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January 2016
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Crashing Past the $5 Million Glass Revenue Ceiling


Every business owner has blind spots. It’s just the downside of being talented.

Gene Naftulyev is a business seeing-eye dog, sniffing out ways for small business owners to significantly increase productivity, reduce expenses, and eliminate problems. Frustrations go down. Profits go up. And the owners join the chorus of entrepreneurs who sing Gene’s praises.

Gene, author of Business Growth Roadblocks: How to Use Uncommon Sense to Surpass $5 Million, hangs his shingle at This week he joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart to guide him and our listeners around the major obstacles that stymy so many business owners.

You can pick up your copy of Business Growth Roadblock by Gene Naftulyev from our all-new Monday Morning Radio book club: Discover how your business can blast through the $5 million glass ceiling at:

Photo: Gene Naftulyev,
Posted: December 19, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 42 seconds offers same-day and next-day copyediting services, from a staff of veteran editors.  

Visit or call 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 7. Founded by Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart, is a service of NewsBios.

Direct download: Company_Overhaul.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:52pm MST

It Doesn’t Matter What You’re Selling, David Hoffeld Can Improve Your Results

David Hoffeld, CEO and Chief Sales Trainer at Minnesota-based Hoffeld Group, has made a career of studying the science of selling, and he’s discovered that the number of common misconceptions – often peddled by highly respected sales gurus – is off the charts.

Based on extensive research into a variety of disciplines – including cognitive psychology, social psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics – David has compiled a new book, The Science of Selling, that is rewriting decades of erroneous sales advice.

As certain as two parts hydrogen combined with one-part oxygen will produce water, David tells Monday Morning Radio Host Dean Rotbart that those who master the scientific formula of selling will produce a veritable cloudburst of record sales.

You can pick up your copy of "The Science of Selling" from our all-new Monday Morning Radio Book Club: You’ll find plenty of scientifically proven sales formulas at

Photo: David Hoffeld, The Science of Selling
Posted: December 12, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 minutes 11 seconds offers same-day and next-day copyediting services, from a staff of veteran editors.  

Visit or call 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 7. Founded by Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart, is a service of NewsBios.


Direct download: David_Hoffeld.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 8:34pm MST

Funny New Novel Reveals What Internal Corporate Communications is Really All About


Corporate veterans Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss set out to write a book about internal communications – how companies and organizations can best talk amongst themselves. Rather than your typical “How-To” tome, however, they packed their extensive knowledge on the topic into an enjoyable, laugh-out-loud novel, titled B.S. Incorporated.

Of course, B.S. stands for ….. Business Solutions.

Rock and Voss, cofounders of ROCKdotVoss, a Minnesota-based consultancy, imbue their fictional doppelgängers with candor and insights that would be nearly impossible to reveal if they had chosen to write a nonfiction book.

The two authors spread their B.S. and share their storytelling mastery with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, this week on Monday Morning Radio

You can pick up your copy of B.S. Inc. from our all-new Monday Morning Radio Book Club: You’ll find plenty of B.S. at Just don’t blame us if you’re caught laughing out loud at your desk.

Photo: Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss, RockdotVoss
Posted: December 5, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 09 seconds offers same-day and next-day copyediting services, from a staff of veteran editors.  

Visit or call 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 7. Founded by Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart, is a service of NewsBios.

Direct download: BSInc.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 9:11pm MST

Defying Conventional Business Wisdom and Succeeding

If Russ DiGilio pitched his business concept to you, chances are you run from it as fast as your legs could carry you:

A new donut chain (just what the world is lacking); named Duck Donuts (who doesn’t associate tasty fresh donuts with ducks?); that defies health food advocates (not even a gluten-free variety); and requires customers to come into the donut shop to buy the product (online retailing, what’s that?).

So much for conventional business wisdom.

DiGilio’s Duck Donuts are a mega-success, rapidly spreading across 13 states and more than 100 stores.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, DiGilio demonstrates to our donut-loving host Dean Rotbart, why there is always hope for the entrepreneurial iconoclasts of the world.   

Photo: Russ DiGilio
Posted: November 28, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 36 minutes 52 seconds



Direct download: Duck_Donuts.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:22pm MST

The Never-Ending Marketing Appeal of “Free”

As small business success stories go, it’s hard to do much better than David Erickson and his service.

Launched 15 years ago, David has amassed an amazing record of success that includes serving millions of global users daily; adding more than 100,000 new customers a month; counting 800,000 other businesses as customers; processing more than 1.5 billion total calls; and doing it all without taking on one cent of debt.

David had one secret weapon since day one, the word “free,” which he swears is the best marketing word in the universe.


On this edition, David shares many of his best entrepreneurial insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. Like, this podcast is coming to you for FREE. 

Photo: David Erickson
Posted: November 21, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 34 minutes 33 seconds

Direct download: Free_Conference_Call.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:57pm MST

Opportunities and Risks: Five Experts Size Up the Impact of the Election on Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs


To receive a free transcript of this week’s program, enter your first name and email at:


This week on a special edition of Monday Morning Radio, host and veteran journalist Dean Rotbart has assembled a panel of five experts who address the question: How will the election of Donald Trump impact small business owners and entrepreneurs – and what can YOU do to protect yourself – and to take advantage of fresh opportunities.

Dean’s panel includes Roy H. Williams, co-founder of Wizard Academy and author of the blockbuster book, Pendulum; Mike Agugliaro, co-owner of Gold Medal Services, the largest home service provider in Central New Jersey; Raymond Hennessey, the founding news director of the FOX Business Network and a communications consultant with JConnelly in New York; Frank Lalli, a multi-award winning health and personal finance journalist and author; and Michele Miller, a Wizard of Ads partner and expert on marketing to woman.

