Sun, 25 August 2019
In the eyes of more than 200,000 women entrepreneurs in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia, Genecia Alluora is already a business rock star. The former Miss Singapore – who founded and leads Soul Rich Woman – the #1 network of female entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, now wants to spread her message of empowerment and financial independence to the women of North America. Genecia specializes in teaching woman the secrets of successful online marketing and digital branding. This week, she connects by phone from the Republic of Singapore with host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, and explains why her step-by-step system of success speaks a universal language. Oh yes, men, too, stand to learn a lot from Genecia’s playbook. Photo: Genecia Alluora, Soul Rich Woman
Sun, 18 August 2019
![]() Owning a business while raising a family is challenging enough. Mix in caring for one or both aging parents, and the complexities of life expand exponentially. That’s especially true for women, who comprise a majority of the 44 million unpaid eldercare providers in the United States. Liz O’Donnell, who enjoyed a fast-paced career in marketing, can speak from experience. She was already juggling her job and two children when both her parents were diagnosed with terminal illnesses on the same day. Liz, author of Working Daughter: A Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents While Making a Living, not only shares her advice with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart for coping with the added responsibilities of eldercare, she also spells out ways that aging Baby Boomers can lessen the burden on their kids when they cross the Rubicon into old age. [Be sure to pick up a copy of Liz O’Donnell’s new book, Working Daughter: A Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents While Making a Living.]
Photo: Liz O’Donnell, Working Daughter |
Sun, 11 August 2019
There are strategies of when, how, and why to use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, and Andrea Stenberg is an expert at helping small business owners and entrepreneurs harness them. Good content – including the use of self-produced videos – Andrea explains to host Dean Rotbart, is only part of the equation. More importantly, knowing exactly how to target prospective customers and clients, and how to buy paid messaging, will determine whether even the best content ever gets noticed, much less goes viral. This week Andrea guides Monday Morning Radio listeners through the shoals of social networking visibility. [Be sure to visit Andrea’s website, The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur, to get a free copy of “The Low Cost Online Video Toolkit.”] Photo: Andrea Stenberg, The Baby Boom Entrepreneur |
Sun, 4 August 2019
Rudy Schmid is a veteran accountant and first-time author who’s written a book – America’s Guide to Starting Your Own Company – that’s helping large numbers of young adults launch their own side hustles free of the flaws that too often hobble new businesses. The concise book is also helpful for established businesses, especially when it comes to hiring and managing people, and sizing up banking relationships. Rudy seems a bit embarrassed that he waited so long to share the lessons he learned from his own accounting practice with today’s eager young entrepreneurs. "Nonsense," replies host Dean Rotbart, “At 86 years of age, Rudy is an inspiration to every would-be author who thinks he or she is ‘too old’ to start.” By the way, the Guide has been so well-received that Rudy is already working on a sequel, “How to Build Your Company for Success.” Photo: Rudy Schmid, author |