Sun, 21 December 2014
With more than 750 million impressions, it’s no wonder that Google Play named Drew Bartkiewicz’ social messaging app one of this year’s best. The app, lettrs – spelled l-e-t-t-r-s – morphs the art of personalized letter writing – complete with postage stamps and original signatures – into the digital age. Lettrs is already changing the way some companies, products and nonprofits brand and fundraise. Discover what it might do for your business this week on Monday Morning Radio.
Sat, 20 October 2012
One single word in its name changed. From College to University. Yet it took four years to win all the political buy-in and votes that were necessary. Dr. Stephen Jordan, president of Metropolitan State University of Denver – with nearly 24,000 students – believes there was a strong “business case” – yes a business case, for going through all the expense and effort to adopt a new school identity. Can a single word, University v. College, really matter all that much to the bottom line? Are there lessons to be learned from Dr. Jordan’s journey? Decide for yourself whether you believe Dr. Jordan was correct – or simply making much ado about nothing. He and his associate for marketing and communications, Cathy Lucas, are the guests on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio. Dr. Jordan and Ms. Lucas were interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart and his Business Unconventional co-host, David Biondo, on July 1, 2012 – the very day the name change went into effect. This week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio is sponsored, in part, by The Wizard of Ads Group, which will be presenting a Marketing Masterclass in Denver on Tuesday, October 30th. The Wizard of Ads Group is assembling some of its top speakers from across the United States and Canada to share their secrets on how small business owners can streamline their marketing and grow their businesses. Instructors will include: Ray Seggern, Chuck McKay, Sarah Klenke, Mike Slover and Charlie Moger. To register for the Marketing Masterclass, visit Tuition for the full day is only $67.00. To hear a 60-second commercial for the course, click here. Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Radio - Run Time: 24 min 39sec |