You can fork over big bucks to hear the insights of any one of these small business experts or you can listen for free and come away wiser and better prepared. The choice is yours.

Photo (Clockwise): Michelle Miller, Raymond Hennessey, Frank Lalli, Mike Agugliaro, and Roy H. Williams
Posted: November 14, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 1 Hour 10 Minutes

Direct download: Election_Panel.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 6:25pm MST

Don’t Break Even, Get MAD – As In Mad Strategies

When it comes to putting on dynamic, effective events – whether in the for-profit or non-profit universe – Morty Sibler is the go-to man.

A Wizard of Ads partner, based in Montreal, Canada, Morty consistently shows his clients how to squeeze ten times – sometimes even more – the sales or donations out of once-ho-hum sales presentations and fundraising dinners.  

Morty named his company Mad Strategies, as in crazy or angry. In fact, as he explains to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, M.A.D. stands for “Making a Difference,” and Morty spells out exactly how to you, too, can go MAD, this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Morty Silber, Mad Strategies
Posted: November 7, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 36 minutes 39 seconds

Direct download: Mad_Strategies.mp3
Category:Advertising and Marketing -- posted at: 6:27pm MST

How Lovely Beards Made the Leap From Blog to Product Line

Let’s face it, beards are in vogue. Bushy beards, long beards, well-coiffed beards, wild beards – sprouting on men in all walks of life – music, sports, film, business, even politics.

It’s no coincidence that sales at Lovely Beards, a San Francisco-based online seller targeting facial hair aficionados are waxing in response.

Rip Bains, the cofounder of Lovely Beards, shares his company’s transformation from an Irish blog for hirsute men into a “Content & Commerce” retailer that is quickly emerging as one of America’s premiere male grooming companies.

Listen in this week on Monday Morning Radio and hear what Rip tells host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart about the journey from content maker to product maker.

Photo: Rip Bains, Lovely Beards
Posted: October 31, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 32 minutes 12 seconds



Direct download: Lovely_Beards.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 3:12pm MST

Clear the ‘Swamp’ That is Cluttering Your Mind and Stymying Your Business

If you struggle each week to find enough time – even to read the Monday Morning Memo or listen to this podcast – then you might need some coaching from Ronald Tabachnick, aka The Swamp Doctor.

Ron, is an “overload” expert. He and his Toronto-based firm, RT Planning Strategies, have worked with companies including Amazon, FedEx, Terradata, and Audi to help their employees clear their “mental swamps” of clutter, and discover how to separate important details from unimportant distractions.

Ron, author of “A Breakthrough in Strategic Planning,” says his methods can help almost anyone achieve greater focus and peace of mind, even, he promises, our very own host, Dean Rotbart. This week on Monday Morning Radio: The Swamp Doctor v. the King of the Mental Swamp. It’s a duel you won’t want to miss.

Photo: Ronald Tabachnik, RT Planning Strategies
Posted: October 24, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 34 seconds

Direct download: Ron_Tabachnick.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 11:49am MST

For Small Business, It Is the Best of Times; It Is the Worst of Times


What are the greatest rewards, and the greatest frustrations, of owning your own small business?

You may be surprised to learn that money isn’t the answer to either question.

What matters far, far more to America’s entrepreneurs? And what do they absolutely abhor?

The SurePayroll Small Business Scorecard has taken the pulse of American small business owners every month since 2010.

This week on Monday Morning Radio with host Dean Rotbart, SurePayroll’s Andy Roe, head “scorekeeper,” shares some of the most surprising insights into the way entrepreneurs feel on a wide variety of business topics. 

Did you know, for example, that 46% of small business owners are unable to break away from work long enough to have lunch? What about you?

Listen in to hear other eye-opening results from the SurePayroll Small Business Scorecard and see how your small business experience compares to the mainstream.

Photo: Andy Roe,
Posted: October 17, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 minutes 01 seconds



Direct download: SurePayroll_Scorecard.mp3
Category:Industry Experts -- posted at: 3:01pm MST

He Wrote the Small Business Bible and About One Million Other Entrepreneurial Tips

Steve Strauss wrote The Small Business Bible. Literally. The best-selling book, now in its third edition, is widely considered the ultimate small business resource.

Strauss also writes the weekly “Ask an Expert” column for, and has been doing so for 20 years. 

As listeners will discover, there is no small business question too hard (What’s the most important small business tip from among all you offer?) or too odd (How did you come to abhor the ketchup business?) for Strauss to field.

Hear for yourself this week as Strauss joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart on Monday Morning Radio. 

Photo: Steve Strauss,
Posted: October 10, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 minutes 03 seconds


Direct download: Steve_Strauss.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 2:52pm MST

The New Guerrilla Marketing Strategy: Heal the World and Shore Up Your Profits

Do you care deeply about making the world a better place, whether the goal is ending poverty, preventing war, or saving the climate and environment?

Increasingly those who answer ‘yes’ are choosing to launch civic-minded, for-profit businesses as their community activism vehicle of choice. 

Shel Horowitz, author, speaker and founder of, is one of the country’s most-respected and influential evangelists for earning money – more money actually – by doing the right thing.

As Shel explains to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, ambitious, talented, dedicated people no longer need to choose between serving humanity and building their net worth. In fact, Shel says, it’s easier than ever to do good and do well.

Photo: Shel Horowitz,
Posted: October 3, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 43 minutes 42 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for October and November 2016.

Direct download: Beyond_Sustainability.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:35pm MST

Cultivating Big Profits in a Small Market

Ken Lain is a master at cultivating profits from a small business in a small market. Along with his wife, Lisa, Ken owns Watters Garden Center in Prescott, Arizona – a city of about 42,000 residents located in the mountainous area of central Arizona.

