Sun, 30 October 2022
Todd Mitchell is an award-winning author of novels for young readers. He teaches writing and literature at Colorado State University and has worked with thousands of writers. But Todd is much more than a university professor. He’s a creativity sherpa for all writers, artists, musicians, actors, entrepreneurs, and innovators who, at times, experience doubt, struggle, and failure.
While Todd’s latest book, Breakthrough, speaks most directly to those who call themselves writers, he notes that the challenges writers face — and can overcome — resemble the challenges that almost everyone faces when they send their creations out into the world to be admired, criticized, or ignored. [Todd’s paradigm is similar to that of Craig Archibald, who was featured on a popular episode of Monday Morning Radio in June 2022. Craig, a well-established acting coach and author, posits that the mindset necessary to be a successful actor and a successful business person is pretty much one and the same]. The subtitle of Breakthrough is “How to Overcome Doubt, Fear, and Resistance to Be Your Ultimate Creative Self.” Todd wrote the book after he was nearly defeated by the psychological demons that haunt many creatives. He found his way back to a happier, more fulfilling life and now shares his playbook for other creatives to follow. “Trust me when I say that Breakthrough is an inspirational book, one that has the potential to change your life,” says host Dean Rotbart, an award-winning journalist and author. “Todd offers the ‘cure’ for those of us who are achievement addicts.” Photo: Todd Mitchell, Author, Breakthrough: How to Overcome Doubt, Fear, and Resistance to Be Your Ultimate Creative Self |
Sat, 22 October 2022
Sitting in jail - facing a 13-year sentence - Rob Lohman had plenty of time to review his past: alcohol and drug addiction, gambling, bankruptcies, and even a suicide attempt. That was in 2012.
Since then, Rob, who was released from prison after less than a year, has not only turned his life around, he’s used savvy self-marketing to build a for-profit business guiding thousands of other men and women who’ve hit rock bottom — be it in their personal or business lives — to a fresh start. As Rob tells host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart, his life story teaches that the same character traits that feed personal failure can be harnessed to rebound and achieve unprecedented success. Pick up a copy of Rob’s book: The Addition IntERvention. Photo: Rob Lohman, Lifted From The Rut |
Sat, 15 October 2022
Over the past decade, if you paid taxes, borrowed money, invested, or bought goods and services, no single elected or appointed government official has had more influence over your wallet than Janet Yellen. In fact, no person in American history has served — as Yellen has — in three influential government economic posts: Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, then Chair of the Federal Reserve, and since January 2021, as Secretary of the Treasury. Jon Hilsenrath, an award-winning senior writer for The Wall Street Journal covering economics and finance, has written the definitive biography of Janet Yellen and her Nobel Prize-winning economist husband, George Akerlof: “Yellen: The Trailblazing Economist Who Navigated an Era of Upheaval.”
The book, due from HarperCollins on November 1st, can be pre-ordered at Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart characterizes “Yellen” as an engaging read that will appeal to a broad audience, with unique value to younger readers who are just starting out or still early in their careers. “The book is a love story, it’s an overcoming obstacles tale, it’s a women’s empowerment narrative, and it provides fascinating insights into the way our government and economy operate,” Rotbart says. This week Hilsenrath raises the curtain on his forthcoming biography and explains why everyone who is a business owner or entrepreneur needs to learn all they can about Janet Yellen. To view a video of this week’s podcast, visit Photo: Jon Hilsenrath, Author |
Fri, 7 October 2022
The title of Chris De Santis’s new book is sure to resonate with employers and employees alike: Why I Find You Irritating: Navigating Generational Friction at Work. Many business owners and veteran company employees find their younger colleagues irritating — failing to share their values and work ethic.
Guess what? The feeling is mutual, as Millennials and GenZers often lack respect for their older co-workers. Chris, an organization expert and former director of training and development for the American Medical Association, has studied generational differences for 18 years. He's discovered that — when well understood — the generational conflict that is so prevalent these days can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization and all its staff. Who buys that theory? Among Chris’s clients, you’ll find Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Lilly, and Bank of America. This week, Chris shares with host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart his take on what most companies get wrong and how to avoid squandering the value inherent in generational diversity. Photo: Chris De Santis, Why I Find You Irritating |
Sun, 2 October 2022
Steve Curtin, ranked as one of the top 30 customer service experts in the world — with clients that include Carnival Cruise Line, NAPA Auto Parts, and TJ Maxx — believes that every owner and manager needs to have “The Revelation Conversation” with each of their employees.
The conversation, which is the focus of Steve’s latest book, is designed to address the question of why their job and their company matter. As Steve tells host and award-winning author Dean Rotbart, “we’ve all heard the story of the NASA janitor who wasn’t mopping floors; he was helping to send a man to the moon.” Imagine what would happen to each worker’s productivity and job satisfaction, Curtin asks, if your employees felt the same way about the greater purpose of the work they do. After a 20-year career with Marriott International working in hotel operations, sales and marketing, and training and development, Steve now devotes his time to speaking, consulting, and writing on the topic of extraordinary customer service. Photo: Steve Curtin, The Revelation Conversation |