Sun, 25 August 2013
Remember the days when where you were listed in the Yellow Pages and how eye-catching your ad was could make or break a local retail or service business? Those days aren't gone, they've just morphed to the Internet, where so-called "local search" is helping some businesses soar while others languish. Debbie Josendale, founder and president of 3C Marketing Group, identifies five foundational components to becoming a Local Search giant. She also has some recommendations for how to respond when your business gets "slimed" by an unhappy consumer reviewer. Josendale is this week's guest on Monday Morning Radio.
Direct download: 082613_MMR_BUnRadio_Podcast_3C_GBG.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:18pm MST |
Sun, 18 August 2013
Most of what conventional financial planners tell entrepreneurs about how to grow and protect their wealth is crap. Okay, so that's not a very polite thing to say. But it's painfully true. Otherwise savvy small business owners can be totally stupid when it comes to trusting their money and investment strategies to others. That is a sermon that Garrett B. Gunderson - who became a multi-millionaire before age 27 - has been preaching from coast-to-coast business pulpits for years and is a core concept in his New York Times groundbreaking bestseller, Killing Sacred Cows. Garrett, an educator and financial advocate, is the force behind The Freedom FastTrack, a phenominal go-against-the-grain process of building and protecting your wealth that defies conventional wisdom, yet produces extraordinary results. On this week's Monday Morning Radio, Garrett unloads on commission-obsessed financial planners and explains why chasing interest rates will never produce the phenomenal wealth that comes when you chase your life's soul purpose. Garrett is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo. Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 49 mins 37 secs
Direct download: 081913-MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_GBG-E.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:46pm MST |
Sun, 11 August 2013
An exclusive Monday Morning Radio Interview with David Kallery - President, Inspirato with American Express. |
Thu, 1 August 2013
As a futurist, Thomas Frey stands shoulder-to-shoulder with such well-known contemporaries as John Naisbitt, Alvin Toffler and Ray Kurzell. In fact, according to Google's highly prized ranking system, Frey is America's #1 rated futurist speaker. He's also the exclusive guest on this week's edition of Monday Morning Radio. Frey is executive director and senior futurist at The DaVinci Institute, which he launched in 1997. Among his intriguing Monday Morning Radio forecasts: As early as 2020, 40% of all jobs in America will be project-based, as the United States evolves into a full-fledged "freelance economy." Moreover, many of these project-based workers will locate and affiliate in so-called Business Colonies, where assignments will be carefully meted out to those with highly specific skill sets. While heads of state and Fortune 500 CEOs regularly consult futurists, Frey is an advocate of using his skills - including 15 years at IBM as an award-winning engineer and designer - to benefit small business owners and entrepreneurs. p.s. In case you're not already impressed, Frey qualifies for the elite Triple Nine Society, representing those few among us with I.Q.s above the 99th percentile. Frey is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and wealth management expert David Biondo. Dean and David are co-hosts of the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 30 mins 43 secs
Direct download: 080413_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_Tom_Frey_2.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 11:53am MST |