Ken, a graduate of host Dean Rotbart’s “Reputation Tool Chest” course at Wizard Academy, relies on a rich bouquet of marketing tools – including over-the-air radio programs, YouTube videos, on-site courses, and rock ‘em, sock ‘em customer service to beat back the predatory tactics and pricing of nearby Big Box competitors.

Ken definitely has a green thumb – both for gardening and profit-making. Ken shares his proven financial seeding and growth tips this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Ken Lain, Watters Garden Center
Posted: September 26, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 38 minutes 20 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for October and November 2016.

Direct download: Watters_Garden.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:32pm MST

Businessman Dave Chandler is Running (Belt) Circles Around the Competition

Dave Chandler is the consummate do-it-yourself entrepreneur. The creator of Running Belt Max, a popular Lycra waist belt that appeals to athletes and non-athletes alike, Dave has no employees.

The Atlanta native serves as Running Belt Max’s designer, marketer, distributor, PR guy, and webmaster. Moreover, he’s orchestrating all of this from Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he relocated four years ago.

Although Running Belt Max is less than a year old, it is already selling better than 97% of all sports waist belts on It's first production run sold out in only ten weeks.

This week, via Skype, Dave shares secrets from his one-man-band entrepreneurial playbook with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, exclusively right now on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Dave Chandler, Running Belt Max
Posted: September 19, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 59 seconds

For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire,Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required), visit

Direct download: Running_Belt_Max.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 4:21pm MST

From Benchwarmer to Olympic Record Holder and Business Champion

In high school and college, Ruben Gonzalez displayed hardly a lick of athletic talent. Yet he dreamed of becoming an Olympian and being counted among the elite athletes of the world.

That he did.

From benchwarmer to recordholder, Ruben made courage and perseverance his mantra, and went on to become the only Olympic athlete ever to compete in four Olympic games in four different decades – most recently in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, at age 47.

These days Ruben is a much-in-demand corporate speaker and author, translating his strategies for success from the icy luge track to the fast-paced, often icy business and career world.

Reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart recently visited with Ruben at his home near the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Hear Dean’s gold-medal report this week on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Ruben Gonzalez, Olympic Motivation
Posted: September 12, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 05 seconds

For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire,Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required),

Direct download: Four_Winter_Games.mp3
Category:Luminaries -- posted at: 5:49pm MST

Main Street Is Awakening to the Huge Opportunity Augmented Reality Presents

The technology that powers Pokémon GO is coming to a small business, perhaps yours, soon.

Augmented Reality, which allows smartphone and tablet users to locate, capture and train virtual Pokémon creatures in real-world settings, is also enabling consumers to test drive virtual furniture in their living rooms, authors to make photos leap off the pages of their books, real estate agents to offer immersive virtual tours of homes for sale, and doctors to test, virtually, surgical procedures on live patients.

IT Craft, based in Ukraine, is a leader in the global effort to bring Augmented Realty, known as AR, to Main Street businesses.

This week, Anthony Suddia, a Kharkiv-based content specialist with IT Craft, takes host Dean Rotbart and his Monday Morning Radio listeners on a wild tour of AR and how it is transforming the small business world.

Brace yourself, for your own reality is about to be augmented.

Photo: Anthony Suddia, IT Craft
Posted: September 5, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 

For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire,Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required), visit

Direct download: ITCraft_AR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 3:12pm MST

‘Rising Above’ Adversity: How Hardship Can Forge Strength

This week’s guest, Gregory Zuckerman, is marking his 20th year as a reporter with The Wall Street Journal.

Greg, who himself has been a publishing entrepreneur, is fascinated by unlikely characters who overcome life’s obstacles to achieve phenomenal success.

Already the author of two blockbuster books – The Greatest Trade Ever, and The Frackers – Greg enlisted his two sons to pen a third book, Rising Above, the tale of how 11 athletes overcame challenges in their youth to become stars.

Among those Greg and his sons profile are LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Jim Abbott, Shane Battier, and Althea Gibson.

Rising Above is targeted at school-age readers. But whether you have kids who are still in school, or you are a seasoned entrepreneur looking for inspiration, the core message of Rising Above is essential: It’s not where you begin, but where you journey that matters most.

Greg and Gabriel share their experience studying adversity, and working together on a family book project, with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

Photo: (L-R) Eli, Gabriel and Greg Zuckerman
Posted: August 29, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 34 seconds


For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire,Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required), visit and enter Promo Code: Dean.


Direct download: zuckerman_rising_above.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 11:21am MST

Grab Your Slice of the $45 Billion Apps Marketplace

If you love sports, or have customers, friends, and family who do, this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio may offer you a low-risk way to earn some extra income – and really enjoy it.

My guests – John Zehr and Robb Lewis, say they’ve developed an opportunity to leverage your existing customer base and social networks to grab a slice of the $45 billion apps industry. 

Robb Lewis is an executive with Utah-based United Games, which has created a live, interactive sports app that promises to let sports fans – in the stadium, on their televisions, or using their smart phones – experience and interact with live sporting events like no game app ever before.

John Zehr, an early adopter, is one of thousands of affiliate hopefuls who plan to use word-of-mouth buzz to attract players to the free app – and profit when those players buy tokens, or watch commercials embedded into the game.

The opportunity intrigued host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart enough that he not only invited John and Robb on the program, he agreed to pay the rather minimal upfront fee and small monthly retainer to try his hand at becoming a games app mogul.

[Email Dean at and he can provide you an official invitation to become an affiliate as well.]

To paraphrase President Reagan, Dean says, “I plan to trust United Games, but verify. I encourage my listeners to do likewise.”

Photo: Robb Lewis (l) and John Zehr
Posted: August 22, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 58 seconds


For a limited time, listeners to Monday Morning Radio can distribute a FREE new release on EIN Presswire at no cost and zero obligation.

Host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart recommends EIN Presswire as an effective, low-cost alternative to the major wire services, including PR Newswire, Business Wire, and PR Web

“Since it’s free, I encourage listeners seeking greater public awareness to give EIN Presswire a try and see how it compares with your existing news release distribution service,” Dean says. “For my clients and me, I have found that EIN Presswire gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of the major PR press wires.”

To open your account with EIN Newswire and place your first news release for free (no credit card required), visit and enter Promo Code: Dean.

Direct download: United_Games_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:42pm MST

How to Schedule Your Private Lunch with an Olympian

Reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart recently bought an unusual gift for himself: lunch with Mark Jackson, a three-time Super Bowl wide receiver for the Denver Broncos.

Dean was able to arrange the tête–à–tête through, a new web service and app that offers entrepreneurs and fans hundreds of one-on-one celebrity experiences, including workouts, golf games, concert-going, and private dining.

Steven Ogunro, a one-time investment banker and co-founder of, joins Dean this week on Monday Morning Radio to talk about how small business owners and entrepreneurs can harness to impress customers and prospects, to glean practical lessons from successful athletes and public figures, and to meet some personal heroes.

Photo: Mark Jackson, Celebrity
Posted: August 15, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 49 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Thursday August 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.

Direct download: Steven_Ogunro_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 1:33pm MST

How to Automate Your Business Success and “Productize” Your Genius


Noah St. John is the creator of the 6-Figure Business Machine, a self-paced mentoring program that allows any entrepreneur or professional to automate profits, increase sales, and work a lot fewer hours each week.

Noah specializes in turning AFOS (average frustrated opportunity seekers) into HSBOs (highly successful business owners).

Noah’s popular Mastermind group for small business owners requires a 5-figure admissions fee, if you’re lucky enough to grab an open slot. But this week on Monday Morning Radio, Noah shares many of his best insights and recommendations – as encapsulated in his 6-Figure Business Machine program – for FREE.

Beginning this week, Monday Morning Radio welcome Noah and 6-Figure Business Machine as official sponsors of our program.

To learn more about the 6-Figure Business Machine, and evaluate whether Noah’s approach is right for you and your business, visit Noah offers Monday Morning Radio listeners a variety of business tools, including an eBook and helpful videos, without cost or obligation.

Photo: Noah St. John, 6-Figure Business Machine
Posted: August 8, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 39 seconds

Direct download: Noah_St_John_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:27pm MST

Rieva Lesonsky is a Walking Small Business Encyclopedia

Rieva Lesonsky is a living, breathing, encyclopedia of small business wisdom. Whether the topic is boosting sales, harnessing technology, overcoming obstacles, or finding that extra dose of entrepreneurial inspiration, Rieva is the expert. She’s the former award-winning editorial director of Entrepreneur Magazine, a syndicated small business writer, an author, and CEO of her own successful business, GrowBiz Media.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart taps into Rieva’s vast almanac of knowledge to extract practical advice and insights that you can put to use in your own business, today.

Photo: Rieva Lesonsky, GrowBiz Media
Posted: August 1, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 48 minutes 16 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Thursday August 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.

Direct download: Rieve_Lesonsky_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:26pm MST

Editor’s Desk: Her Finger is on the Pulse of Talent Development

Ann Parker is an expert on talent development. As editor of CTDO Magazine – Chief Talent Development Officer – she has a unique window on state-of-the-art personnel development, be it at Fortune 500 companies or small businesses with fewer than ten employees.

This week on Monday Morning Radio with reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart, Ann shares some of her practical insights, highlighting the power of talent development to make or break a business.

Photo: Ann Parker, CTDO Magazine
Posted: July 25, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 31 minutes 04 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Thursday August 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.


Direct download: Ann_Parker_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:42pm MST

Direct download: DOR_Invitation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm MST

The Inspiring Tale Behind Hyperkid v. BullBorg

Emerson Daub recently published his second book, HyperKid v. BullBorg. Backed by a national PR campaign, the juvenile novel is selling well on Amazon in several categories, including Growing Up & Facts of Life.

What makes Emerson different from the crowd of other children’s books writers is that, he, himself, is just 9 years old – at least until July 22nd that is, when he turns the big 1-0.

Many parents think about teaming with a young son or daughter to create a book, write an opera, or launch a business, but never actually act on their ideas. Emerson’s parents did, and this week, reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart – in his best investigative mode – gets the scoop from both Emerson and his proud papa Richard. (Hint: Emerson’s favorite color is red; Richard’s is blue.)

If you’ve ever dreamed of going into business with your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, you’ll want to hear the inspiring tale behind Hyperkid v. BullBorg.

Photo: Emerson and Richard Daub
Posted: July 18, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 35 minutes 04 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Thursday August 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.

Direct download: Emerson_Daub_MMR2.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:42pm MST

Senior Citizen Waltz Proves a Viral Success for Tiny Milne Court in Nova Scotia

Scott Frazer and his son, Sean, help run the family’s service station and convenience store, Milne Court, in tiny New Minas, Nova Scotia, population 2,500.

Last month, when out of the blue an elderly customer in their store asked Sean to dance with her, he obliged. Sean’s impromptu senior citizen waltz was captured on Milne Court’s security cameras and Dad Scott posted it to Facebook. In a two-step, the video went viral and is now nearing 1 million views.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Scott and Sean share with reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart the story behind their viral video, and the takeaways we all can utilize to generate our own popular online videos.

