Sun, 14 September 2014
Award-winning journalist Dennis Kneale is a self-described provocateur, who has spent 25 years afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted. Most recently, Dennis was an anchor and senior correspondent on Fox Business. Before that, he worked at CNBC, was managing editor at Forbes, and a senior editor at The Wall Street Journal. Now Dennis has started his own consulting agency, Dennis Kneale Media, and this week on a joint NewsBios-Monday Morning Radio podcast, he dishes dirt on his old journalism colleagues, talks about the impact of powerful storytelling, and shares with host Dean Rotbart some of the trials of segueing from journalist to business owner. Whether you are a senior Fortune 500 corporate communications executive or the owner of your own, growing business, Dennis has some valuable media relations tips for you. Visit Dennis' website here and his LinkedIn page here. Follow NewsBios on Twitter @newsbios. Order NewsBios at 1-866-NEWS-070, ext. 2. "Because what's not in their official bios is often far more important than what is." Photo: Dennis Kneale
Direct download: 091514_MondayMorningRadio_Dennis_Kneale.mp3
Category:BUZZ SNATCHING™ -- posted at: 8:09pm MST |