Fri, 17 May 2013
Entrepreneur Tim Storm sold his business, Fat Wallet, in September 2011, after more than a decade of pouring his heart and soul into the online consumer savings site. The sale put Tim on a solid financial footing for the rest of his life.
Tim's has had time to reflect on his Fat Wallet days, and on this week's Monday Morning Radio, Tim shares some of the most valuable decisions he made and some of the wisest lessons he learned. He also drops some enticing hints about what's next on his business agenda.
If you dream about cashing out your business one day and living the good life, then Tim's story will provide plenty of encouragement.
Tim is interviewed by Wizard Academy faculty member Dean Rotbart, who along with wealth management expert David Biondo co-hosts the weekly Business Unconventional radio news magazine broadcast on 710 KNUS AM in Denver. Be sure to follow B. Unconventional on Twitter: @BUnRadio and subscribe to Roy H. Williams's Monday Morning Memo. The best things in life really are free! Monday Morning Radio Run Time: 26 mins 23 secs
Direct download: 052013_MondayMorningRadio_BUnRadio_Podcast_TimStorm.mp3
Category:Successful Entrepreneurs -- posted at: 6:05pm MST |