Photo: Screen shot of Sean Fraser doing the "Senior Citizen Waltz"
Posted: July 11, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 51 minutes 01 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Thursday August 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.

Direct download: Milne_Court_MMR.mp3
Category:5 Pillars of Reputation -- posted at: 9:47am MST

Star-Spangled Reputation: How Janine Stange Became a Reputation Hall of Famer

From the time she was in high school, Janine Stange was touched by our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, and all it represents. So she began singing it, and singing it, and singing it, right into the record books.

Now known as the National Anthem Girl, Janine has performed the Star Spangled Banner publicly thousands of times, in all 50-states, in venues from Madison Square Garden to Arlington National Cemetery, and at untold numbers of major sporting events, festivals, and patriotic celebrations.

In one 24-hour period last August, in fact, Janine performed publicly 24 different times.

For Janine, singing the national anthem is a cause, a passion, and increasingly a business. 

Does patriotism make for a good business platform?  This week on Monday Morning Radio, Janine will address that question, as well as share with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart what it takes to be a hall of fame-caliber reputation builder.

Direct download: Janine_Stange_MMR.mp3
Category:Reputation Management -- posted at: 5:55pm MST

You Can Become the CEO of Your Own Health and a Self-Made Wellionaire

We all can’t be rich in life, but by relying on some well-established business protocols, we all can be much healthier than we are today.

That’s the premise behind Jill M. Ginsberg’s new book, “Self-Made Wellionaire,” which draws on her background as an MBA, serial entrepreneur, and former corporate brand manager to show overworked business owners, professionals, and do-it-all working moms how to succeed at health.

Jill, who is based in Seattle, is a much-in-demand health coach and corporate wellness speaker. Jill’s aim is to empower all of us to become the CEOs of our own health – a goal, which she says, can take a few dedicated months, but is far more certain to produce a positive result than most business ventures. 

The irony of Jill’s approach, as she explains to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, is that when people become the CEOs of their own health, usually their business performance also shows impressive improvement. 

Photo: Jill Ginsberg, Author
Posted: June 27, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 11 seconds

Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Learn how to amplify it using Dean Rotbart’s proven 5 Pillars of Reputation method. Join Dean for his next FREE one-hour live webinar, on Monday July 18th, at 4 pm EDT. Register at You’ve only got one reputation, make sure to protect and nurture it.

Direct download: Jill_Ginsberg_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:45pm MST

Trust Us, the IRS Doesn’t Want You to Listen This Week!

After 33 years as an IRS tax collector, Richard M. Schickel and two of his former IRS colleagues have written a tell-all book intended to help small business owners and others defend themselves from the harsh tactics of the IRS.

What to Do When the IRS is After You is not a book the IRS wants you to read or to own. Why? Because it is brutally honest about the vindictive nature of the IRS, and what you can – and can’t – get away with once the IRS is on your case.

Join host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week on Monday Morning Radio as he and Richard Schickel, head of RMS Consulting in Tuscon, undertake their own no-holds-barred audit of the IRS.

Photo: RIchard M. Schickel, Author
Posted: June 13, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 06 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for July and August 2016.

Direct download: Richard_Schickel_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 5:18pm MST

Direct download: Sellers_Easton_Live_MMR.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm MST

‘Know-it-All’ CEOs Seldom Do: The Power of Curiosity in Business

Having spent more than 10,000 hours coaching senior executives and their teams to greater performance, Allan Milham concluded that genuine curiosity is the core trait that separates successful leaders from the pack.

Together with Guy Parsons, a lean manufacturing consultant to companies such as BAE Systems and Northrop Grumman, Milham is helping Corporate America redefine the role of owner/CEO from “Knower Leader” to “Learner Leader.”

Milham and Parsons, co-authors of Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win, demonstrate the best ways to ask business questions this week on Monday Morning Radio, hosted by reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

Photo: Allan Milham (l) and Guy Parsons
Posted: May 30, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 02 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for June and July 2016.

Direct download: Parsons_Milham_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 6:33pm MST

Overseeing Guests & Ghosts at Denver’s Iconic Brown Palace Hotel & Spa

Every president since Teddy Roosevelt has been the guest of Denver’s iconic Brown Palace Hotel & Spa, except two (Calvin Coolidge and Barack Obama).

Wizard Academy co-founders Roy & Pennie Williams are among the list of distinguished guests whose names grace the venerable logs of the hotel’s register.

Built in 1892, the triangular-shaped Brown Palace is the crown jewel of Rocky Mountain luxury hotels.

For the past 11 years, Marcel Pitton has served as the managing director of the hotel – overseeing its day-to-day operations and $42 million in facility upgrades.

At the end of May 2016, Marcel checks out of the Brown Palace to pursue new adventures.

Originating this week from the Eisenhower Presidential Suite at the hotel, reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart talks to Marcel about what it takes to orchestrate a team of 400 employees to provide consistent world-class service – including the Forbes Four-Star and the Triple A Four Diamond designations every, single year.

Investigative reporter that he is, Rotbart also gets Marcel to settle the question once and for all about whether the Brown Palace’s permanent guests include ghosts – who many people swear they’ve encountered. Get the definitive answer, exclusively, on Monday Morning Radio.

Photo: Marcel Pitton, Brown Palace Hotel & Spa (Photography by Avital)
Posted: May 23, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 32 minutes 37 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for June and July 2016.


Direct download: Brown_Palace_MMR.mp3
Category:X-IT Interviews -- posted at: 6:14pm MST

X-It Interview: A Candid Look Back (and Ahead) with One of Nation’s Top Small Business Journalists

Until March of this year, Raymond Hennessey served as the editorial director of Entrepreneur Media, publisher of Entrepreneur magazine. He was one of the nation’s top small business journalists.

