photo:  Ben Eisenberg, Smarter Campaigns
Monday Morning Run Time:  26 mins  54 secs

Direct download: 020314_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Ben_Eisenberg.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:21pm MST

Are You Fluent in Body Language?  Let 3 Key Element's Kirk and Kim Duncan Teach You This Essential Business Skill

Turns out that words comprise only 7% of what people communicate, while 93% of person-to-person communication show ups in body language.

Think about what you may be missing, if you can't correctly read the body language of employees, customers, salespeople, even your own spouse and children?

Kirk and Kim Duncan have built their Salt Lake City-based company, 3 Key Elements, into an Inc 500 (#257) growth business by training business owners, entrepreneurs and others to correctly read - and project - body language.

See what they have to say on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

The Duncans are interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  January 27, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  27 mins  32 secs

Direct download: 012714_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Duncans.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:40pm MST

Dr. Richard D. Grant: Secrets to Making Your Marriage AND Your Net Worth Grow

Love and money are not oxymorons, although plenty of otherwise bright and successful entrepreneurs behave like blockheads when it comes to nurturing the single most valuable asset in their lives - their relationship with their spouse.

Even if you're not a romantic dimwit, world-renowned marriage counselor (and Wizard Academydirector) Dr. Richard D. "Nick" Grant offers plenty of great insights on how to make both your marriage and your net worth grow.

Dr. Grant dishes on the secrets of great romances and fortunes on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio.  Consider it an appetizer for the 2-day/ 3-night Money & Love Getaway that Dr. Grant and Jean Carpenter-Backus will be leading at the Academy beginning on February 13th.  

Forget the chocolates and the flowers.  Do your love life a real favor and join Nick and Jean for a romantic and enlightening Valentine's Day at the Wizard Academy.

Dr. Grant is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Posted:  January 20, 2014
Monday Morning Run Time:  26 mins  36 secs

Direct download: 012014_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_NickGrant.mp3
Category:Wizard Academy -- posted at: 8:08am MST

Gourmet Grassfed: Can A Mission-Driven, Ethically Minded Business Actually Prosper?

Ben Kramlich has a beef with the way most meat snack-food products are produced in this country.  So the Oshkosh, Wisconsin-based entrepreneur is traveling a different path, producing his Gourmet Grassfed nutritious snacks in an ecologically and economically responsible fashion:  relying on local farms that raise their animals strictly on grass.  No antibiotics.  No hormones. No artificial nitrates, and 100% ethically and sustainably produced.  Oh yes, Ben's legion of growing fans nationwide also report that his Gourmet Grassfed snacks are great tasting.

Can a mission-driven, ethically minded business prosper in today's cutthroat corporate snack world?  Hear what Ben Kramlich has to say on this week's Monday Morning Radio.

Ben is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:  16 Mins  52 Secs
Photo: Ben Kramlich, Gourmet Grassfed 

Direct download: 011314_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Grassfed2.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:17pm MST

In the Footsteps of Zig Ziglar and Les Brown: Jonathan Sprinkles on the Power of Change & Transformation

In the mold of great motivational speakers, including Zig Ziglar and Les Brown, Jonathan Sprinkles has been wowing nationwide audiences - both large and small - with his wisdom and humor, helping those who attend recommit to excellence and success.

At one time a top salesman at Dell Computers, Jonathan was honored for his leadership, customer service and team-building skill, and chosen by Dell for its most elite group of sales executives.  But Jonathan left the fast track at Dell to launch his own company, Sprinklisms Inc., which aims to inspire entrepreneurs and organizations.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Jonathan shares his best tips for making powerful business and life connections.

Jonathan is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo.  Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver.

For sponsorship opportunties, contact Dean Rotbart at 303-296-1200.

Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo.  The best things in life really are free!

Monday Morning Run Time:   28 Mins  06 Secs
Photo: Jonathan Sprinkles, Sprinklisms Inc.

Direct download: 010614_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Sprinkles-B.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:21pm MST