Sun, 27 November 2016
If Russ DiGilio pitched his business concept to you, chances are you run from it as fast as your legs could carry you: A new donut chain (just what the world is lacking); named Duck Donuts (who doesn’t associate tasty fresh donuts with ducks?); that defies health food advocates (not even a gluten-free variety); and requires customers to come into the donut shop to buy the product (online retailing, what’s that?). So much for conventional business wisdom. DiGilio’s Duck Donuts are a mega-success, rapidly spreading across 13 states and more than 100 stores. This week on Monday Morning Radio, DiGilio demonstrates to our donut-loving host Dean Rotbart, why there is always hope for the entrepreneurial iconoclasts of the world. Photo: Russ DiGilio
Sun, 20 November 2016
As small business success stories go, it’s hard to do much better than David Erickson and his service. Launched 15 years ago, David has amassed an amazing record of success that includes serving millions of global users daily; adding more than 100,000 new customers a month; counting 800,000 other businesses as customers; processing more than 1.5 billion total calls; and doing it all without taking on one cent of debt. David had one secret weapon since day one, the word “free,” which he swears is the best marketing word in the universe.
On this edition, David shares many of his best entrepreneurial insights with host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart. Like, this podcast is coming to you for FREE. Photo: David Erickson
Direct download: Free_Conference_Call.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 5:57pm MST |
Sat, 12 November 2016
Opportunities and Risks: Five Experts Size Up the Impact of the Election on Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
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This week on a special edition of Monday Morning Radio, host and veteran journalist Dean Rotbart has assembled a panel of five experts who address the question: How will the election of Donald Trump impact small business owners and entrepreneurs – and what can YOU do to protect yourself – and to take advantage of fresh opportunities. Dean’s panel includes Roy H. Williams, co-founder of Wizard Academy and author of the blockbuster book, Pendulum; Mike Agugliaro, co-owner of Gold Medal Services, the largest home service provider in Central New Jersey; Raymond Hennessey, the founding news director of the FOX Business Network and a communications consultant with JConnelly in New York; Frank Lalli, a multi-award winning health and personal finance journalist and author; and Michele Miller, a Wizard of Ads partner and expert on marketing to woman. You can fork over big bucks to hear the insights of any one of these small business experts or you can listen for free and come away wiser and better prepared. The choice is yours. Photo (Clockwise): Michelle Miller, Raymond Hennessey, Frank Lalli, Mike Agugliaro, and Roy H. Williams |
Sat, 5 November 2016
When it comes to putting on dynamic, effective events – whether in the for-profit or non-profit universe – Morty Sibler is the go-to man. A Wizard of Ads partner, based in Montreal, Canada, Morty consistently shows his clients how to squeeze ten times – sometimes even more – the sales or donations out of once-ho-hum sales presentations and fundraising dinners. Morty named his company Mad Strategies, as in crazy or angry. In fact, as he explains to host and reputation coach Dean Rotbart, M.A.D. stands for “Making a Difference,” and Morty spells out exactly how to you, too, can go MAD, this week on Monday Morning Radio. Photo: Morty Silber, Mad Strategies |