This week, Ray sits for a candid X-It Interview with Dean Rotbart, host of Monday Morning Radio and executive editor of Ray is now Chief Innovation Officer at JConnelly, a respected New York-based communications and marketing agency.

Free to speak his mind, Ray shares his frank thoughts on journalism and public relations. 

Highlights of the interview include:

  • How companies large and small are successfully bypassing the newsroom and connecting directly with consumers
  • What many companies still misunderstand about content marketing
  • Where most PR agencies still fail to understand journalists and consumers 

Photo: Ray Hennessey, JConnelly
Posted: May 16, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 26 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for June and July 2016. 

Direct download: Ray_Hennessey_XIT_MMR.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm MST

Celebrating Its 50th Anniversary, Peets Coffee & Tea Remains True To Alfred Peet’s Vision

Peet’s Coffee & Tea has grown from a single retail shop at Walnut and Vine in Berkeley, California, into an $800 million, 240-store chain now celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Dave Burwick, president and CEO, ascribes the success and longevity of the coffee roaster and retailer to “scaling the smallness” – a method that allows businesses to remain true to their founding principles, while constantly keeping pace with the changing times.

Sit back, and drink in some genuine business wisdom as host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart and Dave Burwick toast the success of Peet’s Coffee on its 50th business birthday.

Posted: May 9,, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 27 minutes 40 seconds

Your Reputation Matters

Direct download: Dave_Burwick.mp3
Category:Milestone Companies -- posted at: 8:09pm MST

She May Be a Pig Farmer, But She's Also One Savvy Entrepreneur

You may think you have little in common with a pig farmer and butcher in upstate New York, and you’d be right, unless you value great customer service, superior products, passion, perseverance, and profits.

Heather Sandford has carefully packaged each of those qualities into her store, The Piggery, which helps explain why there are often lines of customers snaking out the door of her farm-to-table butcher shop.

Heather joins host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week on Monday Morning Radio, where he huffs, and puffs, and blows away the notion that so-called dirty businesses can’t be great businesses and role models.

Read about Heather's recipe for success, and Dean's observations on what other entrepreneurs can learn from The Piggery's success here.

[Join Monday Morning Radio's Inner Circle for exclusive, bonus materials not available anywhere else, including invitations to private members-only teleconferences and workshops. Click on the illustration below.] # Reputation#Marketing#Entrepreneurs

Posted: May 2,, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 51 seconds

Direct download: The_Piggery_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:36pm MST

School Teacher Turned Entrepreneur Collars Celebrities and Their Canines

Sarah Hassenger is a successful entrepreneur, making and selling quality handcrafted bowties that are so popular they’ve been included in the swag gift bags distributed at the Primetime Emmys and MTV Movie Awards.

Celebs who proudly own Sarah’s products include Ryan Gosling (and George), Amanda Seyfried (and Finn), Rachel Ray (and Isaboo), and Alison Sweeney (and Jorge and Winky).

Oh…. Yes…. did we forget to mention that Sarah’s company, Four Black Paws, makes bowties and a full range of stylish designer collars and accessories for dogs, not humans?

Join host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart this week on Monday Morning Radio as he showcases Sarah and the lessons she offers other entrepreneurs. When it comes to identifying a market ripe for original, playful, and useful products, Sarah is definitely barking up the right tree.

Photo: Sarah Hassenger and her dog, Leila - Four Black Paws

Posted: April 25, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 12 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for May and June 2016. 

Direct download: Sarah_Hassenger_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 11:42am MST

Is Dave Thorell the Best Farm Radio Personality Ever?

If you love larger-than-life personalities, you’ll enjoy hearing Dave Thorell’s colorful reflections on his career at KRVN 880 Rural Radio in Lexington, Nebraska.

Farmers and ranchers in the Midwest consider Dave Thorell as much a part of their daily routine as milking the cows, watering the crops, and planting seeds. Later this year, Dave will be inducted into the Nebraska Broadcasters Hall of Fame.

Monday Morning Radio host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart and his photographer daughter Avital, drove to Nebraska to capture this broadcast legend in conversation and photos. 

To view Avital’s KRVN photo essay, click here.

To view Dean’s three-minute video report, click here.

Be sure to become a subscriber to Monday Morning Radio by signing up for free here. You’ll join Dean Rotbart’s inner-circle of cognoscenti in receiving exclusive content not available anywhere else, including special reports, audios, and invitations to teleconferences and workshops.

Let Monday Morning Radio be your reputation toolkit. Register now to get your free membership and bonus content.

Direct download: Dave_Thorell_KRVN_2.mp3
Category:Luminaries -- posted at: 9:07pm MST

Fantasy Meets Reality For An Aspiring Filmmaker

Jeffrey Biers, who heads Pittsburgh-based All Season Productions, is an entrepreneur and aspiring filmmaker who has written the script and intends to play the lead character in a new Spiderman fan film. The catch: Jeff is swinging into more obstacles than success at the moment.

As many an entrepreneur can attest, pursuing your dreams can at times seem like a scene from a horror film. This week on Monday Morning Radio, Jeff shares his struggles to vanquish the business villains that stand between him and commercial and artistic success. Join host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart for a preview of Spider-Man: Night of the Hunter.

Photo: Jeffrey Biers, All Season Productions

Posted: April 11, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 34 minutes 17 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for April and May 2016. 

Direct download: Jeff_Biers.mp3
Category:Young Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 7:26pm MST

“Hello” From the Other Side of the Customer Service Line

It’s been almost exactly 140 years since Alexander Graham Bell first phoned his assistant, beckoning, “Mr. Watston – come here – I want to see you.”

While the telephone is decidedly old-school, it is still one of the most prominent and important conduits for business. Charlie Fusco specializes in turning each and every call from, or to, a business prospect into a brand-building exercise.

Charlie, founder and CEO of Synergixx, chats this week with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart about the best – and worst – ways for a business to communicate by phone. Listen in on their call right now - and profit.

Photo: Charlie Fusco, Synergixx

Posted: April 4, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 41 minutes 53 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for April and May 2016. 

Direct download: Synergixx_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 12:40pm MST

Jaw-Dropping Insights: The Origins of Idioms, Slang, & Other Common Expressions

Do you worry that your business might be going belly-up? Just launching a business means you’re not a yellow-belly, although most entrepreneurs do have a propensity to bellyache.

Are you detecting a pattern here?

Well, belly-up to the bar and share a few belly laughs this week on Monday Morning Radio as Dr. Per-Olof Hasselgren, a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, shares his collection of common idioms, slang, and everyday English expressions that reference body parts.

Everyone who has a nose for the language arts will find Dr. Hasselgren’s brainchild – and his new book, Body Language – From Head to Toe – an eye-opening experience.

As usual, our gutsy host, Dean Rotbart, cuts right to the heart of the matter.

[To boost the audio of Dr. Hasselgren's remarks, we recommend you use headphones.]

Photo: Dr. Per-Olof Hasselgren

Posted: March 28, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 26 minutes 38 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for April and May 2016. 

Direct download: Hasselgren_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 3:11pm MST

The Path to Saving Global Capitalism? More Capitalists.

The former deputy speaker of the New Jersey State Assembly, a diehard Democrat, and a prominent New Jersey Republican businessman are on a bipartisan campaign to get more private businesses to give their employees partial ownership of their companies.

As Upendra Chivukula and Veny Musim view it, the only way to save capitalism is to exponentially increase the number of capitalists. Their new book, The 3rd Way, spells out the argument and backs it up with substantial empirical evidence.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Democrat and Republican make their joint case for employee-owned businesses. Upendra and Veny are interviewed by reputation coach and host, Dean Rotbart

Eddie Gossage

As an added bonus this week, be sure to stay tuned following Dean’s interview to hear a short excerpt from Martin’s Business Milestones’ interview with the incomparable Eddie Gossage, president of the Texas Motor Speedway. TMS is celebrating its 20th Milestone Anniversary this year and will be featured soon at

Monday Morning Radio listeners get a sneak peak of Eddie’s interview with Dr. Charles W. Martin, founder of Martin’s Business Milestones, a new website created to celebrate and support entrepreneurs. Dean serves as Editor-in-Chief of MBM.

Top Photo: Upendra Chivukula, The 3rd Way
Bottom Photo: Eddie Gossage, Texas Motor Speedway

Posted: March 21, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 28 minutes 33 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for April and May 2016. 

Direct download: ESOP2_MMR.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 3:44pm MST

Mind the (Generation) Gap: The Principal Financial Well-Being Index

How’s this for role reversal – Gen X and Baby Boomer business owners stand to learn a lot from (…wait for it) – Millennial business owners. That’s the conclusion of a survey of 600 American small businesses conducted for The Principal Financial Group, a Fortune 500 financial services company based in Des Moines.

Amy Friedrich, a senior vice president at The Principal who helps oversee the Index, shares the survey results and her analysis this week with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart.

They may be younger than their Gen X and Baby Boomer peers, but Millennial-generation business owners are doing astonishingly well and also crushing it when it comes to work/life balance.

When compared to earlier generations of entrepreneurs, The Principal discovered that Millennials are working fewer hours, providing extra and innovative employee benefits, and projecting a higher level of optimism.

An article featuring a partial transcript of Dean's interview can be found on Martin’s Business Milestones at:


“Millennials are demonstrating they’re a new driving force as business owners,” says Friedrich. “Between working fewer hours, more growth and higher optimism, millennial business owners are a force to be reckoned with.”

Photo: Amy Friedrich, The Principal Financial Group

Posted: March 14, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 40 minutes 30 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for March and April 2016. 

Direct download: Amy_Friedrich_MMR.mp3
Category:Industry Experts -- posted at: 7:11pm MST

You’re Not Too Small or Too New to Profit From (And Afford) a Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity endorsements are not just for giant consumer-products brands anymore. Many small businesses are discovering the sales magnetism of celebrities who talk up their products – whether in advertisements or social media posts.

Evan Morgenstein, president and CEO of CelebExperts, specializes in matching celebrities with businesses – including startups and not-ready-for-prime-time companies. His results have been nothing short of amazing.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Morgenstein shares with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart the ins-and-outs celebrity endorsements.

Photo: Evan Morgenstein, Celeb Experts

Posted: March 7, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 51 minutes 52 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for March and April 2016. 


Direct download: Evan_Morgenstein_MMR.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:55pm MST

How to Prevent Boneheaded Management Actions (or Inactions)

For decades, Sears stores in Miami stocked snowblowers in their garden centers, even though no one ever bought one and it hasn’t snowed in Miami since 1977.

That, says Steven D. Goldstein, a former Sears senior executive, results from management disengagement – an ailment that plaques many owners and senior executives.

Steve, who has been a top executive at several Fortune 500 companies, is an evangelist for management engagement. His first book, Why Are There Snowblowers in Miami? – due out later this year, details five positive principles of engagement that can prevent boneheaded management actions.

Steve shares those principles this week on Monday Morning Radio with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, and answers the obvious question: What was Sears thinking?

Photo: Steven D. Goldstein, Author, Why Are Their Snowblowers in Miami?

Posted: February 29, 2016

Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 33 seconds

Want to learn how to turbocharge your personal or business reputation? Schedule a 30-minute FREE phone consultation with reputation coach and Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200. Limited slots now booking for March and April 2016. 

Direct download: Goldstein_Snow_in_Miami.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:29pm MST

Kickfurther Creates A Unique Business-Financing Marketplace

Success has killed more than a few companies that had plenty of orders, but not enough affordable funding to finance sufficient inventory.

Sean De Clercq and his company, Kickfurther, solve that age-old problem. Kickfurther is a unique business-funding marketplace in which investors – rather than taking equity in a company – actually purchase a share of its inventory. In exchange, the investors get a potential return on their money that trumps the stock market, mutual funds, and real estate.

Reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart brings his Monday Morning Radio microphone to Boulder, Colorado this week to take his own inventory of how Kickfurther is revolutionizing small business financing.

Video: Watch Dean and Sean in a video version of this week's Monday Morning Radio


Photo: Dean Rotbart (l) and Sean De Clercq in Boulder
Posted: February 8, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 39 minutes 10 seconds

Dean Rotbart will next present his popular Reputation Tool Chest Workshop at Wizard Academy on February 16th and 17th. Let Dean teach you to how to build an unparalleled online reputation for you or your business. 

Direct download: Kickfurther_MMR.mp3
Category:Innovators -- posted at: 6:38pm MST

KRVN AM Radio Succeeds By Defining Its Mission and Sticking to It

The big party is on today in Lexington, Nebraska, as the town and nearby residents gather to celebrate 65 years since local farm radio station, KRVN, began broadcasting. There is no other radio station in America comparable to KRVN, which is owned by more than 4,000 Nebraska farmers and ranchers.

How in this day and age a rural AM radio station that concentrates on commodity prices and weather forecasts has survived and prospered holds ample lessons for all business owners and entrepreneurs. As reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart discovered, knowing your customers and working hard each day to serve them is a winning formula – both down on the farm and in major metropolitan markets.

You’re invited to join the anniversary festivities today on Monday Morning Radio, featuring interviews with KRVN general manager Craig Larson and station manager Tim Marshall. Be sure to save room for some homemade anniversary cake.

Note: On this week’s episode, Dean is joined by Dr. Charles W. Martin – “Charley” – the founder of Martin’s Business Milestones – an unprecedented nationwide campaign just getting underway that is designed to showcase and honor small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Martin’s Business Milestones - which you’ll be hearing a lot more about in the coming weeks and months - is dedicated to celebrating those businesses that have demonstrated the tenacity, agility, creativity, know-how, loyalty and experience that are required to tackle the challenges that bring down so many other small businesses. Businesses such as KRVN.

Be sure to visit the Martin’s Business Milestones Twitter page at:

Direct download: KRVN_MMR.mp3
Category:Milestone Companies -- posted at: 11:02pm MST

Commerce with China is a Two-Way Street, Even for Small U.S. Businesses

When most Americans think of doing business with China, they think of outsourcing American manufacturing jobs. But that’s not the big opportunity according to Mark Matsumoto. “Why buy from China when you can sell to China?” 

Many small and mid-size businesses today are making jumbo profits by exporting products and services to China and other Asian Pacific markets. Thanks to modern technology, it’s easier than you might think. According to Matsumoto, who has been doing it for 25 years, all you need is a smart phone and some common sense. 

You can buy his book – Exporting in the Connected World – or you can hear it straight from the expert himself as Matsumoto is interviewed on this week’s edition of Monday Morning Radio by host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart.


p.s. Do you remember when Roy H. Williams, the Wizard, and his co-author Michael Drew, talked about this very topic in Pendulum?

Direct download: Matsumoto_MMR.mp3
Category:Pendulum -- posted at: 7:11pm MST

The Fine Art of Inspiring Creativity: Survey Results No One Expected

Robert Gerlach, a global expert on organizational creativity, has taught companies such as Microsoft, Samsung and BASF the fine art of inspiring creativity.

Based in Stuttgart, Germany, Robert’s company – iQudo, recently conducted a landmark survey in the U.S. to discover the secret ingredients of company-wide creativity. The results were not what anyone expected.

This week on Monday Morning Radio with reputation coach and host Dean Rotbart, Robert offers some of his best tips on how to inspire your business to be more creative.

Photo: Robert Gerlach, iQudo
Posted: January 18, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 31 minutes 39 seconds

Dean Rotbart will next present his popular Reputation Tool Chest Workshop at Wizard Academy on February 16th and 17th. Let Dean teach you to how to build an unparalleled online reputation for you or your business. Registration is limited, so don't delay.

Direct download: iQudo.mp3
Category:Authors and Experts -- posted at: 7:27pm MST

What Global Trends Portend for Your Business in 2016

Each year, Stratfor – which is based not far from the Wizard Academy in Austin, Texas – issues its much-anticipated predictions for what we can expect in the coming year on a geopolitical front – and how developments in areas such as the Middle East, Russia, and China will affect global economics. That includes the impact on commodity prices, the value of the U.S. dollar in global markets, and consumer consumption. 

By placing global events in a geopolitical framework, Stratfor gives its clients a strategic advantage as they strive to be better prepared to seize opportunities and avoid risks.

This week’s guest on Monday Morning Radio, Sim Tack, is Stratfor’s director of analytical support. While the battlefields in Syria and Iraq, and the general political stability in Africa, may feel like there are light years removed from the day-to-day concerns of most American business owners and entrepreneurs, they are anything but.

As Sim explains to host and noted reputation coach Dean Rotbart, what’s happening a world away from Main Street USA – in our increasingly connected world economy – will impact every one of us in 2016.

Photo: Sim Tack, Stratfor
Posted: January 4, 2016
Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 56 seconds

Direct download: Stratfor_Sim_Tack.mp3
Category:Industry Experts -- posted at: 6:24